GEOSATpro HDVR3500 - New DVBS2 STB - Photos and Initial Testing

Please reply by conversation.
Who do I need to contact about getting my money back? I did not know until now that I was part of a beta group, and I also didn't know that I was one of Eugene's "friends" that gets to "test" this box that I paid $140 for. Fine way to treat your "friends." On a side note, I was kind of under the impression that GeoSatPro/SatAV was a Christian company, since they market the Glorystar service, this kind of deception doesn't seem to be in keeping with a honest Christian attitude and way of doing business and doing unto others as you'd have them do unto you. Just my opinion.
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Bob, I have been as upfront with everyone as I will always be. This receiver is a great machine and we are working on some of the improvements as actively as we can. We did I treat you wrong?

As far as Glorystar and Christian television is concerned, this product is going to be an amazing product. So far it is outperforming our previous products. What is your particular complaint? Please advise,
Contradictions are all over this thread and they all go directly back to Eugene from Satellite AV.

He basically left all the dealers hung out to dry for a week before admitting he did misquote the chipset number to the dealers. Not sure how that happened but hey mistakes do happen and I am willing to let it go on that, even after seeing the sheets here,

So the receiver went from a quad core to only a single core and the dealers took the brunt of that and it was not their fault since they researched the chip number they were given and that is where the fiasco started.

I took notice of the contradiction when he posted earlier he sold over 4,000 units already. And then now says he has not released the receiver yet. I guess if he was running for public office he can say he "mis-spoke", but from where I am at I call it not being honest.

No one had heard of these units before June, but 4000 users have been supposedly putting up with all of these problems? Anyone can google the model and it only comes up with a few resellers. Who else has been selling them if not on Satellite AV sites? I did see 2 negative posts over on Amazon on this receiver and I can see why.

So I take what he says with a grain of salt as I can not trust him anymore and his own words posted here in this long thread testify to that.

I had hopes that they would not leave those who purchased this receiver hung out to dry and when the dealer I purchased the unit from gave me an offer I decided to keep it hoping a decent firmware upgrade would salvage at least part of the receiver. I don't have a habit of going back on my word and will not start now, and I am not blaming the dealer in any way here as they were also duped IMO! However well over a month has passed with nothing to show and that has me distrusting Satellite AV to the very core!

I find it odd that he attacks those who have actually paid for the receiver and others with problems he totally ignores. This just makes him more untrustworthy to anyone else out there IMO.

Now you show me this here about the old hardware design and I still stand by my word that in its current state this receiver is a POS! I will not trust Satellite AV with anything ever again and that is not a good thing to hear from the public when one is in this business, and I am sure the dealers he hung out for a good week are not going to be quick to ever forget what really took place.

I do agree with what was posted by A Raine: I like the MicroHD, but what made that a good receiver is obviously gone from that company now!

Brian, if you ever find something from someone else that is decent I am still all ears and supportive, as long as it is not from Satellite AV or his company.

I feel sorry for all the dealers who are caught in the middle of all this but being silent from speaking the truth is only causing more harm to others who may get caught unaware. I realize that these posts do not help you to sell those receivers you have in stock, maybe you should take Satellite AV's offer up to send him back the receivers and get your money back but I highly doubt his word on that offer.

I have done Beta testing in the past on software numerous times, no where when I bought this receiver did I see anything saying I would be a Beta tester. If that's the case, then f*&#king pay me. If you didn't release this receiver, then who did? Santa Claus?

And no one is paying me, but someone should be, you. I am done with this thread, call me a jerk, a@@, whatever, but your customer support skills stink. I bought this receiver because I absolutely love my MIcroHD, but what made that a good receiver is obviously gone from your company.

Thank You for speaking the truth!
The receiver was definitely released before it should've been, hopefully they will fix it. Where on 125W are the MC channels? Are they on Ku or the C side? I'd like to try and get them, that would be a nice plus!

I have been meaning to get back to you on this sorry it took this long .
4140 :: V :: 30000 :: 3/4 :: DVB-S2/8PSK

But don't count on this receiver being fixed by a firmware update. I seriously doubt they know what they are doing as none of the updates have worked properly yet and the receiver is still a POS!!
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For the dealers, I will refund every receiver returned to me if it was not doing what it is suppose to. Please do not dump our product. If you are not satisfied with it, return it and go buy a competitor's box.

I hope every dealer you sold these receivers to, takes you up on this offer, due to the way you have been throwing them under the bus at every opportunity you get.

Even today your angry post directed at me which once again was not honest.

Stargaze, how much are you getting paid? Sir, do you realize we have not released this receiver? Do you see it on our website? Do you see us advertising it? Did you see me brag about features or performance?

