Future of C-Band Paid Programming

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Judging by infrastructure problems plaguing everything, the direction of the world economy, the nature of technology being built according to global demand and the actual problems with Internet delivery C-Band should have a future equivalent to income tax; therefore remaining a viable option for paid programming. Our local ISP is hyping fibre optics so users can get to the bottlenecks even quicker. We have never experienced a problem on the paid connection to the telco office. Why should we, it is not cable-based so the line is not shared. When there is a problem it is far from our short, expensive segment. Speed tests are only of value to addresses we want to access. Getting to where we don't want to be has never been a problem so is not worth incurring any additional expense.

There are a few other aspects of land line subscriptions that don't appeal to me. We transfer enough money to the few remaining owners of the Internet, telephone, cable, entertainment, sports, online shopping corporations rolled into one for convenient billing. If I truly wanted to have my opinion given to me I could simply turn off the electronics and get lots of personally crafted directives for free. Satellite technology lets us get what we want and are willing to subscribe to without having to pay anyone to determine if it is right for us and then deliver it.
...Satellite technology lets us get what we want and are willing to subscribe to without having to pay anyone to determine if it is right for us and then deliver it.
I agree. Like shortwave radio broadcasts, FTA satellite broadcasts are difficult for governments or anybody to censor or physically prevent. This could continue to be important in future since attempts by some governments at controlling information received by the masses will not go out of style.
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Oh my god what kind of character is this? How is anything this clown has here even legal? And how did I cross such a loser besides Google? I feel so bleeping stupid right now.
Not stupid cause you asked, before spending a thousand dollars on an outdated receiver, for one channel...if that even works. :coco
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Oh my god what kind of character is this? How is anything this clown has here even legal? And how did I cross such a loser besides Google? I feel so bleeping stupid right now.
Don't feel bad. I got excited when I found that website too. Then the good people here at Satellite Guys set me straight! ;)
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I'm listening to this radio feed right now too. I'm gone from feeling really stupid to getting really mad. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/satell...tion-1?AID=CJSource&utm_source=CJ&PID=6147007

Okay, back to the original plan. Repair my dishes, get my feed arms built, see what's there, and go from there. And hope Rudolph there gets a reindeer antler rammed up in where the sun doesn't shine like he desperately deserves.:mad
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Besides, close to $1,000 for equipment and one channel? I don't think so. My LNB rail will have a DBS LNB on 119 and another one on 110 and I'll be on the phone with Dish before I do that.
I just retired so my days of watching TV may be coming to an end. Retirees simply can't afford these ridiculus subscription costs. When my 12 foot dish is destroyed by wind/hail/tornado I'll be done (or maybe I'll continue with Netflix). Current TV programs are disappointing anyway.
Current TV programs are disappointing anyway.

I agree. I got rid of paid programing because it all sucked! Discovery and TLC went all "reality". I don't care who the LardASSians or KardASSian's are or who they are dating either. Pay TV is all dumbed down for the masses.

I have way better TV now then I ever did. And its fun finding new channels.

Hopefully I will have a stockpile of dishes to last me until the day I die.
Very briefly, just about all methods of past communication continue in existence. Mail, wired phone and telegraph, radio, satellite. Probably the economics favors fiber optics, so while I am expecting satellite tv to continue, I see fiber as the wave of the future. Satellite providers have to pay for the research, building, launching, maintaining and replacing satellites. Fiber optics can be installed and glass fibers last almost forever.

I like having my big dish, but ten years from now it might be an antique piece of vintage artwork attached to my roof.
There will always be a need for satellite, both Ku and C-Band. Fibre optics are very expensive to lay, and are non existent in rural areas. There is no more economical tool to propagate information to a widespread geographic location than satellite distribution.
C band and ku will not be disappearing anytime soon. Too many rural areas with rough terrain that make landlines and fiber impossible or financially prohibitive. I agree mainstream cable channels are dumbed down. Free to air is a lot more fun.
The Future of C-Band Paid Programming: there isn't one. And anything left up there for free and unencrypted will be gone in the coming decades as television networks phase out satellite uplinking completely in favor of 100% fiber distribution. Communications over any infrastructure but the Internet fiber backbones are not long for this world.

C Band is going to continue to dying and paid subscriptions for C Band are dead already without the ability to get any HD channels. No one wants to pay for a handful of standard definition channels that they have to put up a big object in their yard in today's era of 1080p online video and pizza satellite, cable, fiber, and telecom television - all of which are better quality than 4DTV these days. Why would you put up a C Band dish to subscribe to TV when DirecTV/Dish Network have over 100 HD channels and you do it all with a much easier to manage pizza dish?

None of the networks are going to want to offer people a way to subscribe directly to their HD master feeds on C Band before they stop satellite distribution either.

By the time cable is dead thanks to Internet streaming and piracy and the traditional TV model has to move to a la carte everything will be distributed via fiber and Internet streaming. Satellites are already being taken out of the picture completely. Networks will offer a way to subscribe to them individually again, but only via the Internet as they stop uplinking to satellites and the transition to full Internet distribution is complete. C Band's final years are here and they are hobbyist years only. Enjoy it while it lasts. Ku Band will stick around a lot longer to serve those very rural areas which will still require satellite a long time in the future.
I'm finally glad,that someone on this site knows everything about everything.
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I would like to think that FTA satellite technology will continue, but I admit I am not predicting it. The biggest issue is the nature and expense of rocket propulsion. We still use chemical rockets - basically WWII technology.. As far as fiber being expensive, it isn't - at least compared to designing, building, maintaining and replacing satellites- and then building, fueling and launching the rockets that carry them. There have just been too few advancements in the technology surrounding rocketry. Our only hope for the continuation of consumer satellites is if a technology is brought in that is 1/10 the cost of current rocketry costs.

Sure, the military and governments will have need of satellites for at least a hundred more years, but that doesn't mean those satellites will broadcast C or Ku FTA television.

Look, I am happy I get the FTA I receive. I hope it never ends. But I also have fiber optic internet and can't help noticing the quantity of video available on there. The bandwidth on fiber is just so wide that it almost seems like there is unlimited space on there to add any amount of any kind of video. I enjoy my FTA and I rejoice monthly when I don't have to send money to a faceless corporation for TV that I mostly find useless. But long term, I am not bullish on satellite FTA
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