The drug experiment girl was a hoot.
Heck yeah I'm hooked, so FOX will probably cancel it. Haven't watched last nights show yet.
I am beginning to have hope that it will be treated well by FOX. It seems to almost be an Xfiles now. Instead of aliens you have the alternate reality.
AGREED! Great show keep them coming!:upLast week's one of the best.
That's a holdover from when this thread was originally created, since it's produced by the same guy.The last thing we need is another LOST!
I agree, but it would be a good twist to find out the main baddie is alt-Walter, and I can't see the producers failing to take advantage of it.I wonder if the other dimension necessarily has a Walter that is on the same wave length as this dimension? I mean maybe that Walter is dead? Or not as smart as this dimension? After all this dimension's Peter is dead already , so why not that dimension's Walter be dead too.
That's a holdover from when this thread was originally created, since it's produced by the same guy.
Be nice if a mod would just rename it to just "Fringe", especially since it's been 2 years, and Lost doesn't figure anymore into the equation.