Paid? really? I thought you just informed us today that we were all beta testers! Something that was never mentioned till well over a month after we purchased your POS product!

Where did you sell the 4000 units to that you posted about?

Well let's see, did you not just brag about it once again here below?

As far as Glorystar and Christian television is concerned, this product is going to be an amazing product. So far it is outperforming our previous products. Eugene

I do believe it is going to be amazing, amazing that the shaft you will be giving us on this receiver and it has been noted!

I guess I just get under your skin Eugene for speaking out and letting others know the truth.
At this point I am glad I did not send my receiver back as then I would have no right to say anything else, but hey I am a customer that you have taken an issue with in an unprofessional manner since I am speaking the truth, which goes to show just what you are really like.

People like you give Christianity a bad name.
There is a contradiction here. Not 'released' but over 4000 sold?
Brett, I am selling this receiver in different markets. We also use this receiver in private projects. There is no contradiction.

We have not released it in American FTA market, but we have added many more features and software that is built in to take advantage of the hardware options. These additions made few unexpected performance issues, like the jerky show and recording. This is not detrimental to the receiver, we have been very successful to reduce the problems. I am not giving up the options that we have tested to work very well.

The bottom line is that this is a fairly old hardware design
Just because similar hardware has been sold on the market does not necessarily mean that our model is outdated. Also, the development of software is not a one day project. These stacks are being developed with long term plans in mind.
We have not released it in American FTA market

Then how did the dealers in the US get hold of this product?

How did the dealers on this forum get this product if you have not released it yet?

Why don't you start telling the truth?

Or maybe you can't since you have been digging a deep hole for yourself here.

If you have not released it yet to the American FTA market then how did we get it then?
For the dealers, I will refund every receiver returned to me if it was not doing what it is suppose to. Please do not dump our product. If you are not satisfied with it, return it and go buy a competitor's box.

I would like to repeat my offer to any dealer, reseller or customer: if you are not satisfied with the unit or how it performs, we will refund it .

The refund was offered only to those that bought the receiver believing this was completely released product.

I'll let these speak for themselves!
Everyone can draw their own conclusion here.

The way the changes appear to be going next he will say he never offered a refund!
No disrespect, but someone using the name GeosatPro, who only seems to sell GeosatPro products is selling this unit on Amazon. That is not the same as a beta group.
My offer stands if anybody wants a refund even if its a refund for a return of a return lol
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No disrespect, but someone using the name GeosatPro, who only seems to sell GeosatPro products is selling this unit on Amazon. That is not the same as a beta group.

Wow you are correct. See screen shot.

This is just the same as with the Manhattan 1997 over at RICK's some people just need to bash something, Or promote other crap that are involved with.
If unhappy you were offered a refund, So where is the drama. This is said as it is just BASHING.
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Contradictions are all over this thread and they all go directly back to Eugene from Satellite AV.
He basically left all the dealers hung out to dry for a week before admitting he did misquote the chipset number to the dealers. Not sure how that happened but hey mistakes do happen and I am willing to let it go on that, even after seeing the sheets here,
So the receiver went from a quad core to only a single core and the dealers took the brunt of that and it was not their fault since they researched the chip number they were given and that is where the fiasco started....
Did they research the chip number?

The first reference to the chipset in the HDVR3500 that I have found is on June 17th in Hyper's forum by user 'aem2k', (Aaron) where he said "Its the Hisilicon 3798M" (a quad-core Android based SOC).

Then on July 9th it was announced here as "HiSilicon 3788M quad core ARM Cortex A7 @ 1.5GHz." I cannot find any information on the '3788M'.

So if the dealers researched the chip number then I would hope that they would have caught the mistake.
May I just transparently ask your opinion without being called a liar and that i ruined your trust? Do you think I intentionally gave the incorrect chip number? Will you at least understand that an error occurred and I apologize for it? Please, have mercy on my soul and give me a break.

Problem is you have not been transparent neither to those of us who bought into your product nor to the dealers who you duped originally.
The sad fact of the matter is that you have not been forthright to any of us since the beginning!

Yes you have ruined my trust in you! Shame on you for that!!!!
I suspect it was not just my trust you lost but many others as well. So sad.

You have not done us hobbyist right and have built up mistrust upon mistrust by your constant changing what you say.

The damage is already done and it was done by Satellite AV. What is also so sad was the decent reputation that Satellite AV once had on this forum is now gone down the toilet.

I have seen what others have said and while I been the most vocal someone needs to get it done until Eugene either makes it right or stops his lies to every person on this board who purchased this receiver and the dealers he has duped.

