General Hospital

You can tell when HIFI gets bored :)

I haven't watched todays show yet. I did check the rumor boards and apparently Liz & Nicholas hit the sack ...... after Liz accepts Lucky's proposal. Complications are bound to arise but if they get her pregnant with Nicholas's kid after the whole thing with Jason it will be way too much. They keep mentioning abuse by Kieffer and both Sam and Molly are supposed to notice something wrong.
:) The cat is out of the bag! I know he has been waiting impatiently to find out who killed Stuart too. hehe

Well, I do not like the idea of Nicholas & Elizabeth together because I just think poor poor Lucky always seems to get the dirty end of the stick. BUT.... and notice that is a BIG but..... they are hot together :)
Liz needs to make up her mind. She has 2 kids by 2 different guys, and at the rate she's going, she's going to end up with Nikolas's baby as well. That's a bit much for her "innocent" character.
Well I finally caught up on all the shows...whew!!!

What happened to Max? Is he still alive or what?
So glad that Jake was ok....but this with Nikolas and Liz is really heating up. They were both outside of his room kissing and such....pretty brave in my opinion.
Did Olivia ever tell Sonny about Dominic/ Dante? I really did miss alot but I am now up to date.
Today was good seeing Jason and Sam together and so funny when they went downstairs to all the crew. Jason needs to change his locks or have Spinelli move. Liz will probably get pregnant with Nikolas' baby. Poor Lucky cannot seem to have a child of his own with her. Saint Liz has lost her title...again. But I guess it will make a good story. Brother on brother. :eek:
After all the angst and tragedy of the last few weeks, it would be nice for Port Charles to sit down to a nice, calm wedding. Too bad, then, that it's Maxie and Spinelli's nuptials we're talking about. It's time for them to walk down the aisle and say their vows -- but Maxie is still looking for any and all ways out. Without hurting Spinelli, of course. Will Maxie call off the wedding before it starts? And if she does make it down the aisle, what will she say when it comes to the "I do" part?
Meanwhile, things at the Corinthos household are a bit unsettled. Claudia decides she wants to have another baby with Sonny, for one thing. But Sonny's too busy pining for Olivia ... and plotting against Johnny. Would Sonny be so heartless as to take out Johnny just to get to Anthony ... and have Olivia to himself? And would Olivia break up with Johnny just to keep him safe?
As for Michael, he keeps on getting more and more memories back from when he was in a coma. Including one where Claudia apologizes to him for the shooting. What? Yes, you read it right. He remembers it. How's Claudia going to get out of this one -- or will she?
All this, PLUS: Sonny wants Dominic to be his live-in bodyguard, and Nikolas gets an attack of conscience and offers Ethan a cool million to take Rebecca away from Port Charles.
Has our thread died??? (j/k)

Spinelli and Maxie made it to the alter....only to have Spinelli back down?
It was cute how they showed what their kids might look like and how Lulu was a famous actress/model...she looked good with shorter hair. I am just still so happy that they put Jason and Sam back together. :)
I still pop in and out. Figured people must have gotten busy.

Another Port Charles secret becomes a whole lot less hidden when Claudia finds out that Dominic is Olivia and Sonny's son! So, essentially, Olivia's mortal enemy now has just about the most damning information that anyone can have on her. Oh the fun Claudia is going to have with this one!
In the meantime, get ready for the big return of Luke Spencer and Helena Cassadine. Helena has proven herself to be formidably insane in the past, but when we first see her this week, it looks like she may have gotten out-crazied by someone. Helena in peril? That's a new one. Anyway, Ethan and Lulu get a mysterious message and set out to find Luke, who also finds himself at the mercy of mystery villains. Look for a new face with a familiar name to cause problems for Luke and his loved ones.
Also this week, Michael continues to wrestle with his coma memories. He finally confronts Claudia, face-to-face, about whether she really told him she got him shot!
In Maxie and Spinelli Land, we pick up with Spinelli's admission of why he can't marry his beloved Maximista. Whether Maxie -- or someone else -- talks them out of it remains to be seen, but they are most definitely going to have a reception. Featuring ... karaoke! Yes, more GH actors will be singing karaoke!

