GEOSATpro HDVR3500 - New DVBS2 STB - Photos and Initial Testing

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Lol, I have parallels, there is no problem connecting from virtual box or parallels. I want to make it work natively in OS X

Thank you for this heads up!!!
Also able to copy to my Mac desktop from within VirtualBox by installing Guest Additions, Devices > Insert> Install Guest Additions CD Image and setting up shared folders:clapping
I've read with interest the banter between Lake Placid and Roseville.
I have a mac connected by ethernet to a Time Capsule, which is supplied by a Motorola modem provided by Charter Cable. I have a gigabit switch connected to the TC. Another switch in the living room is connected under the floor to that switch. 3500 is connected by ethernet to the second switch.
3500 seems to be working fine with this wired internet connection. AppleTV, and Roku are also on that switch. Fire stick only connects by wifi. I don't have a Chromecast. If you think I am missing anything there, I'll get one.
I want to be able to set up the IPTV on 3500 by networking with my Mac. I don't know anything about networking. Nothing. Every item I've connected to internet here is just that. Each connects to access the web. Nothing to communicate with each other except for one ethernet connected printer and a usb printer.
Devices: 1 Mac Mini, 2 iPhone 6's, 1iPadAir2, 1PC on ethernet, 1 PC laptop on ethernet, 1 PC laptop on wifi, the streaming devices above.

After all that, here is my current request of folks here:
Help me to get the IPTV lists from Mac to 3500
Help me to record to usb drives on 3500

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THANKS! :bowWorks great, all channels. And after looking at it, I see what I did wrong:facepalm, now to find more channels to add...:enjoying

Here is one to try to figure out. I have created a new list that works but I cannot get this one news channel to work in my list. For some reason the IPTV on the HDVR3500 will not recognize it but it does open and play in VLC. " ".

The attached playlist is one that I found that had the above cbsnews in it. There are a lot of goodies inside of it in the way of music, sports, and news. Lots of english and international mix channels BUT there are also many dead links as well to filter through. I opened the attached list in m3u format in VLC to find the channels that worked and that met my interests. I tried to attach it here as an .m3u file type but this site did not allow me to attach it as that format so I am attaching it as a text and you will have to change it to a .m3u to run it as a playlist with VLC.

I sure wish that we could reorder the channel lists int the IPTV of the HDVR3500 to move our custom lists that we are more interested in to the front of the order. Especially since we cannot delete the original lists because they automatically repopulate the lists if you delete them.


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I'm starting to look into this IPTV thing, considering it looks like it could be more convenient to watch streams or require less setup that streaming something to my ipod touch and forwarding it to the apple tv for playing on my big screen.

I am doing the VLC trick with my local news stream just to see if I can figure out the URL that I would need to put in the XML file for the IPTV part of the receiver.

I found a URL for the local news stream, put it in VLC "play network stream" and it plays for about 15 seconds before quitting. The window open on my PC web browser has no 15 second playback stop - it plays as long as I have the window open. Is that supposed to mean something -- i.e. does it mean the stream is configured such that it won't play in the HDVR3500 for more than 15 secs at a time? The player says "livestream" on it so that may be my local station's provider for streaming their newscast and special event programming over the web.
VLC "play network stream" and it plays for about 15 seconds before quitting.
VLC uses it's own engine to play back content. Our receiver is true IPTV, so it will play IPTV streams where VLC may fail. Also, the other way, there are some non-standards streams that VLC may handle better than hardware units. In that case we would have to analyze stream and come up with an update.

Send me the link, let's test it.
VLC uses it's own engine to play back content. Our receiver is true IPTV, so it will play IPTV streams where VLC may fail.

Send me the link, let's test it.

KOB-TV Albuquerque live stream web page:

the URL I got from poking around that only plays in VLC for about 15 secs each time it's put into the "open network stream" box: 18,0,0,232&r=GLFQR&g=WDCPKVEKSRUQ
the URL I got from poking around that only plays in VLC for about 15 secs
Unfortunately this is not a regular stream. Also, the link you found is not regular programming, this is no commercials, content only and who knows how it's compiled.

Also, notice there is a space in the address. Space NEVER works. Space will cause receiver to stop reading the file at that position. Anything after & including & can be deleted and file plays in VLC for a minute or so.
KOB-TV Albuquerque live stream web page:

the URL I got from poking around that only plays in VLC for about 15 secs each time it's put into the "open network stream" box: 18,0,0,232&r=GLFQR&g=WDCPKVEKSRUQ
Look at the page source from the link you gave, holy moley!
Lots of ifs and thens have to come together for that thing to ever play right!
Not a "regular" stream for sure.

