I sure liked the way Oliva looked with her 1940's hairdo. It was very feminine , curly and sexy and the red lipstick made her lips really pop. The story was something that Walter could conjure up in his demented mind , that dealt with his loss of Peter. The period costume and themed episode reminded me of something the show "Moonlighting" did years ago with Cybil Shepard singing in 1940s costumer on top of a piano.
I guess it's possible, but I just can't see the Walternator doing anything outside of tinkering with his lab toys. Of course, my view may be skewed based on our Walter missing a few pieces of his brain. ;)

Speaking of brain...what ever happened to the missing pieces of Walter's brain? I remember watching the episode "Grey Matters" in which pieces of Walter's brain containing memories of building the gateway were removed and implanted in others (causing everyone involved to go crazy), but I don't recall what happened to them after they were temporarily reconnected by the shape-shifters. I can only assume they were taken by Newton?

Your questions were answered last night. And my "Secretary" theory was right.:D
They were indeed, and you were correct. I thought last night's episode was so-so...until Mr. Secretary stepped into Peter's model room. Next weeks episode should be a good one. :)

Actually, I thought it was one of the best. I like the way Peter worked with Martha (the Sheriff). Unencumbered by all the other stuff. A good mystery.
Good episode this evening. I love how Walternator is the "Secretary of Defense" and how he created the "Fringe" program to address anamolies in the universe created by Walter coming through the worm hold and stealing Peter. And I love how Peter went with Walternator back to the alternate universe, which will now cause the destruction of one or both worlds.
Good episode this evening. I love how Walternator is the "Secretary of Defense" and how he created the "Fringe" program to address anamolies in the universe created by Walter coming through the worm hold and stealing Peter. And I love how Peter went with Walternator back to the alternate universe, which will now cause the destruction of one or both worlds.
Did I miss an episode? I don't remember ever seeing the other "kids" before.
Did I miss an episode? I don't remember ever seeing the other "kids" before.
I was thinking the same thing since Agent Dunham spent a couple-three episodes tracking down someone who was killing her fellow child experimentees...and I didn't recall these "kids" being mentioned much less Agent Broyles funding these continued experiments. It's like the writers needed to write them into the "war of the world" plot regardless of any script anomalies. BTW, I still have no idea what purpose the observers serve. The writers should just forget about these guys like they never existed...sort of like Chuck Cunningham on Happy Days.
Seems to me that the other world has better ,more advanced technology that we don't have. Bad thing of course is for the Fringe anomolies that seem to be all over their New York.
Walternator said at one point that OUR technology was in advance of theirs. Must be a balancing between universes...we exceed in some areas, they in others.

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