All this, PLUS: Kristina might give in to Kiefer's pressure to have sex, and Elizabeth and Nikolas try to stay away from each other.
Great preview SatGal tyvm. So Claudia could spill the beans on Dominic? Interesting as to how that will play out and how does she know him from her past? I will love seeing Olivia jerk her way out of why she never told Sonny that he was his son. Sonny is in for a shocker. :eek:
Glad that Luke will return but with Helena? Oh my!!!
It should be getting near time for Carly to give birth....please let there be no drama there and let her have Jax's child this time. It would be really interesting for Sam to get pregnant(miracles do happen in soapland). I would love to see her and Jason have there own child together even though they have been told that they cannot. :angel::)
The following are rumors....... I expect a lot of them will be true.

Patrick and Robin put on their yenta hats.
Coleman sets up the karaoke machine at Robins request;
everyone serenades the couple.
The garter and bouquet are thrown, and caught
by Jason and Sam, respectively, after the wedding that wasn't.
Dante puts a smile on Lulu's face.

The evening turns into a karaoke night with more memorable performances.
Ollivia's secret is uncovered by Claudia.
Ethan and Lulu discuss the mysterious messages.

Kate ties one on and spends the evening flirting with someone surprising.
Kate realizes that Olivia's son is in Port Charles.

Dante and Olivia urge Kate to keep their relationship on the down low.

Ethan and Lulu receive mysterious messages.
In an unlikely scenario, Helena and Luke are captured and
held hostage whom? A woman!
Meanwhile, Helena is ill.

After overhearing Sonny tell Mike he may have a child with Claudia
out of guilt for Kristina's actions, K pleads with him to reconsider having
another baby he doesn't want.

A mystery person frees Luke from his cell.
Luke goes in search of Helena.
Under pressure from Kiefer, Kristina must decide just how far she is willing to go.

Kristina makes the error of inviting Kiefer to her bedroom.

Kiefer tries to come between Kristina and Michael.
After being interrupted by Sam, Kristina and Kiefer go to a
motel room, where Kiefer becomes angry when she changes her mind.
Kristina makes excuses for Kiefer's temper.

Helena tries to warn Nikolas; she has a warning for Luke as well.
Ethan is surprised when Lulu appears on his flight to Greece.
Sonny promises to be a better father to Kristina; Alexis won't be enthusiastic.
Claudia toys with Dante in Olivia's presence.

Sonny asks Dominic to uncover the leak in his organization
Michael has some questions for Claudia.
Claudia manages to cover.
Kristina wants Sam's help in obtaining birthcontrol.
Claudia lets Oliva know that she knows the truth about her son.

Mac sees Spinelli in a new, much more positive light;
Spixie contemplate living together (not at Jason's place)

Sam is on a stakeout when she is surprised by Jason.
Jason and Sam discuss their relationship.
I got to catch up on all of my soaps this weekend!
OK I love Dante'/Dominic. I hope they keep him around for a long time.... somehow. I also like him with Lulu.
Ethan's speech has gotten better. He isn't doing the thing with his mouth as much.
I think they are making a sap out of Lucky though. It's a shame what they are doing to his character. I think they never should have put him & Elizabeth back together just to do the Nicholas/Liz thing.
I can't believe Sonny ..... nuff said.
I got to catch up on all of my soaps this weekend!
OK I love Dante'/Dominic. I hope they keep him around for a long time.... somehow. I also like him with Lulu.
Ethan's speech has gotten better. He isn't doing the thing with his mouth as much.
I think they are making a sap out of Lucky though. It's a shame what they are doing to his character. I think they never should have put him & Elizabeth back together just to do the Nicholas/Liz thing.
I can't believe Sonny ..... nuff said.
OK fun karaoke
Mac can dance... Patrick can not dance OR sing.
Little Morgan is really a cute enjoyable kid in spite of the ever changing voice. Molly is really cute but she can't sing either.
Coleman and Kate? not once she is sober! But Coleman deserves someone. Poor guy doesn't get to do much. Fun
Actually I bet you enjoy it :) Now I'm off to catch up on "the other" soaps hehe
You were so right on enjoying Mac and Patrick stunk, I think that Mac may have actually been drunk or should say that he was. Molly and Morgan were cute but definitely off key. Kate and Coleman still does not jive though. It was humorously strange. Maxie and Spinelli were so sweet. Loved Jason and Sam together.
Bet ole Sonny boy gets ticked at Kate as well for knowing about Dante/ convenient for Claudia to be around to hear that from a drunken Kate. Wil Kate continue this relation with Coleman??????? :confused::yikes

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