Help Support SatelliteGuys and also Help The Children!

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Thank you to...

madbull, flash717 & Mike_H!

Updates will resume in the morning! Thanks to everyone! Keep the support coming in!
Good morning SatelliteGuys!

Overnight we got support from the following memebrs, formulaoneboy, Pat A, Wix, sonylacd, sandegj!

Its humpday.. so get moving and help support the kids at St. Judes and SatelliteGuys at the same time!

Thank you everyone for your support!
We cracked $1,300.00 for the kids at St Jude!

Keep it coming!

Thank you to chicagonettech, johnstanko &gms49ers!
Last update for tonight, thanks for another GREAT day folks!

Thanks to bobvick, SparksPA, outerub & mikeabc123!
Thank you to the following!

Eat My Volts, old corps & hayesjd

Thanks for helping not only supporting SatelliteGuys, but more importantly THANK YOU for helping to support the kids of St. Jude!
And to round out our Thursday donations, a bit thanks to gdarwin, rushaar, tom231& mario315!!

Thank you guys!!!! (And Gals too!!!)
Happy Friday Everyone!

Lots of donations overnight!

Thank you to dfecarter, fs2685, Edmund. pedrogarcia & davideo!
Lots of donations and new members on Saturday!

Thank you to stimpson, JohninSD, Unknown (WION), FrackinA, brfmn, old-guy, hopton, ljdonato!

We are getting close to giving the kids of St Jude $2,000.00! Thank you everyone!
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