HBO - Game of Thrones (No Spoilers)

Here is my prediction for next week's finale, just as Cersei is about to spring her trap on Dany, word will suddenly come that the Wall has collapsed & that the Army of the Dead is pouring through, with their zombie dragon.

Edit: I predict that the Citadel will capture Sam before he can get away with Gilly & Little Sam(?)*, however the "head dude" will be so moved by Sam's courage & conviction, & he/the Citadel will work with Sam to help defeat the White Walkers.

*I do watch the show, but I can't keep up with EVERY name.
I know, it is very hard to keep up with all the names.

I'm not sure that Cersei has a trap for Dany at the meeting. [I'm also not sure where this meeting is taking place as I don't think we have seen the location on the preview before] I think that she is setting her up for a long game. Especially since she has now lost a dragon. I'd say Cersei is fine letting Dany go lose as many troops (and dragons) as possible in a fight the white walkers. By the time she is done with them, Cersei will be able to build a large enough army (of mostly sell swords) that she can take Dany out.

Your thought about the wall coming down makes sense as I think there has to be something really big happen or the finale cliff hanger, but I'm not sure how it gets taken down. Maybe I was wrong about the ice dragon and it still shoots fire and it can melt the wall? It seems like an ice dragon shooting 'cold' would only make the wall stronger. I dunno. I do know that there were theories a couple years ago about an ice dragon being trapped in the wall itself, but now that probably isn't necessary.
Question of the day(but not by me), where did the White Walkers get the chains to pull the dead dragon out of the water(& please don't say "Hardhome depot")? C'mon, if you're the Night King & you have the opportunity to reanimate a dead dragon, you'll look for some chains, & you'll sacrifice however many wights that it takes to get that dragon up(how many wights is one dragon worth?). Besides, you can always make new wights.
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Enjoyed the episode, not fond of next week being it for this year. One thing bothered me, why wouldn't Arya have told Sansa the source of the letter? I know as a plot device it encourages the fallout between the two but it doesn't make sense.

Bad dragon vs. Good dragons. :eeek I'm guessing we won't see that until next season.
Another extended episode for final next week. Final season doesn't start until end of 2018. Arya turning dagger over to Sansa probably means Littlefinger gets it. Season seems like it was warp driving and very short. Lots of bad decisions being made but it's still entertaining seeing all the main characters finally together.
Slightly off-topic, did anyone see "Logan Lucky"? If so, I'm laughing with you...

Yes, I agree, this episode was predictable from the standpoint of Danny flying in at the last possible moment to rescue the Fellowship of the King of the North. I know people predicted that the Night King had found the fabled horn that enslaves beasts and that would be used to enslave Danny's dragon(s), but this works in the TV show context since the horns have been ignored. I liked how the Night King tracked Viserion before launching his ice lance (does no one in this series know how to zig-zag?) And yes, you would think that the chains would be made of ice, not iron, or that the wrights would have lifted Viserion out of the lake. Interesting that the Night King had to actually lay his hand on the dragon to turn it instead of being able to do so from a distance.

The writers introduced the concept here that killing a White Walker destroys the wrights it has re-animated in a nod to classic vampire mythology. Kill the Night King, and all the White Walkers are defeated, and the wrights that they created. I don't remember any wrights falling when Jon took out the White Walker in "Hardhome"...

Speaking of Sam and Gilly, I was surprised that the theme sequence showed Oldtown on the map, as I don't think any of the scenes had anything to do with the Citadel or Oldtown in general. Same with Castle Black. I guess I need to re-watch the episode again.
Slightly off-topic, did anyone see "Logan Lucky"? If so, I'm laughing with you...

Yes, I agree, this episode was predictable from the standpoint of Danny flying in at the last possible moment to rescue the Fellowship of the King of the North. I know people predicted that the Night King had found the fabled horn that enslaves beasts and that would be used to enslave Danny's dragon(s), but this works in the TV show context since the horns have been ignored. I liked how the Night King tracked Viserion before launching his ice lance (does no one in this series know how to zig-zag?) And yes, you would think that the chains would be made of ice, not iron, or that the wrights would have lifted Viserion out of the lake. Interesting that the Night King had to actually lay his hand on the dragon to turn it instead of being able to do so from a distance.

The writers introduced the concept here that killing a White Walker destroys the wrights it has re-animated in a nod to classic vampire mythology. Kill the Night King, and all the White Walkers are defeated, and the wrights that they created. I don't remember any wrights falling when Jon took out the White Walker in "Hardhome"...

Speaking of Sam and Gilly, I was surprised that the theme sequence showed Oldtown on the map, as I don't think any of the scenes had anything to do with the Citadel or Oldtown in general. Same with Castle Black. I guess I need to re-watch the episode again.
Euron is the one who possibly has the horn to control the Dragons. That would be a season finale plot twist.
Slightly off-topic, did anyone see "Logan Lucky"? If so, I'm laughing with you...

Yes, I agree, this episode was predictable from the standpoint of Danny flying in at the last possible moment to rescue the Fellowship of the King of the North. I know people predicted that the Night King had found the fabled horn that enslaves beasts and that would be used to enslave Danny's dragon(s), but this works in the TV show context since the horns have been ignored. I liked how the Night King tracked Viserion before launching his ice lance (does no one in this series know how to zig-zag?) And yes, you would think that the chains would be made of ice, not iron, or that the wrights would have lifted Viserion out of the lake. Interesting that the Night King had to actually lay his hand on the dragon to turn it instead of being able to do so from a distance.

