General Hospital

How often do criminals go to PA's and ask to be put in prison? I mean, really? And she agreed to do it. So until they can get Michael out, I guess we are going to have prison scenes. Oh, yay.
Seriously, I wish I wasn't such a crier. I cried like 3 different times today watching the show. Mostly when Sonny said goodbye to Morgan. And at the same time, I was thinking the other Morgan would have been better. I really miss him. Then of course, when Sam and Jason were together. I'm not looking forward to Jason going to prison.
I'm not enjoying watching right now :(
The previews were messed up on friday so I didnt get them until today... Looks like a lot of this happened already. I can comment on the Brook Lyn thing though. Word is that Brook Lyn and Dante' knew each other and dated.

Michael tries to navigate the dangerous waters of prison life, and he encounters some people who might help him -- or might do him serious harm. Take a guess which ...
Meanwhile, Carly is working on her elaborate plan -- one that will ruin Dante AND Lulu. To that end, she brings a familiar face back to Port Charles: Brook Lynn Ashton, Tracy's granddaughter. But what does Brook Lynn know that would help Carly destroy Dante and Lulu?
Meanwhile, Jason's got a plan of his own, as this week he gets sent to prison. The point is to get inside and keep Michael safe -- but what if Jason's too late? Oh, and Jason, what about Sam? They spend one last, romantic night together before he's off to the clink.
Speaking of keeping loved ones safe, Alexis and Kristina have another confrontation with Warren Bauer. They're pretty freaked out by how dedicated Warren seems to be to ruining them. Look for a somewhat unexpected white knight to ride to their rescue: Nikolas. But maybe he's not such a white knight after all; he confronts Warren and uses that Cassadine dark side to issue some threats of his own.
All this, PLUS: Johnny and Ethan revisit an old idea and decide to team up to take Sonny down. After all, Sonny's attention is seriously divided, and Ethan hasn't exactly become any more Sonny-positive after the whole Kristina situation.

As for Sonny, it's likely he'll never see Johnny and Ethan coming. Not while he's busy fighting to keep Jax from adopting Morgan. Will he lose another son?
I don't think they know what they are heading for either. I have gotten the following rumors...........
Franco returns around June 30th …. I didn't like him so I am not looking forward to that.

Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis) will be off for a while soon. She has a comedy show called Back Talk. She is hoping to be able to do both shows but nobody knows at the moment. Hmmm that would be interesting if she didn't come back. Who would take care of Molly and Kristina?

"THEY SAY"............
that Jason will be badly beaten in prison and sent to GH…. That Michael will be released mid june…. That Jason escapes from prison the end of June.

That Carly pays Brook Lyn to seduce Dante'…. That Johnny shows an interest in Brook Lyn… that Brook Lyn gets hired as a model at Crimson

That Elizabeth and Nikolas get back together….. that Lucky gets a new girl but we don't know if it is Claire or Maxie…. That Maxie gets a new guy but we don't know if it is Lucky or Matt

Looks like a whole lot of "same old same old" to me. Can we just leave a couple alone for 5 min after they hit the sack before thowing someone/something at them?
How often do criminals go to PA's and ask to be put in prison? I mean, really? And she agreed to do it. So until they can get Michael out, I guess we are going to have prison scenes. Oh, yay.
Oh yes and Papa Zacchara scenes are just to thrilling....NOT!!! I have never heard that you can request your prison buddy????