General Hospital

The rumor site has a lot of stuff on it that is way out ahead. Not sure how they get this stuff but there were a couple things I found particularly interesting. The first one mostly. I'm not sure if either of you watched it that long ago.

Jonathan Jackson returns to GH in the role of Lucky Spencer on October 27th.

Look for some foreshadowing when Sam is mistaken for Claudia.

Mischa Cassadine makes her first appearance on September 30th.

The battle between Olivia and Claudia will get down and dirty.
And here are some news flashes regarding the above and more.......

According to SOAPnet, it has been confirmed that Jonathan Jackson will return to
his old role on General Hospital , as the original Lucky Spencer. Word is that he begins taping on Thursday, October 1st.
His first airdate is October 27th.
According to the report, Greg Vaughan has decided to leave the show. ABC's official statement: "Greg Vaughan has decided to vacate the role to explore new opportunities. We thank him for his years engaging our audience and dedication to the show and network. The cast and crew wish him well in all his future endeavors."
However, according to Greg Vaughan, his departure was NOT his choice. He tweeted, "As of today, with sad regrets, I will no longer be a part of what has been a big part of me and my family's life. GH and the powers that be have chosen to take a new direction. I THANK ALL of YOU, for the many memories we've shared and new ones to come!!! ALL MY LOVE, & BIG HUGS to YOU the FANS!!! I LOVE YOU ALL MORE!!!!"

Sarah Joy Brown is Leaving GH
Watch for her character, Claudia Zacharra, to make a dramatic exit during November sweeps.
It was Sarah's choice to leave in order to take on a leading role in an upcoming movie.
There are no plans at this time to bring Sarah back in the role of Claudia.

A New Casting Call
As mentioned in our Spoilerholic thread, it looks like GH is in the process of
casting a love interest for Michael. 17 year old, "Zoe", is smart, focused,
ambitous, secure and self-confident. She has a love of learning. She is a beautiful
"brainiac" who wants no distractions to get in the way of the big dreams she has
for her future. So much so, that "Zoe" is not interested in the usual adolescent
drama of her age group, nor the teenaged boys that come with it. In spite of
herself, and much to her annoyance, she will find herself attracted to a rebellious,
troubled young man.
I love Jonathan Jackson, but he will be a change from Greg. Greg's all buffed up and sexy, from what I remember of Jonathan, he was scrawny and pale. But it's been quite a few years since I've seen a picture of him, so maybe he's changed. Looking forward to him back in the role of Lucky.

I'll miss Claudia; she definitely brings the drama.

"Zoe" kinda sounds like another Kristina.

I knew Kate would look down her nose when Olivia mentioned Coleman. I say they need to get her drunk again, and make her and Coleman an item for a bit. Let Coleman have some fun; I'm sure he'd look great in any of Kate's fashionables. He'd probably look really good in a tux. She could take him to parties, instead of making Maxie or Lulu go with a date. No one has to know what he really does, and owning a bar is not so shabby.
Jonathan was pretty young when he was on the show. I haven't seen him in much since then either.
I thought the same thing about Zoe!
Claudia could have been more likeable. They made her act too crazy most of the time. I was shocked when they didn't have her go after Kristina. I had read that there was a front burner actress on an abc soap that was being written out because the actress was just too much of a pain in the patutti. I wonder if it was her.
I think it would be funny to pair Kate and Coleman too. It would make for some interesting moments :)
I know they do some storylines for educational purposes, but an abusive boyfriend is not my favorite one. I wish Kristina would dump the loser Kiefer, I don't like him. Why, if she is so smart, does she put up with his attitude?

What the heck is going on with Luke and Helena? That was a very odd scene. But I was so excited to see Luke again. He's one of my favorite characters on the show. Love it when he calls Tracy his "Little Pink Popsicle". Can't wait for the two of them to reunite, there will be fireworks...
How about "Spanky" I love that one.

Ok Really the previews foresee more and more interesting trouble!!!
Now that Claudia's learned all about how Dominic is Olivia's son with Sonny, you just know this means bad news for Olivia. Claudia has some pretty definite plans for how to hold it over Olivia's head, and it starts with getting her to break up with Johnny. Claudia may want to be careful what she wishes for, though. Breaking up Olivia and Johnny might just drive Liv to Sonny. That Claudia ... not too good at geometry. Meanwhile, Olivia wants to retaliate by ratting Claudia out to Jason.
And Claudia still wants to have another baby with Sonny, but he's not into that idea anymore. Does that stop Claudia? Not really. Her Plan B is kind of insane, though: to seduce and get pregnant by DOMINIC!
Meanwhile, Lulu and Ethan continue to search for Luke. They encounter a brand new Cassadine babe who actually wants to help them. Luke and Helena, meanwhile, are still locked up, and Helena knows the super-dangerous person behind the whole plot.
Back in Port Charles, Alexis witnesses yet another outburst from Michael, so she decides Kristina can no longer be around her brother. Carly is not happy to hear about this. Meanwhile, Alexis is totally oblivious to everything else Kristina's been up to. Like her increasingly unhealthy relationship with abusive Kiefer. Or how Sam is taking her to get birth control!

All this, PLUS: Jason recommits himself to connecting Claudia to Michael's shooting, and Jax and Carly try to pick out a baby name. Any suggestions for them?
That is great news that Jonathan Jackson is coming back, I remember when he left it was so weird to watch a different Lucky. Now we will miss Greg Vaughn and adjust to the original Lucky again. It would have been kinda cool if they had not killed off Emily...then they could have brought back the original Emily. The original Emily and Lucky were really cool together as best friends and all. Wow that was a long time ago.

Sarah Brown leaving is a shocker too. They had no other direction to go with her psychotic nature. Maybe she will come back as an angelic redhead. Nah I read that she is going to the Bold and the Beautiful. No more nostrils flaring.

One more note on Lucky returning....I bet his return will bring out what has happened between Liz and Nik, also wondering if now they will pair them together?
Great previews SatGal.....can you imagine if Claudia gets prego with Dante's child and leaves but then comes back with Sonny's granchild? That must be the way they let her go off the show rather than kill her off. It leaves the door with Rick. That would make Faulkenerry her babies grandmother. That would be a scary family reunion. :eek:

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