I know that, Im asking you how calibrate the input for a DVR, to adjust for the DVR. Answer is, there is no way. You calibrate your tv inputs to the standard, and make sure your movie player is right (with a test disc), because you want to make you view the movie at the standard. The DVR ends up being what it is, and it usually looks pretty good. There is no way to calibrate a HDDVR with a test disc.
They need to start adding test patterns to DVR's.
You can get a test pattern off of HD Net on Saturday morningg, usually like 6:30 am.
It might only be once a month now, but it is on next Saturday morning from 6:30am to 6:40 am and it runs a test pattern that you can check for overscan and a few other things.
I use it also to check my FF and rev setting, just to see how accurate they are.