HD TV Advice:


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jan 11, 2005
Bluefield, VA

I am looking to buy a new HD TV for Christmas. I am looking at a 1070p. sets in the 40 to 50 inch range. Reading Consumer Reports it looks like Samsung, Panasonic or Sony are the top models. Is there any advice that you can lend me? Second question. Should I get a extended warrenty. Thanks for any comments or suggestions.

Bubah Jim
Better asked in the Television Sets and Projectors - SatelliteGuys.US forum. I assume you mean 1080p... All brands you mentioned produce decent LCD sets, along with Toshiba...if LCDs are what you are looking for. Each have many good points, but have a few bad points.

For example, Samsung 71 series has a great picture, but their new circuitry has some problems dealing with fast motion (i.e. football being passed)...most see this, some do not. Samsung is looking into problem and will try to correct via firmware....

The Toshiba 177 series has a great picture, but some have a green push problem.

The Sony XBR3/4 series has a great pcture, but has some problems with "clouding".

Not sure about Panny LCDs, but their plasmas look good...haven't been keeping up on them, so I don't know what minor problems are on them.

Not to promote a different forum, but satelliteguys forums do not have a decicated section for the different types of TVs, you may want to check out avsforum.com instead...
Let your wallet be your guide. They are all good sets. When I was looking the salesman said "it's just as good as a Sony". I bought the Sony.

I have a Sony rear projection 57 inch in the rec-room and a 32 nch Sony LCD in the bedroom, both are outstanding.

I bought a 15 inch Magnavox for my wife to put on the kitchen counter. Couple of hundred bucks and it turned out to be a very nice HD, but I had to hook up a converter box for HD. For a cheap LCD in 15 inches it has a great picture.

As for the extended warrenty. you have to pick that. I did not on the Sony's but did on the Magnavox, but it was only forty dollars for four years.

Check some of the large dealers for deals. The last one I bought was a couple of hundred dollars off and no intrest for eighteen months.
I'd also look at the newer LCD sets that have 120hz refresh rate. One thing I've noticed on all LCD's bigger than 32" or so is "jerkiness" during fast motion. I notice this on fast pans on my recent Toshiba 47" LCD.

Also, in some newer sets, 120hz resolves the 3:2 pulldown problem since 120hz is a multiple of 24.

Just thinking of some things I'd be looking for if I were in the market again.
FORGET ABOUT PLASMA. A lot of folks say they have a lifespan of about 3 years, and then they are shot!
WHAT? You've got to be kidding. Plasma has turned out to be one of the more reliable HDTV flat panels out there. They all have pluses and minuses. Plasmas tend to be more power hungry, but display deeper blacks over the LCD's. LCD's did have a problem with switching time (I think that's the jerkiness you're seeing). LCD's also use a lamp, whereas plasma's don't.

According to Consumer Reports, Plasma & LCD flat screen reliability is as good as can be gotten. I have a 42" plasma 720P and am VERY PLEASED.
FORGET ABOUT PLASMA. A lot of folks say they have a lifespan of about 3 years, and then they are shot!

Ancient history.

Today's plasmas can be expected to last 10+ years, 20 if your old aunt watches only soaps in the daytime on them.

I believe the MTBF is around 60,000 hrs now, that's easily 15 years with heavy use.

You're more likely to throw a shoe through it (Hilary's running...).

Mitsubishi HD

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