HD DVD Will win and this is why:

sorry, not a "blubot", just telling the facts as I see them; how many hddvd players have YOU owned?
I had the toshiba first gen player 2 days after it was released, and I just dumped my A20 because I wasn't impressed with the way it handled audio, so I think I have a pretty advanced perspective on the genre..plus, I have had hdtv since 2002, so unless your experience is similar to mine, save the insults for someone else.
And, don't even try and compare the selection of hits/blockbuster movies that are on Blu-ray VS. HD DVD..

Go try and rent an HD DVD at Blockbuster today, ok?

I have an A-1, an A-2 and an A-20. I have had various HDTV's since 2000.
I currently own a CRT, LCD and DLP HDTVs, so I think I have a pretty advanced perspective on the genre also.

Lets do compare the selection of hits/blockbuster movies that are on Blu-ray VS. HD DVD.

Yahoo! Movies - All Time Box Office and Buzz

As far as renting from Blockbuster, I do. Mine carries both formats.
Personally i think that half of the movies you listed coming to BD suck.

Transformers is the only movie I might watch coming to HD-DVD. I took my wife to the third Borne movie, she used to really like the Borne movies but the third one's story was too fractured and the film style gave her a headache and made me dizzy. That moving the camera constantly in a circle is getting way tired and alot of the action sceens were shot so close you could not make out what the heck was going on. Besides the story being a little lame at least it did wrap up how Borne got to be Borne. After that it was pretty dull. And Shrek3 --well I only have one grandchild and I let his mother buy him that on DVD. So what else does HD-DVD have coming out -- oh yeah -- NOTHING!
I see you listed quite a few movies there Vurbano -- keep up the good work. Maybe on Black Friday Toshiba can sell a HD-DVD player for $25 and really flood the market with HD-DVD players! And then they will all rush out and pay $180 for the first season of Star Trek in HD -- don't think that is going to happen.
I see you listed quite a few movies there Vurbano -- keep up the good work. Maybe on Black Friday Toshiba can sell a HD-DVD player for $25 and really flood the market with HD-DVD players! And then they will all rush out and pay $180 for the first season of Star Trek in HD -- don't think that is going to happen.

Are you kidding me?

This from the guy who's playing shill for the company who is still cranking out UMDs at $25 MSRP? With the SD version of Spider-Man 3 at like $36 MSRP?

You are by far the least objective person on this forum, I can not believe the stuff you've thrown up as arguments in your last several posts.

I'm guessing you're talking about TOS, season 1, which is $135 at DeepDiscount? HD-DVD - Star Trek: The Original Series - Season One Not Rated / Paramount Home Entertainment / DVD
You are the ones bragging about your superior player numbers, according to the HD-DVD camp, one day no one uses the playstaion for movies then the next there are 5 million blu-ray players out there. You guys twist every fact

"I am sorry, what? Or is this one of those times where it is convenient to ignore PS3 numbers to make an argument more true?"
Nice job not answering the question. Who is twisting the facts Mr. 'we have less BD hardware'. YOU said this. While posting your 'HAH THEY HAVE MULTIPLE PLAYERS HAH!' invented figure.

If you were citing something please feel free to link, otherwise you're just another person spreading FUD. As a BD supporter yourself, you are twisting the facts to suit your non-existent argument given you are just posting whatever instead of citing anything that IS being twisted.
I arrived at a local Wal-Mart at 6:00 a.m. (opening time) and walked out with a player and two of the three $14.96 sale titles (Blood Diamond and Big Lebowski) at 8:00 a.m. That particular store had 20 players, and only four had been sold when I left.

While I couldn't find 12 Monkeys, I did discover (later that day) that there were actually MANY HD-DVD titles on "secret" sale for $14.96. These included The Italian Job, Full Metal Jacket, Alexander (Revisited), Failure to Launch, Sleepy Hollow, Four Brothers, Swordfish, Backdraft, Unforgiven, and Pulse. Even more to my surprise, when I went into another Wal-Mart Sunday (11/04), a few of these were still on the shelves (and still $14.96!)
I bought an HD-A2 the other day because:

1. The price. At this time BD hardware is still SO much more expensive. Why? Who knows. Greed?
2. My son already has the Xbox 360 HD-DVD add-on and some good HD-DVD titles for it (for me to borrow).

