Hopper Plus Reports Good/Bad

What do you think is going on with several of us tried software update tool and we went from H341 to H339?
This is my best educated guess and nothing more than that!

I think it's a code in the update that says what receivers to update by RO#s in bulk like 001-0100 this would change once they wanted to do the next batch. IF you fall through the cracks (you did not get updated in that time) a non-restricted without the RO# would be released at the end of the batches allowing all the rest to receive it. And why a few seem to wait for everyone else to be updated. Might also be why installers are running around with thumb drives updating rather than by satellite.
Might also be why installers are running around with thumb drives updating rather than by satellite.
No. Installers complained about the added time for watching downloads on the job and after years of cries, Dish developed this system so we can pre-download or download while mounting the Dish and running cable at the same time. We have a program that we use to update the thumb drives whenever there's a new update.
No. Installers complained about the added time for watching downloads on the job and after years of cries, Dish developed this system so we can pre-download or download while mounting the Dish and running cable at the same time. We have a program that we use to update the thumb drives whenever there's a new update.
One of my Plus installers said each night he plugs it into a USB hub at end of day and in the morning its ready to go.
Well I had a new to me problem. Paused a recorded show and came back from switching laundry to this. I am instead of rebooting asked for a software update. Kill two birds with one stone right. Its taking a very long time to recover with tuners 1, 2 and three saying "software update" Tuner 4 says available but no live picture. After several reboots and long delays I was back to live TV and to my Suprise H342 from H341.
Your photo showed that this has a Broadcom chip inside.
I have a Samsung QDOLED and Hopper plus throws it into 4K HDR mode. Non-HDR TV looks like crap and there is no way to change the setting on the Hopper nor on the Android TV. I had to take the Plus box out of the system and restore to standard Dish Network. Now I have a 3 year commitment with a box i cannot use. This is unacceptable.
Dish's solution is to re-calibrate my TV and view everything in HDR. That hurts the eyes and will not solve the problem. The box should be able to output the correct signal based on the program being watched. Not make everything HDR.
I have a question, how much downtime is there for a typical Hopper+ install to an existing Hopper H3 as in the Hopper H3 not being able to record from the timers? Thanks!
For my first Upgrade to add the Plus it was brand new. It was his second one he ever did. He arrived at 9am and left at 4pm. I had to replace it which was much quicker say 3 hours. To be safe At least 2 hrs but up to 4 hrs is me best guess. I always specify I want in house and first appointment in the morning.
For my first Upgrade to add the Plus it was brand new. It was his second one he ever did. He arrived at 9am and left at 4pm. I had to replace it which was much quicker say 3 hours. To be safe At least 2 hrs but up to 4 hrs is me best guess. I always specify I want in house and first appointment in the morning.
In house doesn't make any difference. There's good and bad techs on both sides. My area, all the internal techs except like one, are literally pieces of garbage and I'm the only good tech left in the area.
In house doesn't make any difference. There's good and bad techs on both sides. My area, all the internal techs except like one, are literally pieces of garbage and I'm the only good tech left in the area.
And, finding top notch technicians on either side of the line is getting more and more difficult as older guys and master satellite technicians have moved on, and mostly because of the relentless and increasing pressure and emphasis of sales and the way that Dish manipulates metrics that makes them more difficult to hit, which takes more money from technicians paychecks
And, finding top notch technicians on either side of the line is getting more and more difficult as older guys and master satellite technicians have moved on, and mostly because of the relentless and increasing pressure and emphasis of sales and the way that Dish manipulates metrics that makes them more difficult to hit, which takes more money from technicians paychecks
Yep, in my area its extremely hard to meet sales goals and I can't get bonuses or raises based off the ability of low income customers to buy product or not. Honestly as soon as I can find something that can pay me enough and I enjoy, I'm out of here, but not looking like any time soon.
Yep, in my area its extremely hard to meet sales goals and I can't get bonuses or raises based off the ability of low income customers to buy product or not. Honestly as soon as I can find something that can pay me enough and I enjoy, I'm out of here, but not looking like any time soon.
We've lost some very good techs recently who had been here for years and when I became FSM that added to big numbers coming out of the field while Dish is demanding more sales, which has our leadership demanding more from the Managers, which in turn form the techs who are too young to understand sales/offering, or just don't care. I have multiple veteran techs telling me they're looking for something else.
It's a shame. Customers are suffering, offices are suffering, both paying the price of shoddy work.
For my first Upgrade to add the Plus it was brand new. It was his second one he ever did. He arrived at 9am and left at 4pm. I had to replace it which was much quicker say 3 hours. To be safe At least 2 hrs but up to 4 hrs is me best guess. I always specify I want in house and first appointment in the morning.
Wow, 7 hours in the worse case scenario based on your case for the visit but does that mean the timers will not be able to record for all those 7 hours since that is what I am trying to figure out as I have multiple timers running that each will record the same chapter of the tv series a few times a day so just trying to schedule it so even if it does kill one of the recording timeframes, there will be time for the other timers.

PPV movie “The Little Mermaid” on channel 507

Outdoor Pack?
