HOA Issues FTA OTARD Single Family Home

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I have a 90cm dish and it works great. The main difference might be some rain fade but with the downpours Florida gets it could be the difference of 10 seconds instead of 6 if the signal cuts out

Folks use a 1m dish because usually "bigger is better" but as noted, the shipping of a 100cm dish is much more than a 90cm. I have a 90cm & a 76cm and I get 99% of the chanenls out there. Once in a blue while the 76cm can't get a very weak signal but the 90cm can

Ok. I checked shipping on the 100cm and WOW...95.00 and 37.75 for the 90cm. Thanks iceberg! I think I'm safe with a 90. We do get our share of rain, but that's life. I think I'll hold off from communicating with the HOA and see what they decide to do.
Advise them that your attorney gets $10,000 for such cases and WHEN you win they will be responsible for the fee, plus any public humiliation, defamation of character, and/or pain & suffering judgement you may be able to woo the judge into awarding.
Should they decide to proceed, and consequently loose, tell them you can negotiate the judgement, all they need to do is change the text of the rule from 18 inches to 1.8 meters and you will forgive the entire matter...........:cool: (say helloooo C band!)
In theory HOAs are a good thing, more or less, although in practice most are over the top dictatorships with Gestapo tactics and model themselves after the one depicted in "Over the Hedge". In the end Gladys Sharp got exactly what she and every other HOA that bullys there neighbors should get, depelted and verminated! Depelter Turbo, only legal in Texas.......how true.
Sic your high profile sheister on 'em. Dont stop with them just 'letting it go', the 'rule' needs to be modified to be aligned with current technology, or IMHO, deleted entirely. I have found in life that dealing with any 'Sabre Rattling' aggressor, it is best not to just stand one's ground, but to push back. If they cant intimidate you they have no other means of cohersing you into bending to their will.
I'll second that 90 cm should serve you just fine. I'm partial to the GeoSatPro from SatelliteAV... it's been fantastic.

I understand that the sidewalk is my legal property, but I do not have exclusive use of it. I also understand that I can't paint my house purple with orange shutters and place my washer and dryer on the front porch either, but what is irritating is someone of "authority" who makes "the law" in theses parts (without any real understanding of the law), at a simple, non-formal board meeting. Ugh!

Don't take this the wrong way, but why on earth would you choose to move to a community like this? Is this a city where literally every decent community is under a HOA? If so, I count my lucky stars that I didn't have that problem.

Optional anecdote: When we signed the purchase agreement on our house, it included a clause that the agreement was subject to cancellation upon my review and approval of the restrictive covenants. It turned out that there was nothing in there beyond easements from the property lines and not cultivating noxious weeds on the property :p
Hello everyone! I apologize for the delay in responding. I completed my move into my new home (moving sucks, but a new home is nice). I will reply to everyone ASAP (your suggestions are invaluable). Here is the latest...

I emailed and phoned the PMC and the HOA with no response until today (I am keeping track of all communications). Below is my current email log as of 5/13/09:

Hello "John doe"-president of the HOA,
Just checking on the satellite dish. Please let me know the current status of the HOA board's and/or the HOA's attorney's findings regarding the OTARD-FCC ruling.

Thanks and have a great week!

The PMC response 5/13/09…

Mr. HomeyG,
Per the Board's direction I have forwarded this issue to the association's attorney for their opinion. As soon as I've received a response I will forward to the Board for their direction on how to proceed.


My attorney friend's response....

"Keep me in the loop and let me know when it's time to strike".
Good luck, I think you have a good case against the HOA in this matter.

