Could I utilize a 4x1 DiSEqC switch, and connect the two 8x1 DiSEqC switches that way? If so what settings would I need in the receiver to get them to work together? Also, can the receiver go beyond that, say up to 32 satellites? I didn't see any settings beyond 16.
With diseqc 1.0 you can go to 4; with diseqc 1.1 you can go to 16;
so with diseqc 1.0 and 1.1 combined you can go to 4x16 = 64!
You need the right 1.1 switches though, to be able to switch with the proper "uncommitted commands".
If you don't use the 22kHz signal for universal LNB's, you can use that signal to double the amount of LNB's. You need 64 switches, or just ONE if you place it directly at the side of the receiver. In that case you need a Diseqc-through 22kHz switch; that is imperative! Otherwise the diseqc signal doesnt arive properly at the diseqc switches. I believe the Ecoda-switch does the job.