HD PVR -- DISH 921 OR DIRECTV HD TIVO? Which have more HD?

Marty M

New Member
Original poster
Sep 27, 2003

I now subscribe to DISH and have the 6000. I am considering switching to DirecTV for the HD TIVO.

(1) If you had to guess and look into the future -- which provider will have the largest number of HD channels in one or two years? DirecTV or DISH? Anyone want to guess as to whether DISH lives up to its promises to double or triple its number of HD channels? Will DirecTV match that?

(2) It appears that I must decide between the 921 and the DirecTV HD TIVO before the TIVO unit becomes available -- if I plan on making use of the free Superdish offer by Jan 2004. The key question is trying to guess which provider will offer the most HD channels. Aside from that here the pros and cons as I understand it -- and I welcome any comments or observations:

(a) The DirectTV HD TIVO will be far superior as a PVR but rudimentary as a receiver (in my case I already have a stand-alone TIVO with lifetime service for SD channels);

(b) The 921 will have better receiver functions like favorites lists but in terms of programming is more like VCR with a list of programs for the next week or so;

(c) The HD TIVO will have TWO OTA tuners whereas the 921 will have only one -- a big plus for the TIVO unit;

(d) There is speculation that the company that buys Hughes and DirecTV may drop TIVO and use its own PVR.

My decision will be based on which provider appears to be better positioned for HD channels in the future -- and I'm guessing that is DISH with the new satellite and Superdish.

In my case I already have TIVO for SD. But the fact that the TIVO HD unit will have two OTA tuners is a big plus -- you could record two HD shows in the future.
For now Dish is poised to be the HD leader, but this chan change once the new DirecTV spot beam goes up with the transponders they free up they could put HD in those spots.

But again in this world something could be announced tommorow which could shake the entire thing out.

From what I know about HD Tivo the earliest we will see it is in Spring, although the June / July timeframe is more realistic.

I would hope DirecTV does not dump Tivo.

I could have sworn I responded to these questions already... :)

(1) If you had to guess and look into the future -- which provider will have the largest number of HD channels in one or two years? DirecTV or DISH? Anyone want to guess as to whether DISH lives up to its promises to double or triple its number of HD channels? Will DirecTV match that?
DirecTV won't be able to match the capacity of the Superdish unless they deploy a Superdish-type solution of their own. DirecTV has not announced any plans to offer such a solution at this point, and Dish Network will have greater HDTV capacity until they do.

Note just because Dish has greater HD capacity now doesn't mean they will necessarily have more HD channels next year; there have to be enough new HDTV channels to make Dish's [current] superior capacity an advantage. For example, if there are only 6-7 new HDTV channels in the next year, DirecTV should be able to carry all of them.

(2) It appears that I must decide between the 921 and the DirecTV HD TIVO before the TIVO unit becomes available -- if I plan on making use of the free Superdish offer by Jan 2004. The key question is trying to guess which provider will offer the most HD channels. Aside from that here the pros and cons as I understand it -- and I welcome any comments or observations:
The DirecTV HD Tivo is expected next spring, so it's still some time off yet. And like every new and upcoming product, it is subject to unforseen delays.

(b) The 921 will have better receiver functions like favorites lists but in terms of programming is more like VCR with a list of programs for the next week or so;

(c) The HD TIVO will have TWO OTA tuners whereas the 921 will have only one -- a big plus for the TIVO unit;
Don't forget that the 921 also has a Firewire interface to support a HDTV D-VHS VCR, whereas the HDTV Tivo does not (as per current specs). While the 921's Firewire connection won't be enabled at release, it should be enabled well before the HD DirecTivo is available (based on what's been reported).

That said, it may be easier to upgrade or add a hard drive to the HD Tivo than it will be the 921. It's not yet known whether Dish will permit/allow hard drive upgrades on the 921 to expand HDTV recording capacity. If the recording capacity can be easily expanded on the Tivo, and not the 921, that would be an advantage for the Tivo.

(d) There is speculation that the company that buys Hughes and DirecTV may drop TIVO and use its own PVR.
A Fox-owned DirecTV may ultimately drop Tivo as the low-end PVR solution, but the Tivo isn't likely to go anywhere soon for those customers willing to pay more money (i.e. $200-300+).
Things would change

By the time they come out with lots of HD channel, they prob would make the current STB obsolete.

DVR 510 recorded events prob.

811 with a 508 Setup???

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