Has anyone noticed the new 722k DVR menu?

Has anyone noticed the new DVR menu?

Or is it just me? This morning I had the "Dish on Demand" screen when I press the DVR button. It also now goes to all of the DOD functions besides just the DVR functions. New firmware update I take it?
I think it's most awesome! I love being able to peruse everything without having to go the Menu route. We're watching the Showtime preview now.
Don't see any changes here on my 722K.

I'm still waiting for the multiple USB hard drive support. Tired of swapping back and forth. That was promised in mid summer.
Got the new menu last night. Any time I try access it, it locks up my box. If I quickly hit DVR twice, then it will let me into my recorded shows but if I let the DVR menu load, then try to get to the recorded shows then it usually freezes. Most of the time this leads to a lock up but eventually it will just exit out back to what I was watching before. I hope they fix this cause it's a pita.
Got the new menu last night. Any time I try access it, it locks up my box. If I quickly hit DVR twice, then it will let me into my recorded shows but if I let the DVR menu load, then try to get to the recorded shows then it usually freezes. Most of the time this leads to a lock up but eventually it will just exit out back to what I was watching before. I hope they fix this cause it's a pita.

are you connected to a broadband connection? if so try reseting the connection from the setup menu.

if not a broadband, then we got a problem.
Don't see any changes here on my 722K.

I'm still waiting for the multiple USB hard drive support. Tired of swapping back and forth. That was promised in mid summer.

You could plug them all into a hub, and just have one powered up at any given time.
Yes. I keep both boxes connected to landline, broadband (Fios) and OTA.

Why? With Dish the s/w is updated over satellite. Or are you thinking about the internet DLs?
are you connected to a broadband connection? if so try reseting the connection from the setup menu.

if not a broadband, then we got a problem.

I did do the reset procedure and it seems to load somewhat faster.

I have the 722k hooked up to my Airport Extreme, but alas I'm only on dial up so I avoid the Dish Online features, but by having the 722k on the "network" it allows it to dial out to Dish without me worrying about it screwing up my internet sessions. This also allows me to use the remote access features to some degree.
Hey all, yes I have a 722K and I'm in Phoenix, 85042.

PAB - As for bugs, I just went through all the menus and only found 1 minor one. If you pick "Ratings" to sort by, then pick, say "R", all of the previous ratings before it get highlighted too. So you have to manually go back and uncheck "G", "PG", "PG-17", etc. This happens on all of the "Ratings" picks, no matter which menu you're in. So I guess it's lacking Focus?

Also, "Browse by Network" is empty.
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it's trying to download the little pictures in the bottom half of the DOD menu screen. do you see four pictures or just four boxes that look like they have typewritten text in them?
On mine, its got the movie titles as they would be from the front of the box, stylized names. But it's got pictures not just text.

Sweet, eh??

yours is a unique situation that I thought nobody but me would even think of doing. i was setup just that way when i lived up north. then wireless internet came to my area. i was one of the first in line for that, for sure.

with the receiver thinking it's connected via ethernet, it might be trying to download those little pictures and that could be 'locking' it up while it does.

VIP 722 updated to L671 last night -- anything new?

Will the 922 work for what I want to do?
