German Sports channel changes to different channel


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 2, 2005
Today I noticed that "My Sports Germany" from the international packages had changed to a new channel named My German TV +. I am disturbed because My Sports Germany showed nothing but Bundesliga and similar sports programming but now the channel on the same channel number is showing cultural stuff and movies. Does anyone with inside knowledge know what's going on? I'm not paying $10 a month to watch old movies in German and German dancing. I got this channel for the Bundesliga coverage. There appears to be some bundesliga coverage still, but not all day long like before. Any help would be appreciated.
I talked to a CSR and he said that they had "added some additional programming to this channel at no additional cost" (like I wanted additional non-sports programming) and he promised me that I would continue to get the games that I have been watching, but I guess just on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Too bad. I was enjoying 5-7 games a day every day of the week. All re-runs from this past season, of course, but I missed a lot of the season when it was live, so it has been great. The description of the channel says that you can see every Bundesliga game each week (most on tape-delay of course). As long as they still do that during the season, I think this channel is worthwhile. But now it's called My German TV + (plus) instead of My Sports Germany. I think I'm the only person on this forum who subscribes to this channel, but I thought I'd share what I found out, nonetheless.
But at DishOnline, it still has the guide information for My Sports Germany which doesn't reflect what's actually on the channel. Also, I can't figure out if this was a change to "My Sports Germany" as a channel or a Dish Network change. Does anybody know if any other providers carry My Sports Germany? Or is it just a Dish World creation to bring together German sports coverage? Because I can't find any information anywhere, including and especially program guides, for this new "My German TV +". All the guide says is "My German TV Plus" day after day in 4-hour blocks. I don't' know when they're showing sports or anything. It's infuriating. If there is someone on here who has inside information, please share it because I can't get any info. I had my dish upgraded so that it could receive international programming solely for this channel, and now it's been changed just two weeks after I had that done.
According to LyngSat, My German TV and My Sports Germany are TWO DIFFERENT channels carried by Dish on the Anik F3 sat.

My German TV (without the "+") is at channel 9822, and My Sports Germany is at channel 9824. There are other German-language channels before, after, and in between. Is My German TV still at 9822?
Does anyone have any idea how I can find what's even on and when? The guide still just has nothing but the channel name, and the online guide still has the old data for the old channel "My Sports Germany." I can't find programming information anywhere. I'm guessing that this new channel is a new venture in providing additional programming to add to the soccer coverage thereby reducing the number of replays of the same games. That might mean that it will just take a couple days for this "new" channel to have a proper channel guide. But it would be nice if I knew what was on when!
I don't think Dish is the culprit here. It seems more like the owner of "My German TV" that is at fault.

I was wondering who owns and runs this channel. It almost seems like a Dish venture. It's hard to find out any info on it. Does Dish World own and run its own international programming channels?
Thanks for the links and info, GaryPen. It was very helpful.
There are only two search results in Google for "My German TV Plus". One of them is this thread on Sat Guys, and the other is a new web site named my german tv plus with the dot and the com at the end. That site has the new logo and just says "Under Construction." It seems that they flipped the switch on this new venture before they were really ready. That's why there's no program guide information and no web site to tell you about it. Tellingly, the web site for "My Sports Germany" has its own program guide which simply ends on Sunday July 22. There's nothing listed after that in the blank time slots. So since it is a Dish exclusive channel, I gather that My Sports Germany has been discontinued in favor of My German TV Plus in order to appeal to a wider audience with this channel. And soon they'll have the programming information updated once the parent company gets its act together. We'll just have to wait and see how much Bundesliga they carry on the new channel. The CSR from Dish promised I'd still get to see all of the games I was getting before. We'll see.
I can tell you with 99.99999% certainty, the CSR has no clue, none, zip, nada what that channel is, or if those games will still be there. To get a better answer try contacting the channel directly. When getting Euronews was a task, they assured me it was in AEP and did I want to upgrade. CSR's can be be the bane of society sometimes.
I can tell you with 99.99999% certainty, the CSR has no clue, none, zip, nada what that channel is, or if those games will still be there. To get a better answer try contacting the channel directly. When getting Euronews was a task, they assured me it was in AEP and did I want to upgrade. CSR's can be be the bane of society sometimes.

You're right that it's unlikely that the CSR doesn't have a clue. But he was clearly reading from some document or statement when he assured me that they would still show all the games on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. He said it the same way a couple times and had to look up the information in the first place. That's why I had a bit more confidence in what he said: because he wasn't telling me from his knowledge. It was more like an official statement about the channel change. That seems a lot more likely to be true than if it was just him talking. Plus now I called twice now and after the CSR looked up the info, he read me the exact same information as the other CSR.
Which was another Rainbow Media channel for awhile...... And yes it does remind me of that format.
Here's an update: Last night on My German TV + they ran a scrolling message along the bottom of the screen saying (in German) that they WOULD indeed have Bundesliga soccer matches, including live soccer matches once the season starts, on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, plus the additional programming (which is crap) they've used to water down the sports at no additional cost. It's the exact same message that both Dish CSR's read to me. So it's been confirmed on the channel with the scrolling message. And if you go the the My Sports Germany web site, it now just shows a message saying "Thanks for watching My Sports Germany this past year, please see our other channels:" and then it has links to My German TV and My German TV +. That pretty much closes the book on what's going on with that channel. If anyone is at all interested I can post what happens on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays both now and when the new season starts to let you know if the Bundesliga coverage is still adequate.
The Bundesliga2 season has already started and they haven't shown any of the matches!

Last year they showed all of the BUndesliga 2 matches as well as the Bundesliga matches, so they are showing less soccer than before!
Outside of soccer, the channel is total crap! I've had it with Dish!

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