The writers introduced the concept here that killing a White Walker destroys the wrights it has re-animated in a nod to classic vampire mythology. Kill the Night King, and all the White Walkers are defeated, and the wrights that they created. I don't remember any wrights falling when Jon took out the White Walker in "Hardhome"...

Speaking of Sam and Gilly, I was surprised that the theme sequence showed Oldtown on the map, as I don't think any of the scenes had anything to do with the Citadel or Oldtown in general. Same with Castle Black. I guess I need to re-watch the episode again.
Euron is the one who possibly has the horn to control the Dragons. That would be a season finale plot twist.

Continuing on this thought, Euron has the horn, & he uses it to force the dragons to wipe out the Dothraki & the Unsullied(except for Grey Worm, of course) for Cersei.
Yes, multiple horns in the books. I expect these points will be very different if GRRM ever finishes the series.

As far as the intro clock sequence I think they have been lazy this year. They haven't included some places they should (Casterly Rock), have included some places they shouldn't (Old Town) and not even put the right symbol on Kings Landing (should be Lannister not Baratheon since she says her name is Queen Cercei Lannister). They were very good about this in previous years, but not so much now. As far as showing Castle Black, if I remember right, there are only three places that have been shown on every intro - Kings Landing, Castle Black/the Wall and Winterfell. I expect they didn't want to change that. Plus it helps show the relationship to East Watch (although it should be pretty obvious that it is all the way East...).
It would be in Cersei's best interest to let the Night King & the Army of the Dead overrun the North & decimate it, since they are rebelling against her anyway. IF she has a way to control Dany's dragons(the horn), then she can afford to lose the north, which she doesn't control anyway. the Dothraki & the Unsullied going against the Army of the Death doesn't make much sense, which is why i see them being wiped out by the dragons, if Cersei/Euron has control of the dragons(the horn).

Edit: Wiping out the Dothraki & the Unsullied(except for Grey Worm) would put Dany & Jon in Deep DooDoo, & have us anticipating the next Deus ex Machina that will save them.
IF I were the GOT showrunners, I'd go with Cersei/Euron somehow gaining control of the surviving 2 dragons & eliminating the Dothraki & the Unsullied with them. Fans will freak out worse than they did when Ned Stark was beheaded, & Robb Stark et al. were murdered at the Red Wedding, if that happened, & a season finale episode......

Edit: Dragonbinder is the name of the horn that controls the dragons.*

*Apparently, blowing the horn has nasty side effects for the blower of the horn.
Right, but neither that horn nor the one that Mance Rader has in the books has ever been mentioned in the show. It seems a bit late to bring that into the mix now.
If they do use the horn, I believe that it will be one of those things that you don't see coming. It'll be an "Ass Pull" of sorts, or a "Chekhov's Gun" if you see it just laying around somewhere(It's supposed to be 6 ft. long) before it's used. Just look for anything that looks like a horn just laying or hanging around somewhere, it might even be on Euron's ship just waiting to be used, maybe part of the ship's decor.
If while watching the GOT finale, you just happen to see what looks like a horn just lying around somewhere, then just go ahead & say, "Oh $#!+."
Chekhov's gun is a dramatic principle that states that every element in a story must be necessary, and irrelevant elements should be removed; elements should not appear to make "false promises" by never coming into play.
What if the dragon that the Night King touched isn't a wight? Do you remember seasons ago when one of the White Walkers carried that male baby left out for it straight to the Night King, who touched it & it changed into a White Walker also? Even though the dragon was dead when it was pulled up, maybe the Night king's touch made it more than just an undead zombie dragon.
Some people noted the wolf eye on the pommel of "Longclaw" changed from white to having a pupil when Jon pulled himself out of the lake. I say it was more like frost on the pommel getting splashed with water, but it made for an interesting theory that got all the GoT fans excited. However, it sounds like it was an unintended effect: No, Jon Snow's Sword Longclaw Did Not "Open Its Eyes" on GAME OF THRONES | Nerdist

Don't watch "Game of Thrones"? Here's how you must feel: Here's What It's Like to Not Watch GAME OF THRONES | Nerdist
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Some people noted the wolf eye on the pommel of "Longclaw" changed from white to having a pupil when Jon pulled himself out of the lake. I say it was more like frost on the pommel getting splashed with water, but it made for an interesting theory that got all the GoT fans excited. However, it sounds like it was an unintended effect: No, Jon Snow's Sword Longclaw Did Not "Open Its Eyes" on GAME OF THRONES | Nerdist

Don't watch "Game of Thrones"? Here's how you must feel: Here's What It's Like to Not Watch GAME OF THRONES | Nerdist
Maybe Bran AKA the Three-Eyed Raven was observing from the pommel of Longclaw.
Maybe Bran AKA the Three-Eyed Raven was observing from the pommel of Longclaw.
I've watched the scene many times, and I don't buy the water or the reflection of the glove theory. But what do I know. Either way, I'm fired up for Sunday. Going to be the longest episode in GOT history!

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