Objects at the western liberation point (105W)
Well, after an afternoon of manual searching, having searched all the common names of TVRO sats except Galaxy, (which I forgot), I was just about to post that I found 3, Satcom C5, GSTAR 1, and GSTAR 3. I think your list is a wee bit more complete.

With just 3 there, I still had my doubts, thinking maybe those were still under control, but with all those there, it does seem like a crowded spot.

The one thing I DID notice, however, which is interesting, and that is these all have approximately the same orbital radius as the regular geosync sats. I guess it makes sense that if this is a stable orbital spot that they should be geosynchronous, and not kicked up into a higher orbit, which is what we normall hear has been done to sats about to die. Most of the old dead sats that are circling the earth are in a higher orbit, either because they have been kicked up there, or due to normal decay. It seems like this 105W slot is quite crowded, and isn't a very safe place for an expensive communications sat, and yet we have a couple there now. Although most of the dead sats there are significantly inclined, so it's not like they're constantly in the box. But still it seems strange that they'd even use that orbital slot.
I'm also still curious whether all of the sats in there were actually placed there, or if they were able to decay there on their own, rather than oscillating back and forth like the tracking programs predict. I notice a couple GOES sats in the list. I think Kelso keeps archival keps for at least some GOES sats. Might be interesting to look through the old keps to see how those sats got there.
Anyway, neat. I must admit being surprised at this. I've always heard about these spots, but never really believed that they could really be as stable as people suggested, but it's pretty clear that I was wrong. I still have my doubts that objects would end up there if they weren't placed there, but I'll probably end up wrong on that too.