What sets are we talking about? The Masn games look washed out (but watchable if our a fan of either team) on a CRT set but not on my LCD. I do not see the jitter problem on Dish's SNY feed during Mets games.
ceo@echostar.com. they will at last look into it and respons. they won't just reada script.
Thanks. I'd also go to masnsports.com or masn.tv and send them an email through the "contact us" block asking if they are aware of this and for an explanation. They never responded when I was just whining about not having MASN on DISH, but when I complained about a blackout I thought was wrong, they did respond.
What was their response?
I talked to two different CSR's and they both looked up my zip code and it was one that does not qualify for for the MASN local channels. I can get both MASN's, just not the local sports. They rattled off several zip codes and mine fell within those listed. My RSN is comcast sports net. Strange how a competing tv provider is my DISH RSN. I have read elsewhere that there are indeed certain pockets of areas (around D.C)where the MASN local sports programs are not available.
Believe it or not they do not always have identical coverage areas. So it sia good idea to check with both sides.
From the ZIP codes listed at mlb.com, the Nats and O's have the exact same territory. (I thought at one point the orioles might get Baltimore and northeast Maryland exclusively, but the ZIPs don't show that.
Now, did Dish do a deal with MASN where Baltimore and area don't get to see the Nats? Dunno, best to check with MASN on that (you'll get nowhere fast fast trying to get info from Dish).
I just got an email from Mr. Jim Buckle of MASN saying that my zip code was added to their database and I should be able to see the Nats and Orioles games soon if not by now. He said If I don't see the games by the end of the week, to email him direct.
Jim Buckle's the man!![/quote
He finally came through, at least half way so far. I am now getting the O's game on MASN. Tomorrow will be the big test. The Nats come on.
Subs that get these services must be in the territories of the teams represented...Do you have to be in the BAL. area to get this channel? Because i dont see it on my TV. (I am in CT)
This is nuts..I live near Charlotte,NC and I get 4 RSN's...Fox South, Sports South(formerly Turner South) MASN and MASN2... Also as an added bonus I get all the Reds games televised on FOX Sports Cincy....You'll probably have to get the Multi-Sport package. I believe it's only in Top 200 and above if you are in MD, NC, VA, WV
A word of caution.....All out of market games will be blacked out..so if you are thinking of subbing to the multi sport pack with the ideaof getting say Orioles games, you won't...I have the america's everything pack...I don't see it on my TV...(again I am in CT) do I need the multi sports package to get this channel or is multi sports package already in the America's everything package?
I live just 30 miles from D.C. and Dish told me that my zip code doesn't qualify for MASN1 or MASN2. I can get CSN though. I told them to put me back to the regular AT100 instead of the plus. There must be a very small area where those channels qualify.
That's screwey..According to the info I have 17201 is in the territories of the O's Nats and Pirates..You should be getting the O's and Nats live games..Something is wrong there..I live near Charlotte .NC have MASN and get these games live..Now is MASN showing up on your guide as a "home" RSN or do you subscribe to the multi sport pack to get this service?Just checked again ... I have both MASNs. All all live Orioles games are blacked out, but the replays are in the clear.I couldn't find any Nats games in the next few days, but if I remember the live games on the weekend were blacked out as well.
This is for a Chambersburg PA ZIP (17201). A "move" to the east towards Gettyburg might get me more baseball, but then I'd lose the D.C. / Harrisburg locals that I currently get.![]()
(Or maybe I need to reset my receivers again.)
Edit - apparently everyone is getting to see Orioles replays in the clear, so it would appear that Franklin County PA is not considered part of MASN "home" territory. Disappointing, considering that the county is part of the D.C. DMA and I could see Orioles games in the clear last year on CSN-MidAtlantic. I guess an e-mail to ceo@echostar.com is appropriate to confirm this.
That's what they created program guides for..I thought that all of the Ch.20 games were on Friday. this is going to be confusing.