After being a Dish subscriber for 13+ years I am thinking of jumping ship. Looking at the new costs of the new Hopper to upgrade my 722K between the initial receiver cost on top of my current bill (Everything pack + locals + superstations) For many years I felt Dish was the best bang for the buck, however with the huge Direct sign up promotions it looks like a far better deal for the 24 months. I know the first year savings goes up in year 2 with them, but it looks like a huge deal overall for bascially the same content I am getting right now. NFL package is not a factor for me since I dont watch NFL . I guess the Directtv new customer promo is similar in nature to what dish offers but from what I see the loyal customer is not really rewarded from the satellite companies. The crazy thing around here is that I get basic and expanded cable channels from comcast (due to home owners association) I am wondering if others thing along these same lines. Since Direct TV has the genie system it seems that they have a competive product form the technology aspect. I know the features of the new hopper but it is worth paying a huge amount of money for. My parents right now have a standard programming packaging from dish with old equipment and only 1 dvr. I think they shoulkd switch as well even though I have an everything package and they havezero movie channels and just a basic tv package. If just for the reason to get a much better receiver for free, why pay dish even 200.00 for the receiver if they can get one for free? Dish gives new customers the equipment for free.