Does anyone know the age of those family feud episodes? It's my wife's favorite to watch, but damn! I think I recognize many families!
Yes, even with season, episode number, and date listings in the description, it can be hard to tell how old the episodes actually are, since the descriptions do not seem to be accurate. Just looking at tonight's listings, at 7 PM Eastern, the Fitzgerald Family vs. the Kennedy Family (episode 438) was from 8/16/18. However, the very next episode at 7:30 has the Kennedy Family (I am assuming the same family from the previous episode) vs. the Shearer Family (episode 273) from 6/24/18. I doubt that this is accurate, since it would seem odd that two appearances by the same family had such a long gap between dates. On the other hand, it also seems odd that there were over a hundred new episodes over such a relatively short time span, so the episode numbering is probably not right, either.
Going forward, the episodes from 8 PM to 9:30 PM would seem to be correct, with dates of 10/2/17 and 10/3/17. However, the episode at 10 PM, also featuring the Fabiano Family, is listed as 9/18/15. At 10:30 PM, the Tucker Family vs. the Fabiano Family is from 9/21/15. However, the very next episode at 11 PM, also featuring the Tucker Family, is from 7/16/18.
I suppose it is possible that there was more than one family with the same last name in each of these examples. However, it seems like too much of a concidence that they would be airing back-to-back, unless someone was scheduling it that way on purpose. I realize that providing accurate season, episode number, and date information for game shows is not exactly a high priority, but it would be nice if this were more accurate, just for the sake of DVR users.
Having said all that, I prefer to watch Family Feud on BUZZR, channel 245, where I know I will see a really old episode hosted by Richard Dawson or Ray Combs.