HBO - Game of Thrones (No Spoilers)

Learned a lot these first episodes. This is the theory the Stark kid (3 eyed Raven) Bran Stark knows all and will eventually tell Jon Snow his true identity. Ned Stark's sister was his mother and Ned raised him as his own bastard son for protection.
Theory is Rhaegar Targaryen who died long ago and was respected prince and warrior, also Mad Kings first son and brother to Dany (dragon queen) making Jon and Dany aunt and nephew,
The Targaryen's interbred keeping bloodline in family and because Dany wasn't born yet she was late, Rhaegar ended up fathering child with Ned Starks sister. The child was in great danger and would have been killed if found out so to protect Jon (child), Ned Stark promised his sister to raise him as his own bastard son. So Jon Snow actually Targaryen is half Stark/ Targaryen,

Its getting interesting for sure.
Learned a lot these first episodes. This is the theory the Stark kid (3 eyed Raven) Bran Stark knows all and will eventually tell Jon Snow his true identity. Ned Stark's sister was his mother and Ned raised him as his own bastard son for protection.
Theory is Rhaegar Targaryen who died long ago and was respected prince and warrior, also Mad Kings first son and brother to Dany (dragon queen) making Jon and Dany aunt and nephew,
The Targaryen's interbred keeping bloodline in family and because Dany wasn't born yet she was late, Rhaegar ended up fathering child with Ned Starks sister. The child was in great danger and would have been killed if found out so to protect Jon (child), Ned Stark promised his sister to raise him as his own bastard son. So Jon Snow actually Targaryen is half Stark/ Targaryen,

Its getting interesting for sure.
That isn't really theory anymore. That has been established by multiple pieces of the story. Jon just doesn't know it yet.
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The timeline is hard to fathom sometimes. The Unsullied and the Dornesh armies left via their Iron Islands armada and Slavers Bay ships. Euron decimates the ships with the Dorne troops and the Sand Snakes and returns back to Kings Landing, gifts in hand. He has time to parade through Kings Landing, present the Queen with the killer of her only daughter, then heads off to dispatch the Unsullied's fleet offshore of Castlery Rock. Euron Greyjoy must command the fastest fleet ever seen in Westros to be able to make it around Dorne and Oldtown, a significant distance. Plus, Euron needed to sail past Dragonstone and three adult dragons. There should have been massive losses and if nothing else, a fleet that large should have been observed and Ravens dispatched to the Unsullied to warn them that Euron's on the way. Or am I overthinking this?
The timeline is hard to fathom sometimes.
This year everything seems to be time warping, Like Jon's trip to Dragonstone I'm sure it has to be time constraints on finishing story by end of season 8. Keeping the cast together over 8 seasons in itself is a challenge and everyone is ageing.
I forgot to mention that one minute Jamie is in court to grimace at Euron Greyjoy hitting on his sister and asking for bedroom advise, and then is "suddenly" in Highgraden to take the castle from Lady Olenna. (I've loved Diana Riggs ever since the 1960s "The Avengers" and she's been a treat in GoT.) If Winter is Here, it's sure taking it's own sweet time. What's been going on North of the Wall in the months that this War of the Roses has gone on? I think Jon Snow is right to be worried about the Night King.
This might actually have been my favorite episode of the entire series (before this I think it was probably Hardhome). Surprising since it was also the shortest episode in the entire series. I think it is easy to overlook how good the first 5/6 of the episode is because the battle scene is so amazing, but you can't. This episode had it all. Arya finally made it home! Bran essentially told Littlefinger that he knows what he has been doing (the chaos is a ladder line was perfect). It seems that Danny finally believes Jon about the army of the dead. But, the battle was simply amazing. I can't ever remember a battle scene in a movie/TV show where I cared so much about what happened to both sides. I thought for sure we were going to lose a dragon, or Bronn, or Jamie. I know that the ending was kinda ambiguous regarding Jamie's fate (even with the silent credits), but I am pretty confident that Bronn pulls him out of the water after tackling him into it to avoid the dragon fire. I mean he can't die by drowning after all that he has been through right?
I'm sure Jamie will probably lose his gold hand since it's one more thing weighing him down.

But, yeah, the scene of Danny flying Drogon into battle had me tearing up it was so freakin' awesome! Next week should be good, too, since there's a good chance that Tyrion and Jamie will have their reunion after all this time. Although Danny may hold a grudge against the man who slew her father.

