FLASH: Dish 811 now $199 for Existing Customers!

How are you guys getting around "there is no upgrade offer for DHP customers"? I talked to a CSR & a supervisor who said it is impossible for a DHP subscriber to get this upgrade offer. Only the $399 retail price was available.
Re: Couldn't get $149 deal....

CSR roulette. Unbelievable. Not unique to E*, but still unbelievable the level of churn. Given that we know they're reading this forum, you'd think fixing the CSR inconsistent stories would be a priority, but I guess not.

cmotycka said:
I've been an AT100 customer for 3+ years plus purchased the ESPN NCAA basketball package every year and they wouldn't extend to me the 'exclusive' offer. [...] I believe with my subscription fees and the initial cost of my dish, I've spent approximately $1400.
That would seem to blow my $1K total theory. It's beginning to look like CSR roulette, again.

Come on guys, the $200 deal is still a pretty darn good deal. The CSRs probably say it is random, cause is how is appears when it comes up on their screen. They are probably not prepared for someone to ask why they don't get the $150 deal, cause most people don't know about it. CSRs should be informed to not say "it is random", but anybody knowledgable enough to know about the $150 rebate, should be knowledgable enough to know that in fact it is not random.

I have no problems with dish having the levels of discounts that they do, and I think they have to do the right thing and follow these levels.

Just for reference, I was not able to get the $150 811 deal, only the $200 deal. Including sports packages, my bill for the past year is just around
$50 a month, the year before probably $40. This future year, it will be around $61 (sports packages included). My guess is sports packages do not figure into the equation. I would love to get the $149 deal, but in the end, $200 for a hdtv receiver is quite a deal still.
What does it take to be a good customer

I called on Thursday night and ordered the 811. The CSR would not give me the 149 deal. I got the 199 deal. I tried to get the CSR to explain why I didn't qualify, The CSR said it was random and it changed every week. I think she told me that to shut me up. I was a little upset after being a customer of theirs for over 4 years. I called back Friday morning to let the supervisor know how unhappy I was but she didn't seem to care. I don't think the reps a dish have a clue to what's going on with this promotion. In 4 years I have never missed or been late on a payment. When they wanted bank withdraws, I meet their request. I am really considering cancelling my order and switching to Zoom or DTV. :evil:
I just called to order the 811 and the CSR told me that I should go to my local retailer to see if they can give me $149 deal. I asked her if I needed to pay the $149 to Dish Network first so that they could set up a meeting with the installer and she said no, that I should go directly to my local retailer and pay them the $149. This is a lot of crap, right? Probably got confused with the other promotion but she insisted that it was $149.

Another question, Can I order my receiver directly from Dish without the intervention of the local retailers for the installation? She told that this wasn't possible.
DHP poopied on.

I just don't get it.

Back on page 12 you'll see that KevinW and StevenD are DHP customers and they were able to get the 811 upgrade deal.

I am getting very upset with Dish. I'm thinking that if they don't have an 811 upgrade solution for me in the $150 to $200 range by Wednesday, that they can kiss my arse goodbye.

For the record, I've been with them for 4 years. I've had no less than AT150 and HBO from the beginning. I have had America's Everything Pack plus locals now at $90 / month for almost 3 years. I have had credit card pay from almost the beginning.

I'm wanting to add another $10 in services with the HD package. I have no clue how a company can be this stupid, and adopt policies that will drive their customers to the competition.
Seems to me that DHP users already got a good deal when they signed up. To get another deal on the back of a currently in progress deal seems a little much to ask.

To demand the 811-$149 deal on top of DHP or threaten to leave (which I don't think you can because you have a contract with DHP for at least a year if I recall) just seems to be bit much...
I signed up for DHP/Digital Dynamite almost 5 years ago and spend about $105/month in programming. My contract is LONG over and I think I have more than earned a discount on the 811.

Brother, I understand what you're trying to say. But maybe you didn't read my post, or had trouble understanding it.

