HD DVD may be dying but it looks like they might take Bluray with them

It was all over the media (AP to be exact) yesterday and TV, warning consumers not to jump into Bluray because of profile debacle.

Hmmm.... I wonder where that "news" came from.

Sorry to break it to you, but I still don't believe for a second that the majority of Americans are watching a news report on Blu-Ray with rapt attention at this point... and even if they were, it will all be old news by the time they go out to buy their player.
If HD DVD dies Sony will have killed off the HDM format.
Nah, as it was with DAT, they will find that Blu-Ray's major claimed advantage lends itself reasonably well to computer data backup. That is, of course, if they can figure out how to keep the drive and media prices in line (one of Blu-Ray's likely disadvantages).
From day one I have always thought people have made this stupid ridiculous format war way bigger than it ever actually was....and Frankly.....
I don't see what the big deal is :confused::confused:

I bought my HD-DVD player during the Wally World sale and I have about 10 HD movies of about half were free....So that's what $250 tops in my HD-DVD investment....I could double that to $500 and it still wouldn;t be that big a deal to me if HD-DVD fades out, Hell I have lost more than that in a bad night in Vegas.......

The bottom line is I don't think any of us are going to "lose the farm" if we must go out and buy a Blu-Ray player to sit beside our HD-DVD player.....

Sometimes you just have to roll with the tide, I always assumed if I wanted to watch every movie from now on in HD format I would eventually have to buy both anyway......We all know most companies do not think about the ease on consumers and some titles would be format exclusive.....You either do without that title or watch it upconverted......or you go out and find the best deal you can on a Blu-Ray and have the best of both worlds....

Just my .02
You guys should really not worry with arguing with rjones or vurbano.

Is nature, when you are on top, your more of a target.

All HDDVD ONLY supporters have to do now is shoot at why BD wont live. Dont waste your time replying or defending. Whats said on this forum by a few bitter folks wont matter in the real world.

We already heard BD would not survive because it was incomplete, too expensive, HDDVD was leading sales therefore WB was going HDDVD.

Guess what? None of that seems to be effecting BD sales and WB chsoe BD(with paramount to follow), and the PS3 that everyone loves to dog on is selling better than ever and flooding the market with players. It will be profile 2.0, it will decode DTSMA and you get a media center/game machine.

The biggest mistake HDDVD made was not putting the HDDVD drive standard on the Xbox360. If they would have, this would not even have been a war. HDDVD would have run the table. But yet you guys love to tout the price of the ps3 compared to the 360, which in fact its that same argument that did the format in. ;)
The biggest mistake HDDVD made was not putting the HDDVD drive standard on the Xbox360. If they would have, this would not even have been a war. HDDVD would have run the table. But yet you guys love to tout the price of the ps3 compared to the 360, which in fact its that same argument that did the format in. ;)

See on this point we disagree. If MS would have waited to release with HD-DVD it would have been to slow to work without having a mandatory HD and MS could not release it a year before. And with the much lower price.

MS did the right thing by releasing DVD-9 16x. Then they sold the HD-DVD as an accessory (which all have good mark ups on anyway).

This way the 360 is not locked into any format. As the 360 execs have already stated that they are looking to make a BD drive now.

Btw The mark up from when the drive was 179.99 is about $100 bucks. Sams sold it at cost for awhile (while they were clearing them out) for 72 each. Even in states that don't have dumping laws.

Deal: Get a 360 HD-DVD Drive for $72
Plus I don't know if M$ would have done it anyways, we all know their endgame is downloads.

Im gonna look for new arguments in the war zone because these are really the same old ones.

Here's my stance:

I understand BD was incomplete and the prices were higher. I personally believed that BD would win out so I bought a Samsung. After realizing it was a POS, I bought a PS3 which I believed was future-proof, and it looks like Im correct.

The paramount swap shook me and irritated me, at the end of the day I came to the resolution that all I wanted is my movies in HD. I have an HDTV and an HDDVR, why not enjoy the movies too. So I was gearing up to buy a A2 at $200, but luckily the sale came and I got mine at $98. I then began picking my HDDVD titles I wanted and buying them.

