Actually, PQ on BluRay titles releasing now is equal to PQ on HD-DVDs releasing right now. I am not refering to titles already released. I am not interested in many titles that were released earlier. However, since I am now buying my movies in a HD format, I am interested in how those movies are looking now. And BluRay PQ has improved and has matched the HD-DVD PQ results. Same titles now being released on both formats are getting the same marks-period.
The only differance is on Audio Quality. Sometimes HD-DVD has the better sound track and sometimes the BluRay has the better sound track. So to me, today with new movies releasing on both BluRay and HD-DVD formats the PQ is basically the same. No amount of cajoling will return the market to July-September 2006 when the HD-DVD camp was producing great looking movies and the BluRay camp was offering up a defective player and some very badly converted movies for early release. (Sony has even appologized for The Fifth Element BluRay release and has promised a 50gb version to make ammends soon) . Going back to that market is not going to happen. And as Disney and Fox and Century21 and Sony Pictures(if they start producing good reproductions) start releasing their titles the number of good movies on BluRay with great PQ is going up. Now if we can just get Warner to stop shorting their BluRay release on the audio side of the equation.
As for this being BluRay vs HD-DVD--- you are making it that way by denying that BluRay PQ has improved to the point of being even with HD-DVD. You want to believe that BluRay cannot do the same PQ as HD-DVD however in the last 5 titles that were released on both formats all reviewers stated the same - no noticable differances period. So as I said before -- buy the player for the format that has the movies you want to watch and enjoy. And this is creating a 'vs' situation how? It is only there because the BluRay camp has significantly more studios in their corner for movie production and early HD-DVD adopters do not want to be left holding the bag. Well, I have also stated that I want both formats to succeed. I believe there is enough market for both to succeed and that competition will bring better products and better prices. How does that drive the 'vs' situation?
I think I was right earlier. I am not driving the 'vs' -- HD-DVD adopters are. I post something that is positive for the BluRay Format and you guys come out of your closets like I am taking away all of your candy. I am not doing that, but I also am not going to let you slight the BluRay Format when they have been making good strides in providing a good product just like the HD-DVD Format has been doing.
New visiters here should be able to get good information about both formats and make up their minds for themselves without prejudice. My providing information about the BluRay product equaling the very fine HD-DVD product out there should not cause anyone here any problems -- unless you fear that HD-DVD will fail. Can't see that happening if M$ is backing them but maybe you can. If so, you are stating your fears when you attack a product that has been steadily improving.
You are right the title for this should not of been 'catching up' it should of been 'caught up'! Thank you for pointing this out.