You are right about inflation. The fresh bread I used to buy at my local grocery chain (Publix) was $1.79 not that long ago. It crept into the low $2 range over a few months and suddenly, *JOLT* I bought a loaf for $3.39 yesterday. The same bread I was buying less than a year ago for $1.79.
My local fruit stand used to have awesome fresh bread, delivered daily fresh from a bakery. When I asked the mom and pop fruit stand shop owner about not selling bread anymore, I was told the lady packed up and moved BACK to Europe.
So sure, we are experiencing fast inflation in this country, but something tells me that isn't why the prices of bluray players and media are what they are.
No what I am saying is that if BD wants to grow, they are really going to have to dig deep and cut prices extremely low.
Average consumers who cannot afford food cannot afford a $500+ player (or 400 for that matter. )