Will HD-DVD survive CES?

Will HD-DVD survive CES?

  • Nope...Stick a fork in it.

    Votes: 16 43.2%
  • Yes...The've been dealt a blow but are not done yet.

    Votes: 21 56.8%

  • Total voters


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 15, 2004
With all the news & rumors floating around, it's possible that HD-DVD may not even survive CES. What do you think?
With all the news & rumors floating around, it's possible that HD-DVD may not even survive CES. What do you think?
Are you serious? Or are you just enjoying kicking the format when there down. It doesn't look good for HD DVD but to seriously think that they will stop selling players and die during CES is crazy talk.
The studios aren't done bidding Toshiba and Sony against each other. It's not in their interests to kill one format or the other entirely.
They were dead before CES started, they just did not know it yet.

I predict end of February HD-DVD pretty much just mail order only. As soon as the Warner/Universal/Paramount commitments are over they will immediatly stop HD-DVD production. These companies are not going to invest in keeping HD-DVD inventory. It will take a couple months (jan/feb) for the big retailers to go through their stock of product.

I bet the order has already come down at Walmart, Target, Best Buy, Circuit City, etc to end all purchasing activity in HD-DVD. Stock will be limited to what is already on hand, previously ordered or contractually commited to buy. They are probably getting ready to ship back any inventory they have the right to send back in for credit.

Amazon (and other mail order) will be able to carry HD-DVD until the end since they can keep it in a warehouse out in the middle of no where.
Thats a pretty large statement :)

Im actually curious to see what retailers do take away from the WB announcement and CES.

More than one insider has said retailers are all very frustrated with two formats. Will we see shrinking HDDVD areas? Will we not?

Should be interesting.

I agree that mail order will keep HDDVD going for a long time, and as long as they have a studio there will be something to buy.

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