General Hospital

I want Jason and Sam to get married too, but not while he's in prison. I want a good wedding that Molly can go to since she's been pushing for them to get married for awhile. :)

Is it just me, or are the Carly/Lulu scenes just obvious? I mean, Carly has an attitude and Lulu just seems to not notice it. It should be so clear to Lulu since she's known Carly forever.

Also, Kristina's bruises faded quicker than Michael's are now. I still don't like him, but I'm getting used to him.
The prison stuff needs to go bye-bye. It already seems like two years for Michael being in there.

How convenient for Brooklyn to be moving right across the hall from Dante and Lulu......stupid move Carly....way to obvious!!! It was kind of funny how Lulu was telling Dante that they reek of garlic.

Johnny hanging around with Kristina spells disaster. Does Johnny not remember what Ethan went through??? Ethan being all buddy buddy with her is nice but what guy would be hanging around a girl that falsely accused him of beating her.....not any that I know. I was waiting for Sam to go all "Kung Fu" on Johnny like she did Ethan when she saw Kristina with Johnny.

Are they planning on breaking up Olivia and Johnny? It seems to me that Olivia is consoling Sonny more than anyone......Johnny keeps hanging around with Kristina and Brooklyn....thinking that they are headed that way?
Dante accomplishes what everybody has been trying to do for weeks -- he gets Michael released from prison. Only there's one pretty major catch: Michael is released into Dante's sole custody!

What does this mean? Well, the biggest consequence is that Sonny is totally shut out of Michael's life -- and he is not happy about it. But an even bigger concern for everybody might be Michael's state of mind. He emerges from lock-up a very different person than when he went in
But what about Jason? He's still in prison ... and Franco's messages continue to pop up all over Port Charles. It becomes increasingly clear that Jason is needed to help draw Franco out into the open.
Meanwhile, Kristina continues to pretend to date Johnny in order to make Sonny angry. But it's not only Sonny who's being affected by this scheming. Olivia is really disturbed to see Johnny around town dating a high schooler. Is it worth it to Johnny to get under Sonny's skin if the collateral damage takes down his relationship with Olivia?
Nikolas tries to rescue Luke and Tracy from Helena's dungeon. Despite Nik's heroics, however, Lucky doesn't quite see him as the hero -- and this becomes yet another arena for the brothers' continuing feud.

All this, PLUS: Lisa and Steve take things to the next level in their flirty relationship, and Patrick gets really jealous. Which is not behavior becoming of a married man. Should we be concerned?
If you haven't heard -- Brenda is coming back to the show! Yes, for real; Vanessa Marcil is returning to GH. This is not a lie!
I saw on a preview that Sam (can't remember her name even though I absolutely LOVE her) is going to another show? Is she leaving GH?
Kelly Monaco be her name :)

She probably will leave due to Vanessa Marcil returning......but they have been claiming that Brenda would return for years. If she does she is one that did get physically thrown around by Sonny.

This storyline with Kristina and Johnny is just stooooopid.

Does the return of Franco mean the creepy music is coming back with him?

Great previews as always SG ;)
I don't like Claire Walsh's hair either. It's flat. The bangs look all messed up. I think she's going to sleep with Sonny soon. Did you see him flash his dimples today? It's gonna happen.
I think someone just hacked Maxie's hair off. It looks like a child did it :)

Franco's return cut the part about Jason being beat up and taken to the hospital where Monica had to take care of him. Too bad, I would have rather seen Monica and Jason together.

Michael gets out of jail but can not have any contact with Sonny. He is released into Dante's custody and must reside with Dante'.

Patrick punches out Steve and gets suspended from the hospital.

