Hopper with Sling S514 Update

Where is your improvement? From your pictures I see what was on the software before the update. On the latest software at the bottom of the text it says Press page and there is a down arrow. When you press page down you can read the rest of the text. This is on the HWS. I went from 506 to 514.
In the past it showed much less. Everyone asked why all the dead space was not used... I mean, it showed maybe 3 lines at the most.
I don't think the verbose descriptions which cut off at the bottom of the window were really any improvement over the terse descriptions.
Where is your improvement? From your pictures I see what was on the software before the update. On the latest software at the bottom of the text it says Press page and there is a down arrow. When you press page down you can read the rest of the text. This is on the HWS. I went from 506 to 514.
I see what yelraek sees on my Hopper updated to S514. With the previous release S506 and earlier long descriptions just ended with ... S514 now gives you a page down option to see the rest of the description.
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I really like this new feature. I'm not sure why they never had it like this in the first place.

Yeah that is one of the better updates. Also being able to start the next episode of a series without going back to the top, now if they'd just add that to the EHD viewing and additional Hopper viewing it would be great.

Yeah that is one of the better updates. Also being able to start the next episode of a series without going back to the top, now if they'd just add that to the EHD viewing and additional Hopper viewing it would be great.


I can't imagine adding features to the EHD ability is high on Dish's priority list. How many customers have EHDs hooked up? Not many I'm willing to bet.
I can't imagine adding features to the EHD ability is high on Dish's priority list. How many customers have EHDs hooked up? Not many I'm willing to bet.

Same could be said for 2+ hopper integration, ota, apps, etc. The code is there shouldn't take much to make use of it. I find it rather odd to begin with that, apparently the file handling of each item (DVR, EHD, Hopper 2) is using separate code to begin with, seems rather redundant and inefficient.

Time will tell.

There is nothing that a user can do to prompt the download of the software to your receiver.

Dish rolls software out by receiver serial number, when your number comes up, you you get the software - period.

Relax and watch TV.
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I agree. I know people want the new stuff, what doesn't make sense to me, is why patience isn't there. As long as previous software works, sit back, relax and have a beer, is my outlook.
Make for good entertainment:).... as much as I would like new software as the next guy I also know the longer they keep it as beta the better chance a S515 or higher may come out of it more bugs or worked out of it or better yet additional features may evolve.

Joey freezes video and then audio out of sync

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