Here is an article I learned a lot about how m3u8 streaming works:
VLC uses it's own engine to play back content. Our receiver is true IPTV, so it will play IPTV streams where VLC may fail. Also, the other way, there are some non-standards streams that VLC may handle better than hardware units. In that case we would have to analyze stream and come up with an update.

Send me the link, let's test it.
What software are you using to create the XML file? I tried using TextEdit, but it seems to do something to the file that makes it not work. I used the file you sent me as a template, but couldn't get it to import anything. I then opened a copy of the file you sent that I successfully installed, but after opening in TextEdit it no longer works either.

I'm trying to add 6 VEVO Music Video channels I found that work in VLC, don't know the title of the channels, so I was just naming them VEVO 1, VEVO 2, etc. The /ch3/ seems to be the highest quality, the links also work with /ch1/, /ch2/, but lower quality. /ch1/ seems to be for mobile phones, other than that the rest of the URL is exactly the same:
I'm starting to look into this IPTV thing, considering it looks like it could be more convenient to watch streams or require less setup that streaming something to my ipod touch and forwarding it to the apple tv for playing on my big screen.

I am doing the VLC trick with my local news stream just to see if I can figure out the URL that I would need to put in the XML file for the IPTV part of the receiver.

I found a URL for the local news stream, put it in VLC "play network stream" and it plays for about 15 seconds before quitting. The window open on my PC web browser has no 15 second playback stop - it plays as long as I have the window open. Is that supposed to mean something -- i.e. does it mean the stream is configured such that it won't play in the HDVR3500 for more than 15 secs at a time? The player says "livestream" on it so that may be my local station's provider for streaming their newscast and special event programming over the web.
I've been trying to figure out a way to play livestream video as well. Most of the local channels I want to watch are using livestream... maybe an app can be written instead of using the normal IPTV app, or maybe something for XMBC...
. Most of the local channels I want to watch are using livestream... maybe an app can be written instead of using the normal IPTV app, or maybe something for XMBC...

I'm thinking the easiest way would be an app to emulate a web browser like firefox or chrome then you could just surf to a short and sweet URL like (in my example a few posts back) and the app would set up the player window and play the stream just as if you were watching on a PC where the livestream player works great.

I'm trying to remember if there was talk earlier in this thread if there talk that the HDVR3500 has or maybe had a browser that was removed. I could just as easly have misunderstood or am thinking of a forum thread of a different thing.
Look at the page source from the link you gave, holy moley!
Lots of ifs and thens have to come together for that thing to ever play right!
Not a "regular" stream for sure.

seeing your posted article URL makes me think that any app that streams video on the ios platform must use a .M3U8 URL (and that may explain why seeing lots of URLs here makes me think that M3U8 URLs are more common than I was thought).

I suppose there is one last ditch thing to save the KOB streaming effort and that would involve having to find the URL that the KOB app uses. My KOB ios app plays the newscast/special events live stream and I guess since it's longer than xx mins or 5 MB, KOB has to have a M3U8 URL pointer in their app -- rather than a pointer to livestream -- to satisfy apple's requirements. How to find a URL with M3U8 I don't know since I don't know how to poke around with sniffers using my Ipod touch like I'm able to on a desktop PC. The app can't be run on a PC (that I know of) in order to use my PC tools to find the info. I suppose on my PC I could try to force a KOB mobile page to show up ( and see if it does a mobile streaming configuration rather than livestream configuration.

EDIT: just did - brings up a page that has the layout and appearance of their mobile app rather than the PC website. I went to live video section and it launched something called "doapps" so I guess the KOB ios app must use this third party interface to be able to play their stream instead of having a separate M3U8 URL called by their app.
Been doing some experimenting the last couple of days. I have found out that if I replace the internal flash drive with a Kingston I have, the box stops stuttering on HD channels.
Also while recording it seems to have cured a lot of it, but not all. Sometimes it records HD fine for awhile, only tested for about 10 minutes at the most so far.
At other times it will lock up at about 45 seconds into recording. This is only on HD, SD is fine it appears. If I put the internal drive that came with it back in, it starts acting up again.
Also noted that for some reason when MY flash drive is in, the CPU load drops way down.
Still nothing completely conclusive but food for thought.

Also noted that the little heat sink on the chip gets so hot during HD, that you would not want to hold your finger on it long...Too hot in my opinion, may switch out for a larger heat sink at some point, I have plenty heat sink compound.
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