Has anyone noticed the new 722k DVR menu?

It is neat that their on there like that, but being on dial up its not feasible to use the VOD service. But that's what Netflix is for IMO. With everyone in the house wanting to get online, even on dial up, I had to do something, so I got the Airport Extreme that has the built in modem and we use the wireless network it provides for all the computers and Wii, we have a networked printer, and I use the network for the 722k and sometimes I use it for the XBOX 360, which is rare.
Have you noticed that when you start a recording it starts in the upper corner, then after a few seconds resumes full screen? It seems like its moving faster than the software can keep up.
There's really no timeframe. They rarely push an update to "all" receivers (of a particular model), that's for sure. It's usually spread out over 2+ weeks or more. The first, small group will get it for at least a week or so before others. This way, if there's an issue that wasn't uncovered with the very small test group, tech support isn't overwhelmed by thousands of incoming calls.

Thanks! I'll just keep checking every so often I guess.

So, is this new system supposed to be a significant change over the old one? If so, in what way?
So, is this new system supposed to be a significant change over the old one? If so, in what way?

Ease of use, organization and quite possibly content. For example there is some Showtime On Demand content where they advertise that you can get more content if you subscribe to Showtime. The content that they currently have is on what they call a freeview. So I would say that Dish may have struck some agreements with some providers to get their on demand content as long as the subscriber is a Dish subscriber. Hopefully this brings a good amount of content to Dish Online which was sorely lacking before and now has a much improved interface and it looks like more content than there was previously.
If you're interested in what the new interface looks like but haven't gotten the download I have attached some pictures for folks to take a look at. Sorry if they aren't the greatest quality since I don't have a capture card currently that works with Windows 7 64 bit.




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pabeader - Only found 1 other odd thing. I tried to download a TV show and got a message that said something like "Show is in use, you can download in 12m 42s" Never had anything like that happen before.

Did you also notice my other edit, when picking "Browse by Network" the screen is empty. Others are having this problem too, while some are fine and get the full list.
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Topic creator must be in zip code 80002.

If you are not in zip 80002 you will not get the update yet.

I got mine today, 8/20/10 in Phoenix, 85042. So far only one minor bug (really minor). When you highlight something in a menu, it highlights all the picks in front of it, so you have to manually unselect them.

I personally love the upgrade. You don't have to go through "Menu" for On Demand anymore, it's part of the DVR menu.
pabeader - Only found 1 other odd thing. I tried to download a TV show and got a message that said something like "Show is in use, you can download in 12m 42s" Never had anything like that happen before.

i get something simular. it seems there is a limit to the number of streams you can download. it places them in a queue and that message might be a way to let you know what is going on.
Hey all, yes I have a 722K and I'm in Phoenix, 85042.

PAB - As for bugs, I just went through all the menus and only found 1 minor one. If you pick "Ratings" to sort by, then pick, say "R", all of the previous ratings before it get highlighted too. So you have to manually go back and uncheck "G", "PG", "PG-17", etc. This happens on all of the "Ratings" picks, no matter which menu you're in. So I guess it's lacking Focus?

Also, "Browse by Network" is empty.

i suspect the rating thing is on purpose. think of it this way. rating are like a ladder. you usually don't start right at the third rung. you usually start at the bottom and work your way up. the assumption here is that you would want to include the shows up to the rating you picked. "show me up to R rated please, but nothing higher than that." if you did it the other way then you would greatly limit your available choices.

Browse by network shows over 50 of them for me. it might be a download thing. i hope to find out soon.
So far only one minor bug (really minor). When you highlight something in a menu, it highlights all the picks in front of it, so you have to manually unselect them.
This is the kind of bug that you have to wonder, how does it get past the approval process of releasing to customers ?
straybeat said:

Hey all, yes I have a 722K and I'm in Phoenix, 85042.

PAB - As for bugs, I just went through all the menus and only found 1 minor one. If you pick "Ratings" to sort by, then pick, say "R", all of the previous ratings before it get highlighted too. So you have to manually go back and uncheck "G", "PG", "PG-17", etc. This happens on all of the "Ratings" picks, no matter which menu you're in. So I guess it's lacking Focus?

i responded that it is probably by design.

VIP 722 updated to L671 last night -- anything new?

Will the 922 work for what I want to do?
