Hopper with Sling S514 Update

Anticipation is usually better than reality. Remember when you were waiting for Christmas day? That anticipation was almost always better than what you ended up with. And Charlie ain't as good as Santa! ;)
Same here, also sending emails to dish regrading botched up/wrong ota guides leads to dead end. Local cable offering fantastic deals right now, might go to 211 with EHD on welcome pack and take their(cable bundle) offer.
Two of my local OTA sub channels are all screwed up too. COZITV and AntTV have mexican program info and the wrong channel number but the shows are what they always have been. This just started about 2 weeks ago. I didn't know if it was a Dish botch up or the station. Oh, and as of this morning I'm still on S506 as well.
Two of my local OTA sub channels are all screwed up too. COZITV and AntTV have mexican program info and the wrong channel number but the shows are what they always have been. This just started about 2 weeks ago. I didn't know if it was a Dish botch up or the station. Oh, and as of this morning I'm still on S506 as well.

Yes, Sinclair bought channel 3 and moved the subs around, now Dish's guide is all messed up. Dish replied stating they cant fix it due to bandwidth issue, that makes no sense.
Two of my local OTA sub channels are all screwed up too. COZITV and AntTV have mexican program info and the wrong channel number but the shows are what they always have been. This just started about 2 weeks ago. I didn't know if it was a Dish botch up or the station. Oh, and as of this morning I'm still on S506 as well.

Have you tried dishquality@echostar.com for your guide complaint? IF not try to write an email and describe in detail what you are seeing and what it should be. It might take many emails to get it to be resolved,but it should take care of it.
and moved the subs around, now Dish's guide is all messed up.
Changes like that (moving sub-channels) is effectively a fatal blow to the guide data. Based on the lack of corrections in probably 2+ years, this will not be fixed. No amount of emails to any address within Dish will solve this. Around that 2-year timeframe, one of the DIRT folks confirmed that Dish no longer will correct these.

It is not a bandwidth issue. That is an uneducated rep's misinterpretation of the situation. They think you want Dish to carry the sub-channel(s) over the satellite link.
. Just wanted 5 minutes but got the whole broadcast. Never happened before.

If you had ben watching the news cast from the begining, the entire show was in your buffer, so the entire show would have been dumped into the recording. It's always been that way,AFAIK. If you join a show in progress, if you press record it will record from that point or if you rewind and press record, from that point.

Joey freezes video and then audio out of sync

Lines on CBS
