Hopper Upgrades

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Just wanted to let the thread know that not all upgrades are rosy. Called and told rep that I wanted to upgrade my HD side of the house to the Hopper and KEEP my stand alone 311. Was told no problem. Tech arrives and tell me he has to pull the 311. Calls Dish to discuss and SV tells me it has to go. I tell them to get out.

Email CEO and do get a nice phone call from someone telling me why the 311 must go from a technical point of view. My view is them wanting to charge me an additional $7 a month for a joey (or a 211 to replace the 311). I do not want or need HD in that room and sure as hell am not going to pay $7 a month for it.

Email CEO again asking Dish why they want to lose over $2000 in revenue over the 2 year commitment period over this issue. I can go to DirectTV and save over $200 myself for this same time period and get what I want, 3 HDTVs and a stand alone SDTV.

Will be contacting DirectTV in a short while to order exactly what I want and not get railroaded into a solution and expense that I do not want or need.

I read in these forums about the outstanding Dish customer support. Well, $7 a month more is more important to them than a 6+ year customer and current $90 a month in revenue.

It should not be this hard.

I apologize for the experience you've had. As you stated you are not able to keep a 311 with a Hopper setup. If you were able to keep the 311, you still would be charged $7 a month for the additional outlet. Your first receiver is included in your programming price and there is a charge for each additional outlet. This charge depends on the receiver but it is $7 a month for a Solo receiver.
Like others, now that the OTA adapter is out I'm considering an upgrade to a Hopper. I currently have a 722, one HD TV and one non-HD TV. I like the 722 as it can feed both TVs without having to pay for an additional outlet. If I read the Hopper information correctly, I would have to upgrade to a Hopper and a Joey and pay the whole house DVR and additional outlet fees, increasing my bill by $11 a month. Can anyone tell me if this is correct? and if there are any upgrade deals for long term customers (15 years+) in good standing? The only reason I'm considering upgrading is for the PTA feature but not sure if it's worth the extra fees.
Question about the PTA.
When using this feature, can you set it to always keep a certain show on the hard drive or do you have to go into it every week and tell it to save.
**EDIT** found the answer here. And it is good, the PTA will save a flagged show to the hard drive. Yay.

Question about Joeys.
If you have a two Hopper system, can the Joeys see both hoppers all the time or can they only see the one they are linked to?

Yes, you can link the Joey to either Hopper and have access to all the recordings. The Hoppers can access each other as well!
Like others, now that the OTA adapter is out I'm considering an upgrade to a Hopper. I currently have a 722, one HD TV and one non-HD TV. I like the 722 as it can feed both TVs without having to pay for an additional outlet. If I read the Hopper information correctly, I would have to upgrade to a Hopper and a Joey and pay the whole house DVR and additional outlet fees, increasing my bill by $11 a month. Can anyone tell me if this is correct? and if there are any upgrade deals for long term customers (15 years+) in good standing? The only reason I'm considering upgrading is for the PTA feature but not sure if it's worth the extra fees.

Yes, based on your needs it does look like the Hopper and Joey upgrade will increase your monthly bill $11.00. If you would like to PM me your account or phone number I can look into this further for you. Thank you!
Thanks to Matt, I have my Hopper setup scheduled for this Sunday.
He is one of the best people to deal with at Dish.
I'm sure all the other DIRT members are great as well, I have just never had the chance to talk with them.
Now that OTA is available and my markets SD locals are ok with PTAT, I contacted Zachs and have had a 2 Hopper , 2 Joey system replace a 622/722 set up. Zachs did a great job in getting me what I wanted and the install occured last Monday.

