HBO's Westworld

Loved this show and I loved the original movie from 1973 too. The sequel was Future world in 76. I think it will be a great series .

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I think the ultimate wink would be if the events all take place in Uncanny Valley. I'll keep watching, but gosh darn it, HBO, why'd you have to go and create another 60-minute viewing commitment for me?!? I'm falling further behind with all the new shows to check out...
I tuned in for the premier, and while I like it sorta, I can't say I fully understand it. It seems like The Game (Micheal Douglas movie fr the late 90s) meets Humans (AMC show from last summer) meets that dumb Seth McFarlane movie about the old west. I will give it a few more weeks.
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HBO released the second episode today so HBO Now and HBO Go users can watch it and the 2nd Presidential Debates without conflicts. My Hopper 3 also shows it in the "On Demand" channel. Plus, it's a Free Weekend for HBO on Dish!

This episode seems like classic Crichton. An impossibly complex and chaotic system is primed to create havoc because, you know, people can't help but do stupid and unpredictable things. But so far the trip is entertaining. Plus, there is more of an uncertainty factor than BSG since each AI occupies a unique physical form (at least so far).

Logistically, though, the place must be riddled with service tunnels, ala Disney Land/World. I can't imagine the cleanup crew, or when it happens. (I also doubt that a depraved individual (er, "Guest") is going to want to follow "bed time" so the park can reset for the next day's visitors.
I'm starting to get a hunch about the Man in Black. There are so many stories interweaved here and you're always wondering with new faces who's a host and who's a guest.
Starting to strike me a little like Lost -- a continuing story arc with no resolution. Also, a lot of suspension of disbelief required. Plus, we've seen the concept of AI awakening. Thinking this won't hit its stride until season 2, if it lasts that long.
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I think I'll need to re-watch episode 4 a few more times. A lot going on!
Maeve is getting some upgrades. :D I don't think Elsie has too much time left as the person that is trying to uncover the truth always buys it in the end. Still trying to figure out who ( in the control center ) is human or AI. I think they were ALL AIs in the movie but not sure in this series. Missed Dolores last week. :( Still trying to figure out what Ford is doing with all the old AIs. Is there a goal or is he just bat-sh*t crazy? LOL

Glad it got picked up for season 2 as there are a lot of complex plots to follow. We all know what is going to happen in the end, but it is still interesting to watch it unfold.
Major reveal in this week's episode. It came to me when one of the characters said, "What door?" when the door was right in front of them... Plus, I guess the Hosts haven't heard of Issac Asimov and his Three Laws. Oh, BTW, Spoilers... ;)
Nope the Three laws of robotics don't seem to apply with this show. But then again ,if they did , it would make for a pretty boring story.
Major reveal in this week's episode. It came to me when one of the characters said, "What door?" when the door was right in front of them... Plus, I guess the Hosts haven't heard of Issac Asimov and his Three Laws. Oh, BTW, Spoilers... ;)
To me this was a very weak reveal. I had figured this out a few episodes ago. I'm still enjoying the show, but to me it doesn't have the draw of some of the other HBO shows (e.g. Game of Thrones).

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