HD DVD Will win and this is why:

How much is Toshiba losing with the sale of each of these players at $98?
The only one who would be able to come up with the real number is Toshiba, but they ain't gona say...

There were rumors a while ago that A3 for $300 would be the first big moneymaker for Toshiba
(on the low end; the high end allegedly was always profitable) - IIRC it uses NEC's SoC.

I'd like to ask a question and please don't think I'm trying to start a riot. I genuinely would like to know because this is a HUGE deal for HD-DVD.

How much is Toshiba losing with the sale of each of these players at $98?

I being totally serious and i'm not trying to knock the sale.


No one knows. Certainly not Walmart. I really don't think it's a big deal for Toshiba. As a company they posted big gains. Back in April( looking for article), it was reported that Walmart purchased 2M players at 50 bucks a pop. This is when all the rumors were floating around about the inexpensive Chinese players. They of course denied it. Now it's looking that it may be true, except the deal may have been with Toshiba. Who knows the actual number that was purchased.

Original blog:

» Wal-Mart favors HD-DVD | John Carroll | ZDNet.com

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How much is Toshiba losing with the sale of each of these players at $98?
Of course nobody here knows the answer to that. I wouldn't be surprised if there were even making money still. Who really knows how much it costs to make one of these things. With normal DVD players selling for $30 it's not out of the question to think an HD DVD player selling at $100 could make a profit.

What surprises me is that this sale is for the A2, not the A3. As best I can tell the A3 really doesn't offer anything significant over the A2. So my guess is that it's really just a cost-reduced version of the A2 with maybe a little tweaking. I'd guess that the A3 is significantly cheaper than the A2 for Toshiba to build, thus higher profit than the A2 if selling for the same price. But it's the A2 that's on sale. Maybe they just haven't ramped up A3 production enough to cover he expected demand.
Has anyone considered that Wal-Mart is doing this on their own as a typical "loss-leader" during the holidays? All the retailers do it... There's nothing that says they paid Toshiba any less for the $99 players than they did for the same player when they were selling it for $199.

Just a thought...
The A2 is just 1080i, right? From past experience, watching a BD or HD-DVD in 1080i is better than upconvert, but not that much if the upconvert is good...
Now this is just ignorance. Ive heard you say it before and let it slide, but its becoming annoying. A 1080p set that does proper inverse telecine procedure gives you 1080p. There is no diference in my picture from my HD-A1 and my PS3. All HD DVD players from toshiba that output 1080i also output all of the picture information necessary to reconstruct 1080p on a good set. Seriously you are either horribly misinformed or just trolling. :rolleyes:

You dont own Bose speakers too? You seem to be highly susceptable to marketing lies. And how far away from your 50" set do you sit?
Now this is just ignorance. Ive heard you say it before and let it slide, but its becoming annoying. A 1080p set that does proper inverse telecine procedure gives you 1080p. There is no diference in my picture from my HD-A1 and my PS3. All HD DVD players from toshiba that output 1080i also output all of the picture information necessary to reconstruct 1080p on a good set. Seriously you are either horribly misinformed or just trolling. :rolleyes:

You dont own Bose speakers too? You seem to be highly susceptable to marketing lies. And how far away from your 50" set do you sit?

Horribly misinformed? I prefer the term "technologically ignorant." :)

Actually, I think it's a simple mistake on my part, which I will now own up to. My comparison was a 1080i picture on a 1080i set, I've never tried to watch a BD or HD-DVD outputted in 1080i on my 1080p TV - maybe it is fine, like you say. In actuality, I'm asking these questions because I'm highly tempted by a sub-$100 HD-DVD player, if I could ever convince my wife to let me get it.

However, I think my point still stands to a certain point. If people are buying 1080i players because their TV won't do 1080p, they're not getting the full benefit and may not see the need to spend twice as much for an HD-DVD vs. just getting a regular one and upconverting it.

No, I don't have Bose speakers, and I sit about 10' away from my set.
Walmart online and Walmart the store are kind of seperate. The store won't even price match online prices.

I hate Walmart.... how scummy. EVERYBODY else matches their online store... Best Buy, CompUSA.. everybody...