I have been as upfront with everyone as I will always be. This receiver is a great machine

If the receiver was so great then why do you have people asking for a refund?

If the receiver was so great then none of this would be happening and written about how bad it is.
Nor would there be so many of us who highly doubt you are ever going to bring a decent and proper firmware update to this receiver which to date you have not done!

How many dealers do you think will trust you enough to ever go through this again?

Now it shows up you did have it on Amazon? WTF!@!Q

I certainly don't see any Glorystar about any of this, for now it is a deep gloryhole.

Eugene at the very least owes every person on this board a public apology for his lies!
If he wants to have anything left of his reputation he should at the very least make sure every dealer on this forum is given back their monies for this outdated receiver he tried to pawn off on us.
Then every one of us who bought it should receive all their money back!

He wants us to give him a break but this is just gone from bad to as worse as it can be.
I do not see how it could be any worse for him now.
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No disrespect, but someone using the name GeosatPro, who only seems to sell GeosatPro products is selling this unit on Amazon
No disrespect at all, I created the post with official ASIN and official pictures for brand name. Brand listing is the only way to control some of the product description.

I guess I have never thought that with our intention to being the best we can be will be so viciously attacked. In fact we are investing thousands of dollars and insane amount of development hours and troubleshooting and we have good rate in updates, yet all I get is f and s words. This kind of threw me off for a moment, simply surprised.

Our business is set up to help people. This we do with honest heart and from the very beginning our only goal is to help people. We have approached this project by very transparently explaining to all possible customers that we have a product in development and in stock.

Every dealer that bought the product has personally tested and calculated the strengths and weaknesses of this product. I have shipped dozens of free samples and offered some samples as low price offer. No dealer can claim they bought it without knowing the list of items that are on schedule to be addressed.

Why someone makes extra point to use offensive language to attack the product, I have no idea. We are in free market. I did not make anyone buy it and from the very beginning announced 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the product, return it and you will be refunded, no.. I get attacked again.. Wow..

We are committed to making this product great. We will have new software coming this week and next. Some changes were not significant enough to post update.

This is a hobbyist site. If you are not having fun, you missed the point of what hobby is about.

One more thought. From the bottom of my heart and on behalf of all users of GEOSATpro brand we thank you for all input you provided. This is most valuable, even if discussion turns little more heated. We do not regret being in this business, we love people, we love television, we love what can be done with it. If I offended anyone by a heated response, please forgive me. Our intention is to serve people beyond 8 to 5. We do this for the passion.

I will post updates as soon as I test it myself. Let's keep them receivers running...

Thank you
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Did they research the chip number?

The first reference to the chipset in the HDVR3500 that I have found is on June 17th in Hyper's forum by user 'aem2k', (Aaron) where he said "Its the Hisilicon 3798M" (a quad-core Android based SOC).

Then on July 9th it was announced here as "HiSilicon 3788M quad core ARM Cortex A7 @ 1.5GHz." I cannot find any information on the '3788M'.

So if the dealers researched the chip number then I would hope that they would have caught the mistake.

I have heard that the dealers looked at the specs on the chipset number they were originally given and that is where the info came from about it being a quad core and a decent amount of memory. As to which number it was I have no idea which one it was but that mistake was against the dealers and they bore the brunt of that even though it eventually came out that the info they were given was incorrect from the source.

That source threw the dealers under the bus on many occasions while trying to make themselves look good.

If you were a dealer would you trust them again?
I would be hard pressed if I was one of them.

The 2 numbers you have listed are so close, maybe one was a typo?????
Basher, just a poor excuse for a person with to much time on there hands. SatelliteAV keep up the work no receiver has had one update
fix all issues or most. But as the manhattan1997 maybe you are tiring to fix to much at one time. As I bought my receiver from titanium satellite.
And never took the refund or price break because of past satelliteAV units and are still the some of the best.
Well basher were did you buy yours. Or keep bashing.
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For the record: Like Wallyhts, Titanium Satellite continues to offer refunds. I am offering a full refund for returns or a $35 discount or $40 credit for any HDVR3500 that was purchased from Titanium Satellite. But.... if my records are correct, most of you have already taken me up on the refund offer! It's a tough and costly situation! We aren't looking for sympathy, just your understanding. BTW... There are a few discounted opened box return units still available on Ebay! :D

N6BY, Really? Are you going there? Ouch! Did I research the chip? Dang, that feels mighty personal! Let's not get to carried away here! Did two busses almost tag me? Yes, I researched the chip, but didn't catch the typo. If I had thought for even a moment that the HDVR3500 was a single core with less memory, I would not have requested a sample, posted my observations, answered questions or sold the product. I have tested an Android STB based on the advertised 3798M chipset and it is an awesome performer. Seeing the same chipset as my Android sample, I knew that this STB would have the same potential.

