Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

Just checked NYMEX gas price. The April 2012 contract is up nearly 20% since mid December. Gas is currently trading at $3.02 per gallon.
Tack on an additional 60 to 90 cents for delivery, taxes and profit and we're looking at $4 gas by the end of April.
Some analysts are predicting a national average of $4.50 per gallon by the peak of the summer driving season.
2012 is setting up to suck worse than 2011 for sure.
Thanks Mr President.
We're at 3.25, but the great greedy state of NC will raise the tax by another 4 cents on 1-1-2012. :mad:
Gas jumped another 10 cents per gallon yesterday. Most places ( Charlotte, NC area)are now between $3.50 and $3.60 per gal..
That's an increase of 30 to 40 cents since mid December.
One station, a Kangaroo went from $3.49 to $3.62 in one day. The Shell across the road went up 10 cents to $3.59 then backed off to $3.55 yesterday. The one that is $3.62 had to back off the 7 cent difference and went down to $3.59.
This summer we're looking at $100 fill ups for trucks and SUV's. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for a friggin tank of gas..
I am so glad I am out of the satellite contract tech business. It's just not affordable to go to work for those guys.
Doesn't make sense as the Brent Crude hasn't gone up that much and WTI actually went down. Meanwhile, largest oil drilling is being done in the US ever. We're at $3.54 here.
I believe there are still market jitters over the situation in Iran regarding IAEA nuclear inspectors. The other issue is Iran's sabre rattling over the Strait of Hormuz.
I checked for futures prices.
WTI are up across the board through the Dec 2012 contract. Prices are in the $101.50 to $102.00 range while gasoline futures are also up.
The Apr 2012 contract is at $3.01 per gallon. The Feb 2012 is up 2 cents to $2.89.
The USD usually a good indicator of where prices can go is mixed vs major currencies.
Gas prices have stabilized here in the Chalotte, NC area with most stations charging $3.55 - $3.60 per gal for regular. In nearby parts of SC where the gas tax is 24 cents lower than NC, prices are in the mid $3.20's to $3.30...
Prices overall are up 40 cents per gallon since Christmas weekend.
Some analysts are predicting avg prices for regular should be around $4 per gallon by late spring while a few others are going as high as $4.50 through the peak of the summer driving season.
Needless to say this is bad news for anyone who must operate a motor vehicle for a living. And of course those costs will effect consumers as well.
Jumped .10 cents to $3.09 here yesterday. I figured the prices were going to rise, as my sisters and I inherited the mineral rights to my grandparents old property in central Oklahoma. My royalty almost tripled this past month. When prices are low they only pump from one of the wells and when they are rising they pump from both wells.

Chaparral manufacturing/engineering software and firmware lot on eBay

The guy on the customer service phone from WeaKnees is a complete jerk.