The odds of being one of the few to walk out of Walmart with one of these units are less likely than winning your states version of the pick three daily lotto game (less than 1 in 999). It ain't happening. It isn't worth going into a Walmart over. Don't ya just feel dirty coming out of that store? Like you need to go home and take another shower? I do. Icky.
Horribly misinformed? I prefer the term "technologically ignorant." :)

Actually, I think it's a simple mistake on my part, which I will now own up to. My comparison was a 1080i picture on a 1080i set, I've never tried to watch a BD or HD-DVD outputted in 1080i on my 1080p TV - maybe it is fine, like you say. In actuality, I'm asking these questions because I'm highly tempted by a sub-$100 HD-DVD player, if I could ever convince my wife to let me get it.

However, I think my point still stands to a certain point. If people are buying 1080i players because their TV won't do 1080p, they're not getting the full benefit and may not see the need to spend twice as much for an HD-DVD vs. just getting a regular one and upconverting it.

No, I don't have Bose speakers, and I sit about 10' away from my set.

the following are 1080p

Firmware Update Version: 2.5
Applicable Models: HD-XA2, HD-A20, HD-A2, HD-A2W, and HD-D2.
Overview: As part of our commitment to provide world-class service to our customers, Toshiba is supplying this firmware update for use by purchasers of Toshiba HD DVD Player models HD-XA2 and HD-A20. This firmware update includes support for 1080p/24Hz OUTPUT, additional OSD languages, improved network connectivity supporting the download of web-enabled network content associated with certain HD DVD discs, and also addresses certain disc playback and HDMI/DVI related issues identified by Toshiba.
Important Note: Certain HD DVD discs may contain or have the capability of downloading studio-provided, web-enabled network content. To minimize any potential compatibility and/or connectivity issues, before viewing such content, it is recommended that you perform the firmware update process to ensure that your HD DVD player is using the latest firmware version.
Source: Toshiba

And once again, for the millionth time, No Toshiba player is outputting plain old "1080i" like comes from your D* or E* reciever. It is outputting 1080i60 which converts to 1080p24
Worse, since the sale is "while supplies last", I bet they only have about 5 at each store. Like they did a couple years ago with the cheap laptops.
My wife works at a Walmart and she looked at 17 Walmarts in her area and the number of players at each store ranged from 12 to 30 with 9 of those stores having at least 21.
Has anyone considered that Wal-Mart is doing this on their own as a typical "loss-leader" during the holidays? All the retailers do it... There's nothing that says they paid Toshiba any less for the $99 players than they did for the same player when they were selling it for $199.

Just a thought...
Walmart's price for these players is around 250.
Has anyone considered that Wal-Mart is doing this on their own as a typical "loss-leader" during the holidays?
That would actually be the worst news for BD, I think, since it would mean HD DVD can be used as a magnet to lure shoppers...

Read my post right before yours and you'll set that that is exactly what Walmart is doing.
I don't believe WalMart's cost would be $250.

It's one thing when they got the bulk of what is left from the A2s and sell them at cost ($100).
It's a completely different thing if they decided it is time to chose a side (i.e. J6P is informed enough) and sell them below cost to attract shoppers.

Trust me, the cost is 250.
You are telling me that you know how much WalMart paid Toshiba per unit?
And now they are taking a $150 hit on this single item even before Xmas sales?

Sorry, I don't believe it...

Read my post a couple of posts back to see how many you would expect to see at various Walmarts.
I did read your post, but it has been my experience that our local Wal-Marts vary greatly by store. I just called 2 of the 3 Super Wal-Marts within 5 miles of our home (they are taking over!). At the 1st store, it took a while to find someone familiar with tomorrow's sale and, by this dullards best estimate, they only had a few (less than 10) available for the sale. When I called the 2nd Wal-Mart, a squared-away electronics sales clerk told me they had a full pallet of them waiting in storage and, without prompting, he told me their Manager said they weren't to be displayed before midnight. He couldn't tell me if they would be available prior to 8am, but he did verify they had at least 30-40 on hand. As far as the 3rd area Wal-Mart...let's just say most upright walking people don't shop at this store, so I doubt they have a need for HD DVR players.

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