The Future of C-Band Paid Programming: there isn't one. And anything left up there for free and unencrypted will be gone in the coming decades as television networks phase out satellite uplinking completely in favor of 100% fiber distribution. Communications over any infrastructure but the Internet fiber backbones are not long for this world.
C Band is going to continue to dying and paid subscriptions for C Band are dead already without the ability to get any HD channels. No one wants to pay for a handful of standard definition channels that they have to put up a big object in their yard in today's era of 1080p online video and pizza satellite, cable, fiber, and telecom television - all of which are better quality than 4DTV these days. Why would you put up a C Band dish to subscribe to TV when DirecTV/Dish Network have over 100 HD channels and you do it all with a much easier to manage pizza dish?
None of the networks are going to want to offer people a way to subscribe directly to their HD master feeds on C Band before they stop satellite distribution either.
By the time cable is dead thanks to Internet streaming and piracy and the traditional TV model has to move to a la carte everything will be distributed via fiber and Internet streaming. Satellites are already being taken out of the picture completely. Networks will offer a way to subscribe to them individually again, but only via the Internet as they stop uplinking to satellites and the transition to full Internet distribution is complete. C Band's final years are here and they are hobbyist years only. Enjoy it while it lasts. Ku Band will stick around a lot longer to serve those very rural areas which will still require satellite a long time in the future.
Xizer said:I'm quite content with my 300 Mbps Verizon FiOS connection + every single HD channel on their system equipped with three Ceton InfiniTV 4 CableCARD™ tuners allowing for 12 channels to be recorded/viewed simultaneously on my 20 terabyte HTPC + phone service for $200 a month.
It's a better value than what those rip off cell phone companies are charging these days.
Dana Carvey's Church Lady voice, "Well aren't you special."
How do you have the 300Mbps service yet when it is not even scheduled to be offered until June 17? Also, how do you have it, and all that for $200 per month, when Verizion states it will be $205 per month for JUST the Internet, and that is with a 2 year commitment. That is all according to a PC World article about the service. Also, if you are so content, what are you doing trolling around in a C/Ku Band FTA forum?
$2400/year for TV/phone?!
So why do you use a Road Runner connection?
I am smelling BS here big time.
Let's just say I have a lot of resources.
You can check the IP of this post if you'd like. It's from my FiOS connection.
Scott Greczkowski said:So why do you use a Road Runner connection?
I am smelling BS here big time.
cyberham said:<img src=""/>
You guys don't have the right connections...
Stay tuned!
There are changes coming!![]()
so why dont you tell us then?????
still waiting............