HD Problems with Sat. 129


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jun 15, 2007
Hey guys. I have noticed in the slightest little bit of cloud cover that I am having problems with some of the recent HD additions that are housed on satellite 129. During the same period, for instance, I have no problems at all watching ESPNHD, which I believe is on satellite 110.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Can someone walk me through checking my signal strength on the various satellites on the 622?

Most everyone I know is having problems with the 129 satellite.It is a dieing bird.Here is how to check your signal levels.Lets say the channel that is giving you problems is cbscollege which is on 9495/152.This channel is on the 129 sat.First tune in to that particular channel.Second hit the menu button once then hit the #6then hit #1 and then #1 one more time.You made it, now look at the transponder number that will tell you what transponder that channel is on.You can arrow over into the transponder box and arrow up and down to see the signal levels on each transponder.If you have a favorite channel that you love on the 129 and would love to get a better signal,you can probably peak your antenna to get a better signal on that particular transponder.However if you dont feel comfortable doing that let a pro do it.HOWEVER tweaking your dish to get a better signal on that transponder may decrease your signal strength on other transponders and satellites such as 119/110.I hope this helped you.:D
Thanks for all the responses guys. I am located in Lexington, NC, which is about 20 minutes south of Winston-Salem and about 1 hour north of Charlotte.

Someone mentioned I can also repoint the satellite? What is my best option? Usually in the afternoons, all channels on 129 go in and out way too frequently, that I resort to, gulp, watching the SD channel!!
Add a second dish and point it at 61.5.

You can tweak 129 until you are blue in the face but it will still dropout and pixellate like crazy.

I can't believe Dish Network actually sets customers up with 129 for HD. It is JUNK!! Go with 61.5 or switch to Directv.
Why do people keep posting the same thing over and over and over again?

129 has problems and there are 99 threads about it - read and post to them.

SHO2 HD Coming to E*???

Changing address on account for HD Locals?

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