Missing your point? How...
You are complaining about the BD prices, and I gave you a place where you could buy it for cheap.
You were speaking about Best Buy. No matter if things are on sale or not, Best Buy always had the highest price out there.
My point is the weekly sales have dried up since the war ended. You don't walk down the aisle and see Transporter on bluray on sale for $16.99 on one side anymore and 2001 on HD-DVD on sale for $17.99 anymore. Transporter is now $24.99 or $29.99 EVERY WEEK. If you are wanting to get it for less, too bad. It used to be you could be patient and it would rotate through a sale. Now that is just Best Buy.
Regarding online stores- I have dozens of bluray movies on my Amazon wish list and they are not dropping in price. Amazon does have some sales but not the way brick and mortar establishments do. Amazon is way more of a transparent supply and demand systematic pricing structure. I have a few TV series on DVD that I have literally watched their prices drop from say $39 to $31 each in the matter of hours and then as I thought, "wow, they have finally come down some," and then the price goes back up. I have no problem with this. If I am a flea market vendor and have 500 pairs of sunglasses I may offer buy one get one free, but if I am down to 40 pair, I may not. Either way, I project going home with a certain number of pairs to hold over for next week, taking into consideration my incoming supply in the next few days.
These prices, including promotional sales, are heavily pushed from the back end. Best Buy and Amazon or anybody else isn't going to take a loss on this stuff. Sony isn't taking a loss and wouldn't be taking a loss with these sales or for that matter, if they lowered the prices to $19.99, let's say. They'd sell more at a lower price.
Lastly, while I own a computer technology business and do a lot of buying and referring for customers of computers and peripherals, I agree that for computers, TVs, and just about any other major electronics purchase, Best Buy is horribly priced. BUT, Best Buy is the best brick and mortar place to go buy movies, games, or CDs, especially on the Tuesday they are released. If I want a movie or game the Tuesday it comes out, I have to pick it up locally. By the time I order online, I am either going to pay a crapload for shipping or get it nowhere near the Tuesday it comes out. They used to ship early and you would sometimes get it before the Tuesday it comes out, but the manufacturers have largely put an end to that process. The most you can hope for is an overnight and getting it the next day. But why do that? If you HAVE to have it right away you pick it up locally, and Best Buy is your best option (at least in my town.)
From what I have heard, I wish I had a Frys here.