GEOSATpro HDVR3500 - New DVBS2 STB - Photos and Initial Testing

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Hmm, it works for me too. It's the French version of arte.

Let's try a couple of other files and see if they play or not. If they all fail, it might indicate a problem with your PC environment - maybe the VLC install or network connection?

Here's CNN International. This has been playing pretty well for me in both the STB and VLC and I watch it a lot because: real news!

Here's DW TV:

And here's London Live:

You should also be able to play non-m3u8 streams in VLC and the STB. I have a link to North Korean TV:


Do those all play or do you get errors?
I had an older version of VLC Player. I uninstalled it and installed the latest version. Now things are working for me using VLC. THANKS!
992 firmware:

I've never been much of a fan of IPTV because links tend to disappear and not work and then have to be cleaned out/up, fiddled with, etc. But, the IPTV on the HDVR3500 does seem to work well. I did notice that deleting channels out of it isn't quite right yet though. Some channels in the channel lists don't show for me in the delete listings and it looks like there's no way to delete/make categories?
Some radio stations show in the delete menu for IPTV too, but don't show anywhere in the main IPTV channel selection area that I can find.

On a different subject, I was renaming channels on a sat the other day and every time when I entered the Edit Service menu, the receiver jumps to a different channel. Just tried it again now on 101W, receiver is set on MeTV and once I entered the Edit service menu, it jumped to Movies. And no, it's not a simple matter of moving to the desired channel and all is good. Sometimes that does work, sometimes it will edit the channel it had jumped to [the wrong one] even though it is displaying specs for the one moved to. Very annoying.
One time it locked the channel and I can't get it unlocked, went through the steps on locking/unlocking, rebooted the receiver, channel still locked. Maybe a bug, or I could be missing a step or something, as I never lock channels. Very annoying, as I rename all channels I watch, unless they already have the correct name. This edit function did work fine in the previous firmware, pretty much unreliable now.

Changed batteries again today, for about the millionth time. This thing chews through remote batteries like crazy. I guess no one else but me has this problem, but hey, If I'm to be a unpaid Beta tester, I'm going to list whatever b*tches I have.

Record doesn't seem any better that I can tell, seems pretty much the same as before.

I see the same 'tuner weirdness' that Skysurfer reported. In the past with my other receivers, I relied heavily on the Signal and Quality readings, but this receiver just doesn't display them correctly. I realize that a tuner will not display these with 100% accuracy, but the HDVR3500 isn't even close, most of the time.

Another problem I have which is annoying me to no end is when I am on one of my Ku fixed dishes and then move to a channel on the motorized C dish the receiver will not display any video or sound. I have to move to another sat or two on the motorized dish and then go back to what I wanted to watch to get it to display anything. I'd had this problem before and Brian had suggested making sure that the first transponder listed for each satellite was a active one and doing that had fixed the issue then but doesn't work now, now it does it no matter what's first in the list.

The receiver will show Q and all, [it will do it on a channel with 80 Q or better even, it's not a low signal problem] it's going to the correct sat, locking on the channel and all, just won't display video/sound for whatever reason. On this particular setup, I have the HDVR3500 to a V Box, then a 8X1 Amiko DISEqC switch, connected to a C band dish and four fixed dishes. All work perfectly with my MicroHD in there in place of the HDVR3500. I haven't tried it on my other setup.

Is XBMC going to be eventually replaced with Kodi and less restricted? As it is now, it leaves a lot to be desired.
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This thing chews through remote batteries like crazy. I guess no one else but me has this problem, but hey, If I'm to be a unpaid Beta tester, I'm going to list whatever b*tches I have.

I stopped listing/posting the issues when it became apparent by the lack of updates to fix the issues with the receiver that were related to the satellite part of the receiver not the internet part.

I now use it just to watch the Music Choice channels over on 125W but as for anything else the

Receiver went from a Wow, to a "WTF, POS "!

I am also going to state here now that in the future I will not buy any more products brought in by the party who brought us this one until they prove themselves and they have a long road to go IMO.