I've been with Dish for 4 years on this plan. When I signed up, it was the only plan that my retailer even bothered to offer me. So when you say that I got a good deal already (4 years ago), and that I don't deserve another one, I think you're off your rocker.

I've chummed up a lot of money to Dish in the past 4 years. I think that the 4900 and 2700 model receivers that I've had over that entire time frame have been MORE than payed for by the rental fees that I'm charged, and if not by that then at least by the money that I spend on services at $90 a month.

The bottom line here is that Dish has these BS blanket rules about what DHP customers can or can not get eligability to, and quite frankly it's stupid.

If in some way you think that I'm a lesser deserving customer than anyone else, then please spell out why.

I think I read somewhere that the only customers that COULD get a new 522 receiver were DHP customers, and new ones at that. Why should DHP customers get to have a 522 receiver over a non-DHP customer? A non-DHP customer could have had 7 years of service, and lots of $$$ in programming over that span, purchased several thousands of $$$ in receivers over that time, and yet they can't get a 522 because they aren't a new DHP customer? Stupid.

Wakeup Dish.
If you've been a Dish Customer for a couple years or more and started as a DHP customer, then I agree, you should be afforded the same rewards as any other customer.

The problem of course is the seeming indiscriminate manner in which one is preferred or not.

Course if you can still get the $199 deal, then I still don't think thats bad at all.
I went to Radioshack this morning and the only deal they had with the 811 receiver was for 1st timers and it was $49.00. They knew of no deals for existing customers. I have been an excellent customer for over 4 yrs. and also spent a lot of money with them, buying movies,basketball packages,etc. I have no existing contract and paid a lot for my disk and install over 4 years ago. Give us a break D* or a least put our some correct information on why some customers are special and others can go to H. I am very upset with this whole deal. :twisted:
oldman, the deal being discussed here is only from calling Dish, you cannot go to Sears or Radio Shack and expect to get the deal on the 811 being discussed here...
So knows who my original dealer is? Can Dish tell me that?

Unless you recently became an E* customer it is rather doubtful E* will be able to tell you who the "retailer of record" is. I suggest you look at the contracts that you signed, retailer information should be on the paperwork.
Well, I call the normal number...get 1 CSR -- $399 my only option..but says he'll transfer me to another dept....that person says "sorry no offers for DHP people"...aargh

Call exec office..I'm a 'special' customer, not an 'exclusive' customer...so I have another 1 year agreement...so / so on that issue..but.whatever..I'll stay till next Dec minimum. Install date of Sunday the 14th. Price of $199. Told them it would be an add-on reciever, not a replacement. Forgot to ask, but called back and was told that it would include necessary switches and other hardware for installation.

So we will see......

Well guess what? I was scheduled for an 811 install tomorrow afternoon and the installer just called to inform me that they dont have it in stock. He said it should be late next week, but he wouldnt give me a firm estimate.

Now I have to take off work for them to come out. Im on the phone with an Exec CSR right now.
My neighbor was bumped from his Free Dish 811 intallation today and rescheduled for Monday PM. No reason given.

I have my appointment for tomorrow AM for just an 811 "delivery" and have yet to have a call to cancel. Fingers crossed.
gpflepsen said:
My neighbor was bumped from his Free Dish 811 intallation today and rescheduled for Monday PM. No reason given.

I have my appointment for tomorrow AM for just an 811 "delivery" and have yet to have a call to cancel. Fingers crossed.

I'm in the same boat gpflepsen. I am set for an AM install tomorrow and have yet to get a cancel call. But, when this happened with the 6000 and they cancelled my install due to no shipment of them, they waited until about 9pm the night before.
811 receiver deal

normang, If you saw my previous post,you would have seen I have been communicating with CSR's And Supervisors at Dish. So I was at the mall, where Radio Shack is there vendor, Radio Shack salesmen knew nothing of a promo for existing customers for the 811 receiver
"Radio Shack salesmen knew nothing of a promo for existing customers for the 811 receiver"

What a shocker that is!

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