My installation started at 9:30 am. Since my older system had inferior cable and a Dish mounted on the fireplace, The whole house had to be rewired and the dish moved. The Technician really worked hard and knew this part of the job real well. At about 1:30 with no lunch break , The Tchnician started connecting the Hoppers and downloading the SW. At about 2:30 after successful Hopper connects , he started connecting Joeys. The first Joey was defective and he wasted about 20 minutes. The next 2 Joeys were connected with little problems. It is about 3;30 now. You can see the Technician getting really concerned. He still had 2 more jobs on his schedule and 1 was a 1 Hopper and 2 Joey install. This is when the up to now good service went bad. The Technician was not very knowledgable on how to work the Hoppers and Joeys. I now showed him the 2 OTA modules that needed installing and the 3 external hard drives and the internet connections for the 2 Hoppers. Well at around 5pm the Technician dragged himself from the house and still had to clean up a lot of wiring and debree he had left behind him. He had never connected a Hopper via RCA cables to a second TV nor via an RF Modulator to a second TV. I hope he remembers some of this new stuff for his next installs. He had never seen an OTA module and had no experience with EHDs with a Hopper/Joey install. I ended up spending most of the night and next day with Dish Tech support trying to get everything to work. I still cannot get any of the receivers to see all 3 EHDs. 2 EHDs are connected to Hopper1 and 1EHD to Hopper2. 1 Joey is linked to each Hopper.
I'm interested in upgrading from my current 722 to a 1 Hopper / 1 Joey system. Are we still starting the communication with the DIRT team through this forum? Please let me know how to get the ball rolling. Thanks!

DIRT, please contact me regarding upgrade to 1 Hopper, 1 Joey, and 1 OTA module for Hopper. Thanks.
Dearly Beloved DIRT Team,

I am interested in upgrading from my 722/222 to a 1 hopper/1 Joey system. Please let me know what I need to do. Thanks!

This is when the up to now good service went bad. The Technician was not very knowledgable on how to work the Hoppers and Joeys. I now showed him the 2 OTA modules that needed installing and the 3 external hard drives and the internet connections for the 2 Hoppers. Well at around 5pm the Technician dragged himself from the house and still had to clean up a lot of wiring and debree he had left behind him. He had never connected a Hopper via RCA cables to a second TV nor via an RF Modulator to a second TV. I hope he remembers some of this new stuff for his next installs. He had never seen an OTA module and had no experience with EHDs with a Hopper/Joey install. I ended up spending most of the night and next day with Dish Tech support trying to get everything to work. I still cannot get any of the receivers to see all 3 EHDs. 2 EHDs are connected to Hopper1 and 1EHD to Hopper2. 1 Joey is linked to each Hopper.

I may not being understanding what you are saying, but other than possibly the EHDs, none of this is a normal install. As stated previously here or elsewhere, you should not be able to posses OTA modules at install. There shouldn't be any second TVs hooked up to the Hopper/Joey system- each TV should have their own receiver.
What don't you understand. The OTAs were ordered the same time as the 2 Hopper/ 2 Joey system and the schedule date for the install date was set to allow the 2 OTAs to arrive prior to the install. The connection of the Hoppers to the same SD TVs that were connected to the TV2 outputs of the 622/722 to be replaced was also discussed at the ordering e-mails. In addition, I was told to order a RF modulator to be there when the install took place. So Dish and I knew everything about the compexity of the install. The only person who seemed oblivious to the details was the installer.
Please PM me for upgrade to 2h/1J set-up.

Posted earlier on this thread. I have still sent you a PM with options.

Hey guys! We're getting a lot of requests for 2H/0J and 2H/1J setups. I just wanted to post that this is something that we are still not able to setup (I have spoken with Zach and Mike on this as well). There are certain scenarios where we can setup 1H/0J, but not always.

Everyone who has requested a PM should have received one by now, but please make another post if you have not.
Would like to upgrade to 1 hopper 2 joey set up. I tried to go through customer service but was quoted an upgrade fee of $244, which made no sense. Was also told that I have to pay an installation fee at my new residence since I didnt sign up for dish mover??? I decided I would try you guys. Looking forward to hearing back
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I recently dropped the protection package. If I go with Hopper, should I have this in place to save $ on install? Also, it looks like I would need 1 hopper and 3 joeys to replace my one 722 with tv2 to several places. I have 5 locations total, but can leave one off until this is installed. I also would want a Off Air Module within a day of the install. Now, I have one drawing from dish showing a Hopper with 3 joey's but all the later stuff does not show a single hopper. I would like a quote for a 4 tv system (I hopper, 3 Joey's and OTA module). Thanks.
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