Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

Paid $3.44 with 3 cent discount at Wal Mart...
still holding steady here in the mid $3.80's.
From May 3rd's high of nearly $3.50 per gallon, NYMEX RBOB gasoline is trading at $2.91 per gallon.
Distributors and retailers are holding prices as high as they can to recoup losses.
We should see prices begin to fall in the next couple of weeks.
Paid $3.44 with 3 cent discount at Wal Mart...
Upper $3.50's here.
Our prices will be rising slightly in NC on July 1st. Due to an obscure state law, the gas tax is recalculated every 6 months. The tax more or less follows the wholesale market price. The tax will rise by 2.5 cents. This will make NC's gas tax 35 cents per gallon. That is the third highest in the nation. I live near the SC state line. The SC gas tax is just 16 cents per gallon. The higher tax chases drivers over the border to buy gas. I am one of them
. Gas prices in SC near here are in the high $3.30's.
Today, the Obama admin announced the release of 60 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Oil Reserve. This sent oil and gas prices tumbling through the regular trading day. This purely political move seems to have backfired. Overnight trading in both oil and gasoline futures is up about 1.5% from yesterday's (6/23) close.
Meanwhile. looking at futures prices, the Dec 2011 gasoline contract is at $2.6449 per gallon. That indicates gasoline prices will continue a slow downward slide for the next 6 months.
Mid to upper $3.60's here.
I read a story that really just pisses me off.
The EU has decided to give Greece $155 billion in bailout money. Because of this, oil traders ran up the price of crude to nearly $100 per barrel. The story stated that because of the move, higher demand for oil is expected. HUH?!!!!
WTF does Greece have to do with how much oil China buys or whether or not Americans decide to take a driving vacation?
I have come to the conclusion that neither oil analysts nor traders have a friggin clue, so they buy up tons of oil and gas futures then sell them off one or two days later.
Still close to $4 here. Costco is never much more of a savings for us here. It is usually about 5 to 10 cents less a gallon. For a 10 to 20 gallon tank the most someone would save is $1 to $2/per fill up.

For me the difference is less. I have to use premium gas. At most gas stations I fill up with 89 octane. Costco does not carry that grade so I have to go up to the higher grade, 91 octane. The difference between 91 octane at Costco and 89 at other stations is usually about 1 to 2 cents. Never worth me waiting in a long line just to save $0.40, IMO
Yeah the company that runs the Wal Mart gas station got into it with Wal Mart so you cannot get the 3cent discount by using the Wal Mart gift card there so I do not gas up there anymore... instead I go to Murphy right by it when I'm working and need to gas up at night. (Wal Mart card made it painless as I don't like to carry that much cash & don't like to use debit or credit card at pump).
Been holding at $3.22 -- $3.29 for a week or so, we are higher than some spots in the state...
Prices have not budged for weeks.
Now for some troubling news. I just read a story about renewed sectarian violence in Nigeria. So far no oil installations have been affected. but as always, oil production usually gets interrupted to some degree
whenever this stuff goes on .
I would expect in typical fashion oil traders will try to spike the price of oil ....See ya Monday.
Prices sliding a bit here. Lowest is $3.33 for reg. Other areas around Charlotte, regular can be found for about $3.25. In nearby areas of South Carolina gas is in the low $3 teens. Saw gas as low as $3.10.
Was in Virginia this weekend and saw gas as low as $3.01.
Looked at and see for the Southeast, Anderson, SC as low as $2.88. In Virginia, Roanoke is in the upper $2.70's

Chaparral manufacturing/engineering software and firmware lot on eBay

The guy on the customer service phone from WeaKnees is a complete jerk.
