
Su-Zakana: Season 2, Episode 8

Friday, 18 April 2014 (10:00 PM ET)

"Will helps investigate the case of a woman's body found inside of a horse; Alana worries about Will's intentions toward Hannibal; Will and Hannibal rush to protect a witness they believe to be in danger."

Don't forget to rate this episode over at IMDb.com: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3230894/
I just finished watching..."Gawd!!! These episodes are so damn good. <snip> Whatever! I didn't like any of the Dr. Chiltons anyway.
oh no no no.. Dr. C .. His vile evil self makes for yet another incredible arc in the story ... although now it would have to be prequal to the Hannibal tv series ... he's a character you love to hate!

Hating to admit, but I never read the books, if Chilton didn't die in them, until after Hannibal escapes as was portrayed in the movies .. then its a shame that they'd depart in that sense from us getting to continue with hannibal after he's caught in this series.. the torment of Hannibal by Dr Chilton, the reason Hannibal went after him, after escaping ..

All of that said.. I can't wait to see what comes next.. though I too share the same fear about it being on NBC, and potentials for cancellation because they are that "always behind" kind of network.
I get the feeling it's going to be cancelled in the coming weeks due to low ratings...but that's another reason to tune in to see how things end...or...well, end before beginning again. I cannot believe how each and every eyeball isn't glued to NBC @ 10:00 PM on Friday nights. They'll watch Duck Dynasty and American Idol, but not real television entertainment. Go Figure!
ahhh. TV By The Numbers :)

Hannibal garnered a 0.9, up 29 percent from last week's 0.7 adults 18-49 rating.

although I've got to admit I don't know how these numbers relate ... they have H at .9 with 2.93 million viewers, they have BlueBloods also at .9 but 8.3 million viewers :wacko:

and in the vein of the episode ;) :dead

Also have to say I love seeing Jeremy Davies. Ever since I'd seen the 2002 remake of Solaris ... he's been a fun character to watch. Crazed half-wit in Justified, dain bramaged seamstress in Hannibal. :D
Shiizakana: Season 2, Episode 9

Friday, 25 April 2014 (10:00 PM ET)

"A truck driver's body appears to have been torn apart by two different species of animals working in tandem; Will meets Hannibal's new patient; Hannibal sends Will a test to determine his true self."

Don't forget to rate this episode over at IMDb.com: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3230900/
They all have a food name or something to do with food.. its the basis for "Hannibal the Cannibal" :D

Okay, does anyone know the reason behind all the Japanese sounding titles? Does it have something to do with food?

Found this in quick google fashion for Ms. Janice Poon

And a new site I'll check in on often ... her "Feeding Hannibal" blog

From the great wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaiseki

Further down in the wiki is "Order" and I think was mostly taken from

  • Hiyashi-bachi (????): served only in summer; chilled, lightly cooked vegetables.
  • Naka-choko (????): another palate-cleanser; may be a light, acidic soup.
  • Shiizakana (???): a substantial dish, such as a hot pot.
  • Gohan (???): a rice dish made with seasonal ingredients.

As in a 13 or 14 course meal. If you take out the Hiyashi-bachi course (its not summer in the show), then Shiizakana is course 9 (the episode number)

Favorite moment?

Will: I'm curious what would happen if your patients started comparing notes Dr. Lecter? What would Randall Tier have to say to me?

Hannibal: What did Randall Tier say to you?

Will: He said he was much better now. That mental illness was treatable. Randall Tier is a success story.

Hannibal: Do you believe he is innocent?

Will: I believe, your therapy was successful. You can be persuasive ... :D

I love the dialog ... the answers that brush the edges of truth if only to allow someone to take away the wrong meaning if they aren't paying enough attention.

and I'm a softie for dogs (yeah obviously with my avatar pic) it was good to see "the monster" didn't kill Buster (korgie beagle mix maybe?)
Another outstanding show last night. As Mr. T once said, "I pity the fool...who is not watching this show." ;) For everyone out there who has not experienced this dark classic, I say go back Seasons 1 and 2 On Demand over the summertime.
I think Will is playing Hannibal. I don't think his pistol was loaded and/or aimed at the perps head when he pulled the trigger 2-weeks ago, and I don't believe he is turning into this mini-Hannibal as he is leading us to believe...but I could be wrong. We shall see.
10:00 PM:

CBS Blue Bloods 1.4/4 11.05
ABC 20/20 (10:01-11PM) 1.4/5 5.89
NBC Hannibal (10:01-11PM) 0.9/3 2.45

Wow! The ratings are abysmal with only 2.45 million folks turning into the live broadcast of this show...especially, since it is one of the top five shows on all of broadcast and cable television this season. People are so stupid. :p
While I understand people not searching for shows on NBC, and some people not wanting to watch these darker kinds of shows, it's hard to believe this show doesn't have an audience of at least 10M viewers. This shows is an award-winner IMO.
Ko No Mono: Season 2, Episode 11

Friday, 9 May 2014 (10:00 PM ET)

"Jack and his team discover the truth of Freddie Lounds' disappearance; Will tells Alana to arm herself; Mason suspects his sister intends to usurp him; Hannibal shows Will how much Abigail reminded him of his sister."

Don't forget to rate this episode over at IMDb.com: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3230906/
Another outstanding episode. While deep-meaning, dark-nature, well-written, well-acted, well-produced shows are beyond most viewers, I'm surprised this show isn't drawing 12-15 million viewers each week. C'est la vie! Anyway, I could have sworn the man in the truck who stood over Margo was, in fact, the infamous Anthony Hopkins...but it wasn't.
NBC's "Hannibal" and getting full on TV violence

Full Story

It's the latest serial killer show to confuse darkness with seriousness

On "Hannibal," NBC's lurid procedural drama about serial killer Hannibal Lecter's origins, back when he was already enjoying human livers with fava beans and chianti but nobody knew it, another serial killer is murdering people by drugging them and then flaying their backs, their ribs and their skin to make wings. The victims resemble bloody, perverse angels. One such victim has been hoisted into the air, arms outstretched, in the middle of a barn. From behind one of this corpse's flesh wings, the camera peers down on an FBI agent (Lawrence Fishburne) and the mentally delicate but brilliant profiler Will Graham (Hugh Dancy). A filigree of bloody skin takes up the right side of the frame. The camera then moves in on the two crime solvers, looking up at the corpse, as they have the following meta-textual conversation...

The thinking is shutting down. That's about right. "Hannibal" is the latest television program from a group of very talented people who have bamboozled themselves, and now would like to bamboozle you, into thinking that "darkness" — death and murder and mental illness and every sort of freaky grab bag of human sin — is indistinguishable from "seriousness." As if being able to shock and upset people concerned with TV violence and/or titillate and astound people who thrill to TV violence makes the material edgy or wise, when, given the amount of ultra-violence one can find on a television these days, it's really just boring.

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