HBO's Westworld

So? Is everyone enjoying the RealWorld adventures of the hosts? Or, are you thinking they jumped the shark in the WaterWorld park?

I think personally that the first two seasons (especially Season Two) were so well done and written that this season was bound to disappoint. It feels too much like the last episodes of "Game of Thrones" in that I don't think there will (or should) be a Season Four of "Westworld".
So? Is everyone enjoying the RealWorld adventures of the hosts? Or, are you thinking they jumped the shark in the WaterWorld park?

I think personally that the first two seasons (especially Season Two) were so well done and written that this season was bound to disappoint. It feels too much like the last episodes of "Game of Thrones" in that I don't think there will (or should) be a Season Four of "Westworld".

I don't think the hosts being outside the park can be considered a jumping the shark development in the series, given this is all part of the five-season story arc Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy had mapped out. Maeve had already escaped Westworld by the end of season one (only to return when told where she could find her "daughter" in the park).

I really do enjoy the look and feel of this season's "Futureworld," and the overall story line, with the hosts being a part of the apparent real world now. However, there are some aspects that stretch believability.

The biggest one for me was the chaos created when people found out their likely fates as determined by the Rehoboam AI. I would think most people would start to take steps to prevent those fates (even if the AI considered it hopeless or the people knew it was probably hopeless). At the very least, they would try to make the most of what life they had, like most cancer patients do when they discover they only have a year to live. It seemed the people reacting violently or killing themselves weren't exactly struggling economically and lived relatively comfortably. In the show, we never saw masses of people living in abject poverty. People who have a warm bed and ample food to go home to don't start to tear down society when they find out they are really a douchebag and their douchiness likely has consequences. I would also think most people wouldn't have such terrible fates (beyond the normal bad stuff that happens to everyone at some point in life) and are accepting of their economic place in society as long as their basics are covered.

Look what's happening in the world around us: with 30+ million people losing their jobs and millions of businesses likely to go under permanently. Yet, we only see a smattering of peaceful protests of just a few hundred people, while the vast majority of folks continue to support the shutdown and social distancing measures.
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The stories are so thin, I haven't been able to stay awake through an episode. It is like they did a World tour filming futuristic looking destinations and entirely forgot about the story line.
My problem has been the predictability of the plot twists. Like the "Group Therapy" twist I guessed before William was led into group.
I've been waiting for 2 years to get this new season so I am looking forward to this. I just hope there is some kind of recap that will refresh my memory.
OK I've watched every episode so far and I think I'm just gonna have to back out. The first season was great and the second season was pretty decent but I'm lost. I have no idea what's going on with this season.

Maybe it's too cerebral for me, maybe I just watched too much Chef Ramsey between seasons or maybe they skipped over some stuff that isn't filling in the blanks for me. Either way I'm not sure where the show is going
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It is another "what timeline is this?" season. We should be used to this by now.

My question is how many years have passed since last season since it seemed the World was coming apart. And it seems the free humans seem to be able to move around a little too freely. Doesn't Hale have drones?
OK I've watched every episode so far and I think I'm just gonna have to back out. The first season was great and the second season was pretty decent but I'm lost. I have no idea what's going on with this season.

Maybe it's too cerebral for me, maybe I just watched too much Chef Ramsey between seasons or maybe they skipped over some stuff that isn't filling in the blanks for me. Either way I'm not sure where the show is going
This is the one show that should be binged no matter what.

I could not imagine watching it weekly, always wait till the end.
It is another "what timeline is this?" season. We should be used to this by now.

My question is how many years have passed since last season since it seemed the World was coming apart. And it seems the free humans seem to be able to move around a little too freely. Doesn't Hale have drones?
It's hard to tell because they went from escaping the western arena to a world that is so Uber advanced technologically that it seems like they jumped ahead a millennia. It's one of the confusing things and at this point it's almost impossible to tell who is real and who isn't anymore. This weeks episode pulled some things together a little bit more than they had been, but I just can't comprehend where the storyline is going.
It's hard to tell because they went from escaping the western arena to a world that is so Uber advanced technologically that it seems like they jumped ahead a millennia. It's one of the confusing things and at this point it's almost impossible to tell who is real and who isn't anymore. This weeks episode pulled some things together a little bit more than they had been, but I just can't comprehend where the storyline is going.
The daughter of Caleb ,who was with Maeve, was like 7 or 8 and now the grown version is running around with the free humans. So I would think it would be like 10 or 20 years into the future from where they were when the girl was little. Twenty years is long enough for Charlote to take over the world with her little electronic flies. She controls the world or at least her part of it.
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OK I've watched every episode so far and I think I'm just gonna have to back out. The first season was great and the second season was pretty decent but I'm lost. I have no idea what's going on with this season.

Maybe it's too cerebral for me, maybe I just watched too much Chef Ramsey between seasons or maybe they skipped over some stuff that isn't filling in the blanks for me. Either way I'm not sure where the show is going

It's hard to tell because they went from escaping the western arena to a world that is so Uber advanced technologically that it seems like they jumped ahead a millennia.
It almost sounds like you never watched season 3. Yes, season 4 did drop the viewer into a slightly different world and advanced time line, but it's not a total jump from the Westworld theme park-focused seasons.
Rewatched seasons 1 and 2 recently. I had forgotten all about the Shogun stuff. Once 4 is all available I plan to watch 3 and 4 together.
Rewatched seasons 1 and 2 recently. I had forgotten all about the Shogun stuff. Once 4 is all available I plan to watch 3 and 4 together.
Season 2 is my favorite so far, with the Shogun episode and "Kiksuya". I , too, started over again from the beginning. I had intended to skip some episodes but ended up watching the whole of Season 1 and 2. I even convinced one of my coworkers to try it again. His big issue is the excessive violence, to which I replied, "It's HBO."
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