Regardless of the fact that we were told if we did not like it we could get our money back the issue is plain and simple that it needed much updating to get it up to par and those updates have been lacking in any substance, as if there was no real concern to get the issues cleared up.

This is not the way to do business and only makes people remember that in the future their products will be dismissed as junk all the time whether it is correct or not!

This in no way reflects on those dealers who were misinformed from the get go for AFAIC their reputation still remains in high regard.
Is there channel editing software for PC or Mac available for the receiver? I just bought one of these because my old MicroHD's coax jack broke off and I wasn't able to repair.
I stopped listing/posting the issues when it became apparent by the lack of updates to fix the issues with the receiver that were related to the satellite part of the receiver not the internet part.

I now use it just to watch the Music Choice channels over on 125W but as for anything else the

Receiver went from a Wow, to a "WTF, POS "!

I am also going to state here now that in the future I will not buy any more products brought in by the party who brought us this one until they prove themselves and they have a long road to go IMO.

Regardless of the fact that we were told if we did not like it we could get our money back the issue is plain and simple that it needed much updating to get it up to par and those updates have been lacking in any substance, as if there was no real concern to get the issues cleared up.

This is not the way to do business and only makes people remember that in the future their products will be dismissed as junk all the time whether it is correct or not!

This in no way reflects on those dealers who were misinformed from the get go for AFAIC their reputation still remains in high regard.

Yes, my opinion is also that the satellite issues should be the priority things to fix, not the streaming. IPTV and a outdated/obsolete/crippled version of XBMC is of not much use to me.

My thoughts are that even if the XBMC is updated to the newer Kodi, it will only be a matter of time before it too is outdated. Once updates are no longer supplied for the receiver in a year or so, then the XBMC will be useless because it will not be able to be updated by the end user. Be nice if I am wrong about that, but I doubt it. Thinking on it though, I doubt this receiver has the hardware necessary to run Kodi, or at least, to decode full HD, especially the 256 mb ram, I would think it'd need at least 1 GB. Forget about the darn XBMC and IPTV and fix the sat part.

If SatAv can fix all the issues on the satellite side of the receiver, I'll be happy, I didn't buy the receiver for the XBMC and IPTV part of it. The receiver was definitely released before it should've been, hopefully they will fix it. Where on 125W are the MC channels? Are they on Ku or the C side? I'd like to try and get them, that would be a nice plus!
Great! Now have fun finding IP TV links. :)
OK, I have been finding and playing some IPTV channel lists (m3u and m3u8 format) with VLCand now I am trying to figure out how to get the list into the IPTV feature of the 3500 HDVR. I tried putting the m3u file onto a flash drive and putting it into the front of the unit but I get an "unknown file system" error box in the middle of the screen and the file does not show up to be on the flash drive when I browse to find it to import. I noticed that the TEST file that Satellite AV posted was a file type .xml. So, how do you save the m3u or m3u8 file into a .xml file so that the 3500 HDVR will recognize it?

After the last few posts I feel guilty about asking my above question. Maybe some of us need to start another discussion so we do not bother those who don't give a flip about the xbmc or iptv part of the unit. I personally find it fun and interesting discovering the internet tv features of the unit. I am not a technology expert but I have been watching satellite television since 1980. Talk about a technology changing, I have chased this C-Band stuff all over the place from totally open everything, to videocipher, to digicipher, to 4DTV, and now the FTA arena. So CHANGE is going to happen to the Satellite Receiver side as well. I have thrown away perfectly good satellite equipment simply because it was outdated and worthless due to newer technology. Not one word here is meant in a harsh way. I too am anxious to see the issues corrected and am optomistic they will be.
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Open test xml file in notepad and see if you recognize the website address and replace it with your tested link. Try several links
After the last few posts I feel guilty about asking my above question. Maybe some of us need to start another discussion so we do not bother those who don't give a flip about the xbmc or iptv part of the unit. I personally find it fun and interesting discovering the internet tv features of the unit. I am not a technology expert but I have been watching satellite television since 1980. Talk about a technology changing, I have chased this C-Band stuff all over the place from totally open everything, to videocipher, to digicipher, to 4DTV, and now the FTA arena. So CHANGE is going to happen to the Satellite Receiver side as well. I have thrown away perfectly good satellite equipment simply because it was outdated and worthless due to newer technology. Not one word here is meant in a harsh way. I too am anxious to see the issues corrected and am optomistic they will be.