I ceased this in EARLY dec because of the Penton-man hints(which I believed) about WB. I bought blade runner and the potters on BD instead of HDDVD. I also canceled my plan to purchase the matrix trilogy and bourne trilogy on HDDVD.

Ive chose to cease all HDDVD purchases and the A2 will just be my favorite upconverter.

Now, this is what irritates me and where I dont feel some of you guys really give a crap about HDM. To state that you'll just go back to SDDVD's is a stomp your feet mentality. I thought most wanted the battle to end, granted now that its ending and its not your team, boohoo. If Fox and WB woulda went HDDVD, BD woulda gotten the shaft on my end and I would supported HDDVD the best I could, I stand by that.

Do I care that you decided to buy the cheaper player first and now its bitten you, NOPE(i bought both).

Do I care that you did not heed the warning and bought WB titles during Christmas on HDDVD, NOPE.

This is all early adopter stuff folks, there are risks. You bought into one instead of both which ended up being the wrong one. Problem with the Toshiba low prices is that is brought in people who arent usually early adopters and now they are pissed and dont want to have to spend another $400 on a player(Ive spent a total of $650 on HW). They are going backwards. I as an early adopter understand there are RISKS and they will cost you. I know this, I cant help it I have to have something new if it interests me.

BD is not going anywhere, regardless of what you think. Either you move on and support the format, or go back to SDDVD. IF you choose SDDVD, then fine, go to an SDDVD forum and quit whining about how BD sucks, BD is too expensive, BD is incomplete because it does not help you. No one cares. The BDA is happy with what they are doing, the studios obviously are,so they are sticking with their plan. Can you blame them for actually wanting to MAKE a profit on hardware? Uh no. Do I hate panasonic because I spent $2700 on my plasma and now they are half that, NO. EARLY ADOPTERS PAY MORE.

I for one care about HD movies, therefore Im rolling with it. No more Monday morning quarterback BS, Im even gonna quit posting speculation articles to mess with Vurbano (Because I know he loves them so much :) ). Just like WB, Paramount and Uni are coming, face it. What you do know is up to you, but Im gonna continue to enjoy 95%(owning both) of my movies in HD, not less than half(HDDVD only).

BD is here to stay for awhile.

I know this will get answered with more technical/price, crap. I actually feel most of you dont even care about that, its just the one stick you have left to beat on BD with.

And once again for the record: Not EVERYONE cares about connecting their box to the net OR extra features on discs. SHOCKER!
Plus I don't know if M$ would have done it anyways, we all know their endgame is downloads.

Im gonna look for new arguments in the war zone because these are really the same old ones.

Here's my stance:

I understand BD was incomplete and the prices were higher. I personally believed that BD would win out so I bought a Samsung. After realizing it was a POS, I bought a PS3 which I believed was future-proof, and it looks like Im correct.

The paramount swap shook me and irritated me, at the end of the day I came to the resolution that all I wanted is my movies in HD. I have an HDTV and an HDDVR, why not enjoy the movies too. So I was gearing up to buy a A2 at $200, but luckily the sale came and I got mine at $98. I then began picking my HDDVD titles I wanted and buying them.

I ceased this in EARLY dec because of the Penton-man hints(which I believed) about WB. I bought blade runner and the potters on BD instead of HDDVD. I also canceled my plan to purchase the matrix trilogy and bourne trilogy on HDDVD.

Ive chose to cease all HDDVD purchases and the A2 will just be my favorite upconverter.

Now, this is what irritates me and where I dont feel some of you guys really give a crap about HDM. To state that you'll just go back to SDDVD's is a stomp your feet mentality. I thought most wanted the battle to end, granted now that its ending and its not your team, boohoo. If Fox and WB woulda went HDDVD, BD woulda gotten the shaft on my end and I would supported HDDVD the best I could, I stand by that.

Do I care that you decided to buy the cheaper player first and now its bitten you, NOPE(i bought both).

Do I care that you did not heed the warning and bought WB titles during Christmas on HDDVD, NOPE.