I was not aware that we have been selling an unreleased product, though I was aware that it needed additional development. I had first heard of the HDVR3500 in June and Googled that a small quantity of these STBs were distributed in New Zealand/ Australia. I had no idea that 4,000 released units had already retailed internationally. Does this mean that there is better firmware available that we could at least test on our North American units? My hope springs eternal! :)
No disrespect at all, I created the post with official ASIN and official pictures for brand name. Brand listing is the only way to control some of the product description. This does not mean it's a released or marketed product and frankly the issue is not in that at all. I guess I have never thought that our intention to being the best we can will be so viciously attacked. In fact we are investing thousands of dollars and insane amount of development hours and troubleshooting and we have good rate in updates, yet all I get is f and s words. This kind of threw me off for a moment, simply surprised.

Our business is set up to help people. This we do with honest heart and from the very beginning our only goal is to help people. We have approached this project by very transparently explaining to all possible customers that we have a product in development and in stock.

Every dealer that bought the product has personally tested and calculated the strengths and weaknesses of this product. I have shipped dozens of free samples and offered some samples as low price offer. No dealer can claim they bought it without knowing the list of items that are on schedule to be addressed.

Why someone makes extra point to use offensive language to attack the product, I have no idea. We are in free market. I did not make anyone buy it and from the very beginning announced 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the product, return it and you will be refunded, no.. I get attacked again.. Wow..

We are committed to making this product great. We will have new software coming this week and next. Some changes were not significant enough to post update.

This is a hobbyist site. If you are not having fun, you missed the point of what hobby is about.

One more thought. From the bottom of my heart and on behalf of all users of GEOSATpro brand we thank you for all input you provided. This is most valuable, even if discussion turns little more heated. We do not regret being in this business, we love people, we love television, we love what can be done with it. If I offended anyone by a heated response, please forgive me. Our intention is to serve people beyond 8 to 5. We do this for the passion.

I will post updates as soon as I test it myself. Let's keep them receivers running...

Thank you, l don't really know what to say to this, but I'll will try.

Be honest and stop with the nonsense and double talk. This is a released product, no matter what you may say, it's in end user hands and advertised for sale to end users as a finished product. No ads anywhere on dealers sites or Amazon state it's a work in progress. If I bought it today from Amazon, Sadoun, wherever, I would not be aware of this claim if I weren't a member of this site, stop claiming it to be true. It simply isn't and all people are not stupid.

What you invest in time and money is unfortunately irrelevant to us end users. what the dealers did know or didn't know is irrelevant also, stop lumping blame onto the dealers, we end users are not dealers.

It has not been very transparently explained to the end users that this receiver would be a 'work in progress' and they would help make it. Whomever is at fault there is, is irrelevant to the end users, be it you or the dealers, get by that and forget it. I and most every other user here, are not a dealer and had no idea of the work in progress concept, at least not to the degree this is.

Your intention, whatever that may truly be, isn't being attacked, your poor attitude toward paying customers is what came under attack. Most irate customers can be handled with a little finesse, the effort should at least be made before you alienate them by saying things such as you did to Stargaze. I myself have owned and run businesses, I must say that was quite a shocking response there. I guarantee you that Stargaze wasn't the only one you alienated with those comments. Maybe you can recoup from it.

We all realize that you are probably under a great deal of strain and stress in dealing with all of this, but you need to step back for a moment and realize that your customers here have had their expectations of the ability of this receiver bashed down multiple times. Even so, many have accepted it and are willing to continue on with it, BUT-considering that fact - it doesn't take much to set someone off about it.

As for the f and s words, I myself am in a horrible mood today already and it is what it is, not points, rather, pissed off and not specifically at this receiver. Sorry, I am most definitely not a christian or even slightly religious, sometimes I get mad and do swear, very rarely actually, but it does happen occasionally.

I had to put down one of our horses, lost a good friend and paid the vet a lot of money. I wasn't in a mood to sit down and sing Kum Ba Yah in this thread with you when I got done today and my receiver started going screwy and all the talk in the thread is about IPTV and posts about sat problems are ignored.

It is what it is, it is a buggy receiver and you're working on it. Hopefully it will get better. Thank you for the apology and I apologize for lashing out at you, normally I am a bit more reserved.
For the spec hunters, we will bring a new model to market, code named REX. You are welcome to contribute to the wish list. Just start your post with header "Wishlist for REX"...
I hereby volunteer to do an unbiased assessment of REX when its ready. This time I won't pay for it, but I would be happy to return it to SatAV upon completion of the review if requested.
Please reply by conversation.