FLASH: Dish 811 now $199 for Existing Customers!

Re: 811 receiver deal

oldman said:
normang, If you saw my previous post,you would have seen I have been communicating with CSR's And Supervisors at Dish. So I was at the mall, where Radio Shack is there vendor, Radio Shack salesmen knew nothing of a promo for existing customers for the 811 receiver

I missed your previous post, and without looking for it to understand your specific situation, the best I can say based on my original reply is that RS and Sears and Costco, or whereever you might find Dish equipment, they are not going to be aware, and even if they were, they probably are not in a position to offer you or anyone the 811 deal... Norm
Re: Couldn't get $149 deal....

cmotycka said:
I've been an AT100 customer for 3+ years plus purchased the ESPN NCAA basketball package every year and they wouldn't extend to me the 'exclusive' offer. I also offered to sign up for the HD package and autopay with credit card and still no dice. I've written to the CEO (thanks for the email address). So, by not getting my $10/month for the HD package and now I won't subscribe to the ESPN NCAA basketball package, E* has lost about $200 annually by not offering to save me $50 one time. I believe with my subscription fees and the initial cost of my dish, I've spent approximately $1400. Not sure why they're willing to alienate so many good customers this way. Doesn't make good business sense to me. I talked to 3 different CSR and a CSR super and didn't get anywhere. They claim the 'exclusive' offer is by random selection. Seriously considering D*.

UPDATE: I was called Saturday by Mickey from E* regarding my email and was informed that I was an "exclusive" customer and could get the 811 for $149. He stated that customers that paid for their programming annually had be inadvertently overlooked in the pricing program the CSR use. So...to make a long story short, I'm getting the 811 installed on Saturday, 12/13 and can't wait! I gotta admit that E* seems to have come through for me. Good Luck!
that paid for their programming annually had be inadvertently overlooked in the pricing program the CSR use

That's exactly what happened to me with the 6000 .
Hmm, I pay annually and got recognized as exclusive on the first morning of the offer! Sounds like an excuse...
Tried calling today.
CSR said that since i am a DHP leaser (even thought I just added a purchased 6000($149)), I can get the 811 for a mere $399!!
What a shaft.
I was scheduled for 811 install for tomorrow morning 12/9. Just got off the phone with the local Dish retailer. Apparently, they don't have any 811s due to the snowstorm and now i have been pushed back to 12/17. Oh well....
I had an install scheduled for today between 12 and 5. I got a call last friday reminding me of the install. After taking the afternoon, at 1:30 I got a call from the installer saying they didn't have any 811's and neither did Dish. I was not happy! I called and reschedules for 12/16. I hope they have one this time.
Attention all DHP customers!!!

Attention: ---- DHP Customers ----

From what I've experienced, and from what I've read from other DHP subscribers who have been through the same or similar:

You would be throwing $250 away to buy the 811 at $399. I'm not saying that the 811 isn't worth it. I'm saying that you should be able to get it at $149.

Caveat -- Assuming you've been a loyal DHP customer for some reasonable period of time.

I called the CSR line at 1-800-333-3474 a few times. I spoke with Linda and her supervisor Richard. The next time I spoke with Shawna and her supervisor Denny. The end result was that these folks are no better than poorly written program/bots. They either can't think and solve problems, or aren't given the latitude to think and solve problems. To give them the benefit of the doubt, I'm thinking that their hands are tied and they aren't given the latitude and power to solve problems.

I wound up firing off an email to ceo@echostar.com as others have suggested. Actually, I fired off two emails (one each to the supervisors I talked to above, Richard and Denny), and I carbon copied these emails to the ceo address. The ceo address must be a generic catch all address for the executive CSR program at 1-866-443-5162. I played phone tag leaving messages with Danny Rodriguez for the past few days, but I finally got in touch with him this evening.

The end result is this -- the executive CSR branch has the power to give you the $149 deal for the 811. Not only that, but I will say from my experience, that Danny at the exec CSR line knows how to talk to a customer. I'm not saying he has to smooch anyone's derrier, I'm just saying he knows how to treat a customer with respect and dignity on the phone. The other folks at the regular CSR line should take a lesson on that, especially the so-called supervisors. It was the executive CSR branch that saved a customer.

Thanks Danny.