Keep it coming!
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The timeline is hard to fathom sometimes. The Unsullied and the Dornesh armies left via their Iron Islands armada and Slavers Bay ships. Euron decimates the ships with the Dorne troops and the Sand Snakes and returns back to Kings Landing, gifts in hand. He has time to parade through Kings Landing, present the Queen with the killer of her only daughter, then heads off to dispatch the Unsullied's fleet offshore of Castlery Rock. Euron Greyjoy must command the fastest fleet ever seen in Westros to be able to make it around Dorne and Oldtown, a significant distance. Plus, Euron needed to sail past Dragonstone and three adult dragons. There should have been massive losses and if nothing else, a fleet that large should have been observed and Ravens dispatched to the Unsullied to warn them that Euron's on the way. Or am I overthinking this?
You have to assume that weeks or months have passed between events on the show. Maybe it would help if they had on the show "3 weeks later" when they jump to another scene.
He was riding in a body of water towards Daenerys and when Bronn 'tackled' him, his momentum carried them into it. Let's just say, it must really drop off, really quick !!

Episode 5 - Kinda slow, but I guess anything would be after last week. Mostly just a story moving along episode, but we did finally get one piece of information - Jon is the true air to the Iron Throne being Rhaegar's son. Based on what Gilly read, his parents were married making him a Targaryan not a bastard.
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It's almost biblical. Just like 1/3 of the angels fell to Satan, 1/3 of the dragons fell to the Night King. I don't know if anybody else will pick up on the analogy, but it sure jumped out at me. On another note, this episode was very predictable, down to the Army of the Dead pulling the dead dragon out of the frozen water &....well, you know.

Edit: I will say this, I always wondered who would ride the third dragon. I figured that Dany & Jon Snow would each ride a dragon, but I wondered who would ride the third one. I guess we have our answer, the Night King will ride the third one(but will the zombie dragon shoot ice out of its mouth instead of fire?).
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Very good episode (S7 episode 6). Loved all of the dialog between the main characters outside the wall. The Hound and Tormund had great lines. The interaction between Jon and Jorah regarding the sword was overdue but very good. I knew we would lose a dragon at some point, but I honestly thought it was going to happen in the south not in the north. I'm not 100% that the third rider is going to be the Night King. I guess that makes sense based on where the dragon is now, but I still think it could be Bran (via warging). [Where has he been by the way???] As far as what the dragon is going to shoot, I'm guessing some kind of devastating cold. The question to me is will the ice dragon breath automatically destroy the people (like the fire turns people to ash) or is it going to just freeze them so the Night King can raise them to wights.
It would have been a waste to kill a dragon in the south plot wise. I wonder how heavy dragonstone is? It would be a good idea to make some sort of armor plating(like a breastplate) to protect the surviving dragons from Night King launched javelins. Also since the show doesn't have a problem with time, & how it passes, they could be working on it off-screen.
I'm waiting for the sage advice of, I mean.....Bran AKA the "Three Eyed Dragon in how to defeat the Army of the Dead without anymore loss of their "air power." They can refine Qyburn's ballista with either Valerian Steel or a dragonstone head on the javelin, to shoot at the "ice breathing" zombie dragon, & I bet the Ice King will be riding it, it's too predictable.
I think you mean dragon glass not dragonstone (which is the island that Danny has been on). dragon glass doesn't seem like a good shield as we have seen it shatter. I agree that the Night King will ride the dragon, but I don't think that he is the 3rd rider that is discussed. I still think that will be Bran. Agree with you on Qyburn's scorpion though.
Last night's episode was predictable, sloppy, implausible, but extremely fun to watch. Thanks to last night's episode, I now know what Deus ex Machina means. I've been binge watching the Defenders on Netflix, & I was watching last night's GOT as an afterthought, but last night's GOT totally blew the Defenders out of the water, for all of the episode's faults.
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Here is my prediction for next week's finale, just as Cersei is about to spring her trap on Dany, word will suddenly come that the Wall has collapsed & that the Army of the Dead is pouring through, with their zombie dragon.

Edit: I predict that the Citadel will capture Sam before he can get away with Gilly & Little Sam(?)*, however the "head dude" will be so moved by Sam's courage & conviction, & he/the Citadel will work with Sam to help defeat the White Walkers.

*I do watch the show, but I can't keep up with EVERY name.

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