Hopper Upgrades

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Upgrade help

I would like some help in possibly upgrading to the new Hopper from a 722 instead of changing to uverse. I am a very long time subscriber but was told by customer service that I would have to pay upfront for everything.
JWHayn Account # (removed by a moderator)​

Does the hopper upgrade require a new dish or LNB's even if you are on the EA? I do have only one run to the dish hooked up right now, but I have 2 unused lines going to it. Just wondering for tomorrow. I know from the manuals posted on the forum, that two lines are needed to the dish and I put those in underground when I moved the dish in the spring.
I would also like to talk to a DIRT team member about hopper/joey setup options and cost. Can someone please pm me to talk about my options? Or can I just reach out to any of the DIRT team members? Thanks.
Had hopper/Joey install this morning. Techs arrived 15 mis EARLY and it took them 1 HR to have the system in and working. A real painless install.
Would like assistance in upgrading to 1 hopper/2 joey w/ ota setup from current 722k and 612. Please pm me w/ details. Thanks, Bobby
How in the hell is going to a hopper and joey setup a upgrade?!?! As an installer its a BIG downgrade if anything! If you go to 4 rooms you are only getting 3 as that 4th has to watch something the others are watching. If you already have a 722k or any other VIP receivers I suggest you stay on them and just add a external HDD!

Ohh its also 2013 and these things shouldn't be taking as long as they do to install or download software - pretty sad such new hardware is so slow and touchy to put in.

Had hopper/Joey install this morning. Techs arrived 15 mis EARLY and it took them 1 HR to have the system in and working. A real painless install.

Consider yourself VERY lucky - an hour is also pushing it since you have to inspect the dish, check signal levels (takes 15mins or so depending on dish location if on roof longer), replace ground block with node (another 10mins or more while checking ends so they are good) The download for software takes 25+minutes MIN - on the hopper alone then another 10+minutes for the joey - then don't forget the instructions of the remote changes.
Easy for them as I labeled all cables at both end and gave them a drawing of what I had. I also, when moving my dish last spring, ran 2 extra cables underground and all they had to do with that was put connectors on the end. One guy worked on the units and the other did wiring changes.
One thing not explained in the manual or here, and not in help is AutoHop. A lot of googling says it is not active until 1am each night which explains why I didi not have it all of day one when I tried. The next day it was there, even if it looked as sloppy as me hitting skip forward 7 times blindly during prime time shows to skip the commercials.
I would like to talk to a DIRT member about my billing after my recent Hopper upgrade.

I was interested in upgrading to a two hopper system. I called in and placed the order for two hoppers along with an OTA module. First hopper was free, second hopper for $50. They also offered me 3 months free Starz as well. I get the order confirmation email and noticed they had me down for one hopper, one joey, not two hoppers.

So I call in again and they tell me you can't get two hoppers.
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