This is all early adopter stuff folks, there are risks. You bought into one instead of both which ended up being the wrong one. Problem with the Toshiba low prices is that is brought in people who arent usually early adopters and now they are pissed and dont want to have to spend another $400 on a player(Ive spent a total of $650 on HW). They are going backwards. I as an early adopter understand there are RISKS and they will cost you. I know this, I cant help it I have to have something new if it interests me.

BD is not going anywhere, regardless of what you think. Either you move on and support the format, or go back to SDDVD. IF you choose SDDVD, then fine, go to an SDDVD forum and quit whining about how BD sucks, BD is too expensive, BD is incomplete because it does not help you. No one cares. The BDA is happy with what they are doing, the studios obviously are,so they are sticking with their plan. Can you blame them for actually wanting to MAKE a profit on hardware? Uh no. Do I hate panasonic because I spent $2700 on my plasma and now they are half that, NO. EARLY ADOPTERS PAY MORE.

I for one care about HD movies, therefore Im rolling with it. No more Monday morning quarterback BS, Im even gonna quit posting speculation articles to mess with Vurbano (Because I know he loves them so much :) ). Just like WB, Paramount and Uni are coming, face it. What you do know is up to you, but Im gonna continue to enjoy 95%(owning both) of my movies in HD, not less than half(HDDVD only).

BD is here to stay for awhile.

I know this will get answered with more technical/price, crap. I actually feel most of you dont even care about that, its just the one stick you have left to beat on BD with.

And once again for the record: Not EVERYONE cares about connecting their box to the net OR extra features on discs. SHOCKER!

Remember when you asked me why I lumped you with BD. Well I am asking you why you are lumping me with the other HD-DVD fanatics? :p
Remember when you asked me why I lumped you with BD. Well I am asking you why you are lumping me with the other HD-DVD fanatics? :p

That was a general statement, not directed at you(you dont fit in that category IMHO). Just at the feet stompers who are mad Sony won, because BD is more $$$ and/or going back to SDDVD. :)
Nah, as it was with DAT, they will find that Blu-Ray's major claimed advantage lends itself reasonably well to computer data backup. That is, of course, if they can figure out how to keep the drive and media prices in line (one of Blu-Ray's likely disadvantages).

Did you see the Blu-ray announcements of of CES. Recorders are coming down, and Verbatim expects to dratically cut the cost of media using the same dye-spin technique they use for cd-r and dvd-r.
I purchased a Sony BDP-S300 2 days ago. All that I care about is that it will play any current or upcoming Blu-Ray movie (I'm not concerned about extras). Should I be worried?

The whole "incomplete spec" and other Vurbano FUD is not going to effect movies now or in the future.

The only think future additions to the BD spec will do is give you fancier extras. I, like you want the movie. I don't really have a desire to connect to a web site and blog about it from my TV in the middle of a movie.
Recorders are coming down, and Verbatim expects to dratically cut the cost of media using the same dye-spin technique they use for cd-r and dvd-r.
If blank DVD media prices are of any indication, this means absolutely nothing.
I don't know abou the US, but here in Canada a dual layer blank DVD (+ or -) costs $1 apiece on sale (in quantities of 25 and more).
About the same as hard drives in terms of price per GB.
A single layer DVD blank can be had for under $.20 apiece.

And this is the case for over a year now. Certainly nothing to do with cost of manufacturing...

Also, BD vs HDD for storage is a matter of preference. I think HDD is #1 but there is a place for BD.

Id love to have all of my work and personal files backed up on ONE 50 gig disc that I could carry in my laptop bag(which is very small in room). Rather than thumbdrives or a ext hdd.

Now that usb drives are getting larger they are a good option. Problem is Ive had a few crap out on me, and always go back to the dvd-r to get my data :)
Here's ol swanni with a quote from Gates. While its strange to hear him say neutral, one would be dumb to think that M$ never considered BD as a way to make more money. I dont however think theyll make a bd add on unless the ps3 really starts giving them hell.

Gates: Microsoft 'Neutral' In HDTV DVD War

The paramount comment in QUOTES is strange also.
Don Landis has posted some truth on the whole situation if any of the blu bloods can actually master reading comprehension.

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