Kristina's plan with Johnny causes some real problems when Sonny sees them together. Sonny plans to (of all things) blow up Johnny with a car bomb and the plan goes bad.
I hope that the Judge realizes that Michael in jail with Jason is not what he ordered. The judge apparently wanted Michael to have no connection for two years to Carly, Sonny or Jason. I hope that when Michael gets out he not only cannot see Sonny but also cannot see Carly either, being that she perjured herself in court. That will definitely get Carly's goat knowing that Dante and Lulu can be around her son and not her. (Or maybe he can only see her like once a week being that she is his mother) I do hate to see Jason have to stay in prison when Michael leaves though......

This story with Kristina is nauseating.....she seems to me like Claudia probably was when she was growing up. Haha Sonny has a little Claudia for a daughter :devil:
I feel bad for Kristina on one hand, and can't stand her on the other. Yes, Sonny was verbally abusive to Claudia, but wasn't Claudia just as verbally abusive to Sonny? I believe so. That night of the party that Kristina saw Sonny go off on Claudia, she should have realized that her dad just found out that Claudia was the one that caused Michael to lose "a year" of his life. I think she is blowing the whole Claudia/abusiveness stuff out of proportion. She should be on her dad's side when it comes to Claudia. Being on Claudia's side is like not caring that she got Michael shot. I mean, I'm sorry she had a loser boyfriend that hit her, but he hit her to basically control her. Sonny obviously had no control over Claudia, they were very much equals in their marriage, equal in being crappy to each other, equal in wishing the other would basically keel over dead. Granted, the baby Claudia was carrying made Claudia just a little better in the end, but not by much. I'm with Sonny. Yeah, he's a gangster and people die around him, but I would much rather put up with him than Anthony Zakara. I think Carly is hilarious, everything she is doing and having Brooke do, is so obvious. Lulu is an idiot for not seeing the game. I've always liked Carly though (except when that one actress played her, the one between this Carly and the last Carly). The in-between Carly sucked.

Anyway, still don't like the nuMichael and thank the Lord we haven't been subjected to the nuMorgan.

They need to get on with the Liz/Nik/Lucky crap. Nik needs to leave her alone for 5 minutes. Let her be pregnant. Just let her be. I hope this investment she makes pays off for her. Even the nonmarried woman with 3 kids by 3 different dads needs to be rich. Everyone else is, why not her too? Helena needs to fall off a cliff. Oh, wait, she's done that already, hasn't she? Dang, someone needs to push her a little harder next time. :D
The investment will not pay off.... I'm sure of that.
Luke will be leaving for the summer pretty soon ... I think the 30th is his last air he won't be finding anything out. But I hear him & Lucky have a really great scene together before he leaves.
I think they are keeping NuMorgan off for a bit. He didn't rate very well with the fans. The pilot was not picked up so I really wish they would bring the good one back. NuMichael was a bit better tolerated.
Kristina is still glued to Johnny's side, and everybody from Sonny and Olivia to Alexis and Sam are trying to pry them apart. Sonny's about ready to blow his stack -- and he might just be mad enough to kill ...

Even Johnny wants to end things with Kristina. He's a good guy, after all -- even if his hate for Sonny clouds his judgment. But Kris isn't ready to let the charade end so soon. So once again, she makes sure Sonny sees her holding Johnny's hand. And Sonny decides he's not going to take it anymore.
Meanwhile, Michael is still adjusting to life outside of prison, and his family is adjusting to him living with Dante. Is Dante the guy to help Michael deal with his post-traumatic problems?
Carly sees how damaged her son has become, which only intensifies her desire to see Brook Lynn break up Dante and Lulu. But Brook Lynn might be more interested in Johnny. And she's not the only one ...
Dante doesn't even have time to worry about Brook Lynn, however, since messages from Franco are popping up all over town. Can Dante deal with the murderous artist alone? Or could this be Jason's ticket out of Pentonville?

Patrick's increasingly troubling jealousy over Lisa and Steve's romance continues. Lisa's all too happy to play the two guys off each other ... look for things to come to blows this week.

All this, PLUS: Tracy isn't about to forgive Luke for their marriage of lies. This week, she kicks Luke off his own boat!

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