Chris... :D
Installer was susposed to come this morning. He did not show up. This is the second time, they were a no show, No call, nothing. I called yesterday and confirmed that they had 811's and would be here. Now they are saying they did not get any 811's in, but I will be the first one to get one installed when(if ever) they get one in. I sent an email to ceo@echostar.com and ask for a credit on my Visa or for Dish to ship an 811 to me directly immediately. We will see.
Just call dish and talk to a supervisor (if you already did that sorry). A missed appointment was worth $25 to me after talking to a supervisor. They would not ship me an 811 directly no matter what though.
$25 I would have laughed in there face.

That's an insult to most people that take off a day of work waiting for some installer to call at 4pm saying that he want make it
811 installs...

Well, I was set up for tomorrow December 13th (Saturday) for my install between noon and 5pm. You gotta love a 5 hour window. At any rate, that's the time that exec CSR gave me.

Since then, I had Dishnetwork call to confirm that date and time, twice now. The last confirmation was yesterday.

Today, I get a call from the installation company saying that they're going to have to cancel tomorrow's install, because they don't have any 811 receivers that Dish was supposed to send them. Now the earliest that they can install the thing is December 18th (Thursday) between 8am and noon. Well, at least it's only a 4 hour window.

My bitch here is, Why would Exec CSR give me a date and time, and then Dish themselves call to confirm this date and time twice, when they can't seem to get the damned receiver to the installer in that amount of time?

$25 I would have laughed in there face.

That's an insult to most people that take off a day of work waiting for some installer to call at 4pm saying that he want make it

Who said anything about the installer calling? They just totally missed the appointment. I really let them have it. I had to drag the $25 out of them. I'll take it though. Are people actually getting more for their inconviences? If so it will be interesting to know.
American Digital Systems out of south St Louis left me a voice message a couple of days before the install date and advised that they were out of 811s for about a month and for me to call back for a new install date. I didn't call back right a way and yesterday the installer arrived anyway and did the installation. I naturally kept silent about the cancellation call. However, they did take my 5000 and remote and said that was policy on a replacement installation(?) This kind of irked me since I may need that remote someday. I asked if they were going to resell it and was told no that they would just "turn it in" whatever that means.

And I refer to them as "installers" not technicians. When I asked him why he had not programmed my OTA locals, he removed the antenna coax and put it directly into the TV. I told him that wouldn't work because I needed the 8VSB function for OTA digital channels. I ended up doing it correctly myself. So watch the installer carefully.
They should NOT have taken your equipment.

Email ceo@echostar.com and let them know your not happy about this.

I bet you get your 5000 back. :)
Emailing the ceo is a waste of time, the person that calls you back is just another csr. What a waste of time. I ordered my 811 on Dec 2 and the installer has missed two appointments and does not know when he will receive any 811s. Also, they did not call and cancel, both times they just did not show up. I called them.
My local Dish retailer called me today to let me know that she had 811's available and if WED would be ok to install.

Well like so much other rhetoric that goes on about hardware, I tongue in cheek agreed to a Wed install. We will see.

Oh, BTW, I get my Hitachi 57S500 same day! Woohoo!

(I hope the HDTV gets here first though..)

I suppose I could have the installer hook it to the hypothetical HDTV that 'supposed' to be there, just like the 921 PVR that was 'supposed' to be in my living room on Dec 1.

What should I do with the 811 'if' the 921 comes out in the next month or so. Send it back to E* or is it mine?
Regarding my post Dec 14th stating the 811 installer took the 5000 w/remote and said that was the policy on getting the 811 (and marked it on the paperwork), I did email ceo@echostar.com and have yet to receive a reply. It would be nice if an official policy on this issue was posted on this site so customers could print it or show it to the installer if he tries to take their old receiver (assuming that it is not E*'s policy to do so). If I get a reply to my email, I'll share it here. If not, I'll send a snail mail if a phone call doesn't do the trick.
red hazard said:
Regarding my post Dec 14th stating the 811 installer took the 5000 w/remote and said that was the policy on getting the 811 (and marked it on the paperwork), I did email ceo@echostar.com and have yet to receive a reply. It would be nice if an official policy on this issue was posted on this site so customers could print it or show it to the installer if he tries to take their old receiver (assuming that it is not E*'s policy to do so). If I get a reply to my email, I'll share it here. If not, I'll send a snail mail if a phone call doesn't do the trick.

Here's a very simple solution; if the installer insist on taking YOUR 5000 receiver because it is "policy", politely tell the installer you want written proof of said policy or the police will will be called the second he walks out of your house with "YOUR" property.

Sorry, Virginia, it looks like there really is no Santa ...

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