Has Sony EVER won a format war?
While I couldn't find 12 Monkeys, I did discover (later that day) that there were actually MANY HD-DVD titles on "secret" sale for $14.96. These included The Italian Job, Full Metal Jacket, Alexander (Revisited), Failure to Launch, Sleepy Hollow, Four Brothers, Swordfish, Backdraft, Unforgiven, and Pulse. Even more to my surprise, when I went into another Wal-Mart Sunday (11/04), a few of these were still on the shelves (and still $14.96!)

Of course, you can get The Italian Job, Full Metal Jacket and Swordfish for free with the mail in rebate, so $15 isn't THAT great of a price...
I think the porn industry is going with HD DVD because of lower cost and ease of manufacturing.
These players were sold out within hours, so no big deal, and how many of the people that bought these were home theater people and how many the general public? I think it is embarassing for Toshiba, from a business stand-point, to have to give away electronics because they had so many players left of a discontinued model they had to push them with big chains to delete the inventory. Big losses in hd-dvd for the stockholders of Toshiba with this sale.
I think I know why Blu-Ray has less hardware yet more software sales. The HD-DVD fans all own 4 or 5 players

That's a great point. Toshiba says people who own game systems don't buy movies and Toshiba says there is little penetration of stand-alone blu-ray players....yet blu has outsold hd-dvd 2 to 1 in movies released on both formats. Toshiba makes me laugh, they don't even think about their press releases and how wrong they are. It's just like Transformers. Toshiba announced a huge number of hd-dvds were sold on the title, and when the videoscan and neilson reports came out, it was about 90,000 copies less. LOL.
No, he is not -- I have never owned a HD-DVD player. And anyone who cares to look up the boxoffice hits of the last three years will see that BluRay has a tremendous lead over HD-DVD in that respect. Let's take a look at the last three months of this year. HD-DVD has Transformers (paid 50 mill to get this one exclusive) Shrek3 and the latest Borne Flick. BluRay has Spiderman3, Cars, POTC3, Ratatouie, Live Free or Die Hard, the Simpsons Movie and others. The second lineup include Cast Away, Independence Day, Mr. and Mrs. Smith and others. The lineup for movies on BD is much more entertaining then what is coming out on HD-DVD. And everything Warner has is for both so their movies do not count here.

I constantly hear that HD-DVD has some great movies and if that was the case then HD-DVD would be outselling BD -- but they are not - period!

Summer Blockbusters for HD-DVD = Shrek 3 (crappy movie), Bourne, Transformers (crappy movie), Knocked Up, Evan Almighty (bombed but still sold a lot of tickets)

Summer Blockbusters for Blu-Ray=Ratatouille (great movie), POTC 3 (crap), Spiderman 3 (crap), Die Hard 4, Simpsons, Fantastic 4 (crap)

You mentioned several catalog Blu titles. The problem is that some (e.g. Mr. and Mrs. Smith) importable on HD-DVD via xploitedcinema for cheaper than paying Fox domestic prices.

I'll throw you another bone and argue for New Line. Add Hairspray and Rush Hour 3 to the Blu titles that won't come to HD-DVD until a little while later.

The argument is that Toshiba paid Paramount $100 mill for Dreamworks. (I will at least correct that for you.)

It doesn't matter. We are all pushing and shoving over 1% of the home media market.

Harry Potter (on both) will stomp all the above titles into the ground anyway.
I bought an HD-A2 the other day because:

1. The price. At this time BD hardware is still SO much more expensive. Why? Who knows. Greed?
2. My son already has the Xbox 360 HD-DVD add-on and some good HD-DVD titles for it (for me to borrow).

Has Sony EVER won a format war?

Ah man, should have waited until now, the HD-DVD addon with the 360 its very annoying, because the 360 makes too much noise when the player is running.
Now the HD-DVD player its under 99$ it would be the best choice.