No need to start another discussion on it or feel guilty about IPTV questions, the IPTV is a part of the receiver, so it is relevant to this thread.

Fixes are coming slowly for the satellite side, is all. I don't mean to knock the receiver, I do like it, but it is what it is, buggy and as far as resource-wise, somewhat limited. Not being critical here, just realistic. Realistic in saying that it was released too early too, many of these things should have been Beta tested and taken care of before release, but they weren't, so here we are.

The IPTV seems to work fine and the receiver looks to be too underpowered for XBMC to really be of any use on it, so they aren't worth bothering with, IMO. I could be wrong about the XBMC, I hope that I am and that SatAv makes me eat crow, but I doubt it. I myself have been a electronics technician all of my life [I'm 50] and am not just now discovering IPTV and XBMC, this is not at all new to me and makes me look at it from a different viewpoint than you. I worked on XBMC when it was used on the original X-Boxes, however long ago that was.

The whole deal of this receiver jams a lot of people the wrong way and I could be a lot more critical of it. Many issues I have posted to do with the receiver haven't even gotten a token post of 'oh, that's normal' or whatever from SatAv, but I've still been fairly patient. My problem with the switching from Ku sats to C sats Brian helped me with the first time, this second time, it's being ignored. The remote issue got no response. A few other things. This last firmware broke the channel naming and I posted it, no response to it, but many responses to IPTV questions. These are the reasons why people get upset over the focus on the streaming.

I myself will do the same as Stargaze and not bother anymore.
A Raine, maybe I am reading something wrong in your post? Have I missed something that you are asking me to help you with? If so, I apologize! Is there something I can assist?

I share the pain, frustrations and observations expressed in these recent posts. I also have not been posting testing in this thread as there have been no significant improvements to the initial reported basic satellite operational issues during the past 8 weeks. I have restricted my comments in hopes that mañana something will be released.... While I agree that it is a hybrid satellite/IPTV STB, let's be honest... It first must be a satellite receiver with added IPTV function and fluff features.

At this point, it is likely apparent to all reading this thread that I have been extremely very disappointed with the receiver's actual weak hardware configuration, the lack of proper basic satellite function and overdue firmware fixes. I agree that the STB certainly appears to lack the required processor capacity and memory to support more than the basic streaming Kodi add-ons. In fact, I removed mention of XBMC/Kodi function on my EBay listing for selling the opened box returned receivers. Too many EBay buyers were returning the returned receivers because of the customized package not supporting their favorite KODI add-ons and configurations. :(

I have continued to provide .ts files and testing to Eugene in the hopes of assisting with fixing the HDBR3500 satellite function. Have been told that the engineers are making some headway. The hardware has adequate processing and hardware to potentially provide good satellite receiver and DVR abilities. Now, how to unlock that potential?

Like you, I hope to be proven wrong and in the mean time, primarily using the STB to enjoy the Music Choice channels as background music in the office...
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Like you, I hope to be proven wrong and in the mean time, primarily using the STB to enjoy the Music Choice channels as background music in the office...

I for one am not happy with the way the events have unfolded with this receiver. When it became apparent that the advertised specs were incorrect, I felt like ok lets see if they tweak the receiver into something that would be ok. I did not hold it against the dealers who said they were caught unaware and finally after a considerable amount of time went by it was finally told that Satellite AV gave the dealers the incorrect info. This was after the dealers were left to fend for themselves and they were polite enough not to crucify Satellite AV for it as they knew what had transpired.

