jonaswan2 said:
Because HBO and Cinemax are not owned by the same company like Showtime and TMC and the Starz networks.
HBO has always tried to treat Cinemax as if it's a "full priced" service. At one time, Cinemax really differentiated itself and was the only premium I subscribed to on cable. But it's always been seen as a 3rd or 4th string by most.
Somewhere in the early 90s, when Showtime started Flix, they started selling everything together as a package. On my cable system, you could get Flix for $3, TMC for $7, Showtime for $9, or all three for $12. You could also get a "6 pack" with HBO 1,2,& 3, Sho, TMC, and Flix. But Cinemax was always sold separately.
The fact that Showtime sells TMC as a "expanded basic" channel on DISH shows they have a realistic view of it's value.
HBO has tried to pump up Cinemax's value by adding all the multiplex channels. But so far, few systems carry them all.
It's time for HBO to position Cinemax as a second tier service. Use some kind of leverage to get carriage for all 8 channels (and maybe re-brand them), remove any kind of premiers, sell it for $5 or $6, or as a $2-$3 add on to HBO. If it competed with Encore, it would win it hands down instead of being 4th place all the time.