Hey Ergen, Show Us The $$$....love, Tivo

Who do you think is actually going to PAY for any Tivo victory? "Somebody else?" Look in the mirror. Even if you dropped Dish, the costs of such a decision in Tivo's favor will spread widely.

It's like in the world of music; you cannot patent a riff.

Good luck to Tivo; they are sore losers in my eyes.

I owned a Directivo and it made me cry as to how slooooowwwww it was; christ it makes a Starchoice receiver seem like it's fast.

The whole Tivo tech never appealed to me and as I see similarities in TIvo and all DVR's I say good luck to them.

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FTA and DishNet/Directv Question

[TWC] Road Runner with RG11