This is first and foremost a FTA satellite receiver and the issues with that side should be addressed first. It is so buggy that I am surprised it got past anyone who was testing it out. Several weeks later and the same issues are still there that had been mentioned near the beginning and what do I see from Satellite AV? A post saying

"Help us find religious channels!"

How about fixing the receiver first!

As soon as you say something negative he comes in and offers you a refund!

How about fixing the receiver first!

I am sure this has to be frustrating to the dealers who sold these as normally people would go back to them for problems but here it is different. I did not want to be griping about the receiver but it is so bad and none of the issues have been fixed properly.

How is anyone going to trust Satellite AV ever again after this fiasco! Certainly not me!

By the end of this week if there is not some major progress with a firmware to update the current problems I will take it to the other forums as well to let people know to stay away from this current POS receiver!

When Brian came out the Micro HD receiver there were some items that needed addressing and he did that so quick and that little receiver is still used and enjoyed by many of us. Sadly this receiver will not measure up to that one and if it did not pull in one set of channels on 125W it would have been shipped back a long time ago! That makes it an awfully expensive receiver for one mux but the receiver is definitely not ok for any normalFTA usage.
How is anyone going to trust Satellite AV ever again after this fiasco! Certainly not me!
Stargaze, how much are you getting paid? Sir, do you realize we have not released this receiver? Do you see it on our website? Do you see us advertising it? Did you see me brag about features or performance?

No. Because we are allowing our friends, partners and customers to help us develop it. The refund was offered only to those that bought the receiver believing this was completely released product.

We have a schedule to fix things. Since the start of this message we have added numerous features. If anyone is interested, they will simply look at my previous posts and will see them and these features are getting better.

The fixes and adjustments are occurring at a pace appropriate for any new developed receiver.

I would suggest you calm down and stop using offensive words and cussing.

Thank you
we are allowing our friends, partners and customers to help us develop it. The refund was offered only to those that bought the receiver believing this was completely released product.

Oh now you tell us this! That was not what was ever stated before!

I'm done here with this receiver and will now speak about your antics and a waste of a product to other sites so no one else falls for your deception!

You sir will never be trusted by me and never get another dollar from me for trash you are putting out!

Just stating the facts!
The Geosatpro HDVR3500 is a POS receiver in it's current sate!
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Stargaze, how much are you getting paid? Sir, do you realize we have not released this receiver? Do you see it on our website? Do you see us advertising it? Did you see me brag about features or performance?

No. Because we are allowing our friends, partners and customers to help us develop it.


I'm speechless.
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...Do you see it on our website? Do you see us advertising it? Did you see me brag about features or performance?

No. Because we are allowing our friends, partners and customers to help us develop it. ....

To Eugene's credit, this appears to be true.

... Sir, do you realize we have not released this receiver?...

We have sold over 4000 receivers. The first batch came with 16Gb and small number with 128Gb drives.

There is a contradiction here. Not 'released' but over 4000 sold?

Oh now you tell us this! That was not what was ever stated before!

I'm done here with this receiver and will now speak about your antics and a waste of a product to other sites so no one else falls for your deception!

You sir will never be trusted by me and never get another dollar from me for trash you are putting out!

Just stating the facts!
The Geosatpro HDVR3500 is a POS receiver in it's current sate!
Stargaze, if I were you I would return it for a refund and forget about it. Its not worth the frustration. I'm glad they gave me a chance to return mine, which I did for a full refund.

Now here's for the curious minds out there: Satellite AV got a batch of these in March from Shenzen Sinkna. The customs record is public:

The receiver specs from the manufacturer are here:

The bottom line is that this is a fairly old hardware design (in computer age, 2+ years is a long time). I don't see why they would be investing a lot of time and effort on an old design. Of course, it doesn't mean that they can't or won't, but it seems unlikely.
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A Raine, maybe I am reading something wrong in your post? Have I missed something that you are asking me to help you with? If so, I apologize! Is there something I can assist?

