Attention all DHP customers!!!
Attention: ---- DHP Customers ----
From what I've experienced, and from what I've read from other DHP subscribers who have been through the same or similar:
You would be throwing $250 away to buy the 811 at $399. I'm not saying that the 811 isn't worth it. I'm saying that you should be able to get it at $149.
Caveat -- Assuming you've been a loyal DHP customer for some reasonable period of time.
I called the CSR line at 1-800-333-3474 a few times. I spoke with Linda and her supervisor Richard. The next time I spoke with Shawna and her supervisor Denny. The end result was that these folks are no better than poorly written program/bots. They either can't think and solve problems, or aren't given the latitude to think and solve problems. To give them the benefit of the doubt, I'm thinking that their hands are tied and they aren't given the latitude and power to solve problems.
I wound up firing off an email to as others have suggested. Actually, I fired off two emails (one each to the supervisors I talked to above, Richard and Denny), and I carbon copied these emails to the ceo address. The ceo address must be a generic catch all address for the executive CSR program at 1-866-443-5162. I played phone tag leaving messages with Danny Rodriguez for the past few days, but I finally got in touch with him this evening.
The end result is this -- the executive CSR branch has the power to give you the $149 deal for the 811. Not only that, but I will say from my experience, that Danny at the exec CSR line knows how to talk to a customer. I'm not saying he has to smooch anyone's derrier, I'm just saying he knows how to treat a customer with respect and dignity on the phone. The other folks at the regular CSR line should take a lesson on that, especially the so-called supervisors. It was the executive CSR branch that saved a customer.
Thanks Danny.