Thanks also for keeping us updated.
HOA FTA OTARD Update 5/31/09

Hello everyone,
I received a letter from the PMC dated 5/30/09 stating that the HOA Architecture Review Committee *approved* my satellite submission (39" FTA dish to be mounted in my back yard at ground level). I can place it anywhere I choose to secure a strong signal per OTARD. I think we all knew this would happen. Now the fun begins! Hopefully this experience will help others.
Now if you could just find one of those gag tape measures that reads 39 at 48".
If the ever question it, pull out your tape measure and gladly measure it saying "Sure thing guys, see it's only 39 just like we agreed!"
And if it's a female inspector, well we all know they cant read a ruler anyway.........
OOPS...Dee will be lurking around here when she gets back, and she's one of them East Texas country gals from up in the piney woods.......
I was looking for something else amongst my papers concerning my single family home and came across my HOA Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. For grins and giggles I decided to have a look see at exactly what my HOA says on the subject. It reads as follows:
Television or radio antennas shall not exceed three inches in diameter and shall not exceed a height of thirty and no satellite dishes or receivers similar thereto shall be allowed
In the considered opinion of this board, could I place a, for instance, 10' BUD on a post as long as the post is no more than three inches in diameter and does not exceed a height of thirty feet?
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I was looking for something else amongst my papers concerning my single family home and came across my HOA Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. For grins and giggles I decided to have a look see at exactly what my HOA says on the subject. It reads as follows:

Television or radio antennas shall not exceed three inches in diameter and shall not exceed a height of thirty and no satellite dishes or receivers similar thereto shall be allowed.

In the considered opinion of this board, could I place a, for instance, 10' BUD on a post as long as the post is no more than three inches in diameter and does not exceed a height of thirty feet?
Another shining example why the ignorant should not be allowed to handle tools, especially those used for carving in granite.
It seems they have ommited the word support, "Television or radio antennas support....
I'm inclined to think they meant support structure, but without seeing the entire publication, it is difficult to understand just what they intended to control.
With the advent of this DTV coversion debacle, I've seen a number of new fangled OTA antennae that are a mini parabole and are several, (6-8?) inches in diameter.
The only other terrestrial device I've seen that would be measured in diameter was for a DTH tv service that was on 2 ghz back in the early/mid 80s. The one out of Houston had Encore until 10pm, and TEN programming afterward. I've seen two styles, the wire mesh 'flattened parabole' (the service was vertically polarized) , and the aluminum 'wok'. I've had both and neither met the 3" criteria.
Regardless, I reiterate, .....................the ignorant, and tools..........
Way to go Gladys.


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I'm inclined to think they meant support structure, but without seeing the entire publication, it is difficult to understand just what they intended to control.
That is the total wording of the provision regarding restriction(s) of antennas.
I think I'll drop them a note. A three inch post would be the support structure. It should be fun. Do you think I should include a picture of my 7.5' BUD I was going to use in TN?

Heh, loved the gun pic.
Congrats on the new home, and your HOA beat-down. Hope you enjoy your fta dish , and have a great view of the satellite arc.
That is the total wording of the provision regarding restriction(s) of antennas.
I think I'll drop them a note. A three inch post would be the support structure. It should be fun. Do you think I should include a picture of my 7.5' BUD I was going to use in TN?

Heh, loved the gun pic.
We can kick the sh#t out of them here, but in the real world, you prolly want to avoid conflict unless necessary. They didnt give you anything that they werent obligated by law, but if you press the point you may be dicovering more piss poor wording in the by-laws about garbage cans, sidewalk edgeing, or the way your mother-in-law parks, that they can give you grief over.
After reading the wording again, I see an attempt to control Ham radio towers, arrays and overall height. the reference to 3 was in inches but the 30 had no dimensional denomination. 30 inches?, feet?, cubits?, zakzars?...who knows, and since it was likely drafted by the first board's Treasurer's 2nd cousin's nephew by marriage from Arkansas, (sorry fiz....had to....lol) that was thinking about taking a law class at the Jr College in a year or two, you know it is sucsinct, rock solid and completely enforceable in a court of law.
where can I get the FCC otard rule? I searched the web and found some but I'm not shure if is the correct document. I recently installed an antenna on the roof (90cm) on a pole, and the HOA people started to look at it with ugly eyes hehehe, so I just want to be prepared!!! thanks in advance for the link!!
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