I share the pain, frustrations and observations expressed in these recent posts. I also have not been posting testing in this thread as there have been no significant improvements to the initial reported basic satellite operational issues during the past 8 weeks. I have restricted my comments in hopes that mañana something will be released.... While I agree that it is a hybrid satellite/IPTV STB, let's be honest... It first must be a satellite receiver with added IPTV function and fluff features.

At this point, it is likely apparent to all reading this thread that I have been extremely very disappointed with the receiver's actual weak hardware configuration, the lack of proper basic satellite function and overdue firmware fixes. I agree that the STB certainly appears to lack the required processor capacity and memory to support more than the basic streaming Kodi add-ons. In fact, I removed mention of XBMC/Kodi function on my EBay listing for selling the opened box returned receivers. Too many EBay buyers were returning the returned receivers because of the customized package not supporting their favorite KODI add-ons and configurations. :(

I have continued to provide .ts files and testing to Eugene in the hopes of assisting with fixing the HDBR3500 satellite function. Have been told that the engineers are making some headway. The hardware has adequate processing and hardware to potentially provide good satellite receiver and DVR abilities. Now, how to unlock that potential?

Like you, I hope to be proven wrong and in the mean time, primarily using the STB to enjoy the Music Choice channels as background music in the office...

Yes, Brian, you misunderstood! Sorry, I probably wasn't clear in my previous posts. The point that I was trying to make when I mentioned your name was that YOU were the one who helped me with the problem I was having with the receiver blanking out video/audio quite a while back when switching from my Ku fixed dishes to the motorized C sats and not SatAv. With this new firmware release, the problem is back and the previous workaround that you gave me before no longer works, but SatAv skimmed right over that post, pretty much ignoring it, not you.

You didn't miss something that I'd asked you for help on, there's definitely no reason for you to apologize. As I've stated before, your customer service is absolutely stellar, even with products not bought from you! I didn't mean that you were ignoring my posts, rather, SatAv is. And right now, look who has answered to my post and offered That says a lot, about you and SatAv, in totally different ways.

That fix you had told me before doesn't work with the new firmware now and the new firmware also seems to have broken the channel renaming for me and a few other things are wonky now too.

I posted the issues I have with the new firmware in post 464 and you have posted up offering to help me out, but SatAv has not even bothered to acknowledge it, other than to say, Yes sir, we will fix all problems and then go on to post about IPTV. I realize that sometimes I can be a bit off a A@@, but this receiver is two steps forward, five back right now, for me.

Thank You very much for offering to help, Brian, but what I am going to do is reflash the previous firmware because it worked much better for me and when new firmware updates become available I will install them, hope for better.

As I said in my last post, I am going to do as Stargaze and not bother posting up any issues I have with this receiver, because I don't think any of my posts within this thread will do anything but start a bunch of crap. I'm just gonna install new firmware updates as they come and hope for the best.

Stargaze, how much are you getting paid? Sir, do you realize we have not released this receiver? Do you see it on our website? Do you see us advertising it? Did you see me brag about features or performance?

No. Because we are allowing our friends, partners and customers to help us develop it. The refund was offered only to those that bought the receiver believing this was completely released product.

We have a schedule to fix things. Since the start of this message we have added numerous features. If anyone is interested, they will simply look at my previous posts and will see them and these features are getting better.

The fixes and adjustments are occurring at a pace appropriate for any new developed receiver.

I would suggest you calm down and stop using offensive words and cussing.

Thank you

Seriously, are you doing drugs? These remarks piss me off to no end. How can you even post comments like this to a customer? I have done Beta testing in the past on software numerous times, no where when I bought this receiver did I see anything saying I would be a Beta tester. If that's the case, then f*&#king pay me. If you didn't release this receiver, then who did? Santa Claus?

And no one is paying me, but someone should be, you. I am done with this thread, call me a jerk, a@@, whatever, but your customer support skills stink. I bought this receiver because I absolutely love my MIcroHD, but what made that a good receiver is obviously gone from your company.
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