I don't know how long FTA will last.But...how many of us will be around in 15 or 20 years to care? We are an ageing group like Amateur Radio and CB.

Heck,even desktop computers are on the way out.The days of installing an application on the PC are fading fast.Youth today want to do everything in the 'Cloud'.(I'm old-fashioned....I want my crap where
I have control of it) Try to find a small appliance repair shop or shoe repair shop.I hope to be around a good while longer and hopefully FTA will last at least that long.
The sad thing is: FTA could have been better utilized.Imagine if K band carried the major networks ITC and the Public was informed on the equipment needed
.The initial cost wouldn't be that much greater than setting up a long range FTA system,maybe less.Maybe the Feds could have given partial vouchers for K band systems to rural users instead of those digital converter vouchers which were useless in areas with no/limited OTA reception! TV's could sell with onboard FTA receivers installed.Not only would the rural population benefit ,but the internet backbone would be less stressed from the video downloading that is happening now.( Interesting side note: I have not watched Netflix since setting up the bud! I'm sure I will eventually,but so far the bud has prevented me from streaming 20 or 30 movies.Youtube use is down as well) HOA's
should prefer small dishes to large long range OTA antennas mounted at heights.I'm not against OTA...I just can't receive it in my location.
Why does a commercial on FTA have any less advertisement value than watching it on OTA? The wife wants that incredible, amazing 'swirly mop thingy' she saw on FTA just as much as if she saw it advertised elsewhere.

I'm stupid I guess...but why wouldn't broadcasters WANT FTA'ers to watch the programming and ads.(I'm not talking subscription channels here)
The fact is that neither private corporations nor the politicos are overly concerned with the rural population.Not enough financial gain for the former,not enough votes for the latter.Rural areas will gradually be left further and further behind in the race for internet bandwith.
I don't believe that the 'old-fashioned' concept of streaming channels will continue many more years.Video on demand is what the younger generation want.Like being on a morphine drip in the hospital and the nurse gives you the feed button....happiness is just a click away.
How many more years does OTA have left as well? And will there be anyone left that cries at the funeral? I still listen to AM radio quite often....but how many people would even notice if it disappeared tomorrow?
I'm not saying the Future will be bad...but it will be a heck of a lot different.
And now